
http://feeds.feedburner.com/AHvj super big state the

 These talented persons are the Zu fairies of low rank, way Xu saint the son unwillingly calculate in the Zu fairy top is medium rank, and the hillock is old man's a Class.Zu fairy in still have high level, extremely peak, even have some Evil-doer, abnormal condition.
The Zu fairy is also divided into 369 etc..
In this, should not begin, so the square is cold, way Xu saint son, Chen one eyebrow ascended elder to conceal his/her own body too much, in case is disheveled hair now.
"Tu is just" waited a person for the place of the getting into of swagger transmission best and occupied core position, then sat upright down, grand swept she for a while on all sides, start jiao talking.O.K. didn't discover a square cold etc. person.
"Senior, this time the sale meeting of world alliance, incredibly let other people compete first of.You promote an afraid of step of the state of arriving the Zu fairy and is postponing."
"Yes, the Buddha light oil of that saint fairy Class didn't auction off and promoted Zu fairy, all the difficulties."After a few pupils sit upright down, discussion in succession, for Tu just blared gravamen.
"This also has no what."Tu just way:"I early have a plan, even if there is no the Buddha light of saint fairy Class oil, I only is difficulty a point as usual can promote for the time immemorial Zu fairy just, everythings all get ready.Have 90% nine confidences, purchase that light oil, however is increase 100% just.To, have you already checked?Those No.77 reserved box, also have the No.2 the reserved box in of is what person?The male really believes in, your news most for the quick, declare six ears work properly a king, want necessarily have already asked around what, say to listen to?"
"I naturally the muckraker came out, the whole day boundary in, in addition to some somebodies of invincibilities, have no me to explore an out of hearing secret."A body just a little lost the enforcing the law of xiao pupil body to move for a while and also presented male Ba the dignity of the world:"Those No.77 reserved box in of is to go to heaven as a fairy men a lately- promoted core pupil, be called breeze good luck.On getting into the temple of the gods of world alliance, print the southern temple of the south temple noble family great, kneel on the ground.Asked for many troubles."
"?Is thus overbearing?"
"Is quite good, in last time,http://feeds.feedburner.com/AHvj, he got into ghost Wu Sheng Jun's last home xue and seemed is got an evil way of an ancient sage, the tradition of the bone saint, very of no longer enforce the law pupil at the our forehead absolute being jail badly under.It is very likely will also promote to Zu fairy of state, he this sale walked the oil lamp of saint fairy Buddha, be for promoting Zu fairy to do preparation."
"Good!Really crush under foot iron shoe have never found place to get all don't take a lot of work!Wait I to go to falsely state, arrive falsely a house, that falsely Mu cloud grasp out, go to heaven as a fairy men to ask actually.We come out this time, taking part in the sale will be next in importance, mainly for the sake of the survey yu mansion, the prince of gold Ge cause of death, see throughout whether perish together.Still have the Cao positive sun these discard and impermanent news.That falsely Mu cloud still have this breeze good luck and seem ever and yu mansion prince Mu permitted a private to agree on like, went to ghost together Wu Sheng Jun last home xue.To is malicious to investigate Be not afraid of them to defy!"One enforces the law pupil a clap big tu ǐ .
"Is quite good, these people entertain rebellious scheme, made in the sky.The dead shortage cherishes."Tu just face up present a sneer.
"Senior, do we want Luo to knit criminal charges?"One enforces the law pupil to shake:"This is perhaps a bit unappropriate, after all and falsely house and go to heaven as a fairy men to have some bars."
"Hum!What Luo knit criminal charges?I take orders a forehead sign this time the Zhao come and investigate a lot of rights of the cases, oneself say of a lot of words is an authority."Tu just once the big hand grasped, the air repeatedly exploded:"That breeze good luck I and the competition is a dead end.Directly say that he has a suspicion and brings in the forehead absolute being jail survey to him and directly imprisons when the time comes, life and death molestation, he has to confess to false charges under torture and settle bottom,go to heaven as a fairy men and dare and say three four?"
"The senior is astute."
"The male really believes in, there is also the person of those No.2 reserved boxes?Exactly is who?"The Tu just asked a way again.
"That person's senior is still a not good offense." Declare"six ears work properly a king" of male really Zong Dao:"Is this person is very likely to be to lately kill of son, kill for a sky, inheritting of gentleman orthodoxy of teachings person, fly to rise to come up from the customs.Have ghost absolute being difficult measure of intention to murder."
"?Kill for a sky, does the orthodoxy of teachings of gentleman inherit a person?"The Tu just was that what face s è is a burst of and ferocious, seemed to meet to defied the affair of spirit first, however he keep on being slowly quiet later on, the hideous smile variety for deeply sinking smiled:"That also has no what, however see be killing for a sky, on the face of gentleman, at enmity with he disputes.The son killed doesn't only have him a , chose from many people, finally made sure 1 comes.Kill rite in of toughen, the slightest unlike we the absolute being jail is easy.The achievement that wants to see future, my achievement, necessarily at he on."
"Senior great talent, and then own 8 to float a Tu, in the near future, can successively increase, arrive to make a person can not Qi and of height."A pupil starts flattering.
"Senior, this time go a house falsely, investigate falsely Mu cloud, don't know to have what viewpoint have no?Hear that falsely Mu cloud country s è joss-stick in the sky is the body of born yu bone ice muscle, is the world rare?Doing not know that the senior has interest to enjoy is some kind of, adopted to repair the body of her yu bone ice muscle, for fix for be of great benefit."
A pupil y í n smiles.
"This certainly, the body of yu bone ice muscle is also a rare physical endowment.Nv person in, there are many fairy bodies, the body of aloes wood, the body of l ù in the sky, work properly the body of water, soft and red body …….These nv sons is a rare boundary strange sky Pa, get 1 to adopt to repair it, can strengthen oneself physical endowment."Butcher a big hand of Gang again is without basis on grasping, seem and grasp absolute power to hold in hand, " this falsely Mu cloud can not succeed in escaping my palm heart."
"That congratulates senior and was a bridegroom again."
"Ha ha."…………….
"Damn!"The square is cold to listen to everythings all hear in, the intention to murder livings, " originally this group, actually come to investigate ghost Wu Sheng Jun last home xue in of the whole affairs.However this also no wonder that, ghost Wu Sheng Jun's last home xue in, killed so many forehead superiors, not the survey also doesn't in the past say all of a sudden.However want to lend the power of survey, disadvantageous to me, is ten thousand ten thousand can not tolerate.Must truely seek an opportunity, done in complete secrecily polish off them?"
The square trembles with fear medium again calculate.
This if not that he at the time since idea go to falsely state, also true of Be getting more dangerous.Falsely Mu cloud may can not succeed in escaping this group absolute being very much jail to enforce the law the evil hands of pupil.
Falsely Mu cloud is the physical endowment of yu bone ice muscle, have a fatal attraction to the man.
These absolute being jail pupil, hold big power, the real strenght is invincible, completely lawless and godless, what affairs all dry come out.
The transmission urged and shuttled in the unreal, not is half of two-hour period, Xuan ground in the sky turns.Then one earthquake, environment variety, came right away moreover a big state in.
This heavy state presented in everywhere light and free breathing, smoke rain dim moonlight, have the poetry painting the idea to therein flow to drip, landscape such as painting, river water Chan Chan, beauty incomparable, run about therein, there is a Chan idea arising spontaneously.
This is"falsely state".
Falsely the state is also a super big state, there are numerous men partieses, however occupy to predominate influence among them of is house falsely, ever and falsely the emperor's descendant.Own the blood of emperor's.
"Also only this waits delicately beautiful ground of, so as to be born yu bone ice muscle."The Tu just waited the person came out from the transmission, saw an everywhere scenery such as the painting, rich brocade mountain and stream, not from must also the Ze Ze praise highly.
"Senior, falsely real core in the house not at falsely state thou city in, but at falsely Zhou mountain in.Are we how to dos?Directly left for, still go falsely state thou men door within city, let them notify?"One enforces the law a pupil way.
"Hum?We directly go falsely in the Zhou mountain, we is what identity, also is going to notify?Absolutely is a joke?Falsely house even if is an emperor falsely at of time, can challenge the thunder emperor dignity of gentleman for sky?"Butcher Gang to fly a transmission, a

