
Beats By Dr Dre Studio completed seven

Far ,Xiao dragon smell and is not strange, but the Fairy Statue of the turbulent social completed ,in the sky far outside holding Fukuyama Norimasentaka also be rash and too much in haste to ,that were the first to the five willow Xianzun is unhappy : Xianzun ,is really lost ,hold from this Wan Li Fukuyama ,Fairy Statue still trouble here ,do not know why ? , relationresultFan Zhen did notreply, low hope : it is the dragon ,little falls lake there are dragon in ,it is a bit odd .
, relationresultFive willowheart gas, deep voice says : this have what is strange, when he was born ,it is I can fathom ,ha lake is the Dongyuan Xian under the jurisdiction of the aura ,abundant, all spirit ,Shenlong optional this lake in the normal .
, relationresultFan Zhen also feltjust impolite ,turn the head face several Fairy Statue ,protracted hand salute : you Fairy Statue ,fan really polite ,is confused by what he said just now was the heart ,escape one ,don ,however ,four delta universal is the fairyland ,my arms in Fushan is West source ,but there is no source of fairy door said ,Iyanagi Sentaka said the Dongyuan fairy door is what meaning ? , relationresultVantrue just finished talking ,listen to someone in the distance sneer: if five willow says ,the fairy statue is south source fairy door person, this is not to be ha Lake ? The voice just off ,one has to fly to the fairy statue near, yuan is the morning mountain Hua Baixian statue .
relationresultFive willowface with slight green, the mouth is very politely said : I had no idea ,China Baixian respect Mo misunderstanding .Since two from afar, we as owners have not refusing the guests to the truth .
, relationresultHua BaiI laugh ,he cursed : talk, or trying to master ,hum !Dragon Master choosing is see providence fate ,and the landlord can not half . At this time, Iyanagi Ya was unable to bear ,the longer the delay ,the more people want to ,this ,five willow to all the Fairy Statue said: the dragon is born for a long time, including the reason is unknown ,in order to avoid acts accidents, together we will continue to be the Dragon ? , relationresultTheseimmortal statue of keeping fit in easily with this thought ,life ,each is immortal in the empty waiting ,prohibition law banned ,so as not to disturb the dragon ,metasomatism is completed, seven Fairy Statue slowly to Lake fly ,a pose as a person of high morals ,SAGE-like type ,the body cloud week ,Miao phase Cham ran successfully ,foot was born cloud ,carried the fog ,it is seven true Xian Tao ,the seven is full of confidence ,like dragon will recognize has mainly .
relationresultOf course,just outside like is unable to obtain the Dragon heart ,the next step is to transfer and dragon gods wish to intersection ,friendly ,true ,the thread form Daowu ,merit ,Cheshire ,charity ,although they do not have ,but is not does not mean cannot be delivered ,with seven human minds ,a meditation session ,what the heart would have .
relationresultUnfortunately,the dragon has been looked at seven cents a respect ,there is no other reaction ,seven Fairy Statue are folded nor Rao people, had started on the dragon dragon fart ,but other people do not know ,will countless praise to the gods wish the vocabulary accumulated passed to the dragon ,look forward to this breakthrough .
.. .. , relationresultNine Seahave begun to light-headedness ,Yang night needed for performing tasks also forget to clean out completely ,so don how to deal with it ,the heart and the seven lorry wordy guy to swallow ,but looked carefully ,but found the seven men look like a benign countenance ,but heavily-guarded ,cannot succeed .
.. .. At this time, a very faint gods wish to hear from the zenith ,he Yang night rather earnest voice : hurry up ,has the formidable role coming . , relationresultThe third chapter ask for trouble .
relationresultFive willowXianzun is talk of love when, suddenly has been static if the dragon sculpture groaned ,immediately from the dragon with a gods wish to return ,the mind immediately emerged out of a spell .
This spell although eccentric, may five Liu was also recognized , is God ... .although only a short section of incomplete ,also let five willow heart God shook more than, is to read the question ,but the dragon body dragon scale suddenly bursts purple light ,with five orange eyes ,we can clearly see dragon scale edge light transfer ,is swollen .
relationresultNot good ,to restore the original dragon . The idea has just risen ,Iyanagi Sentaka had to fly back Baizhang ,although I do not know why to restore the original dragon ,five willow is not willing to be the dragon body to hit .
At the same time ,the six immortals statue also exit the Baizhang ,look different ,his eyes are registered irrepressible joy ... .. , relationresultHowever,they are not far enough back ,purple dragon suddenly swell of nearly a thousand times ,only the tail will ha lake to fully occupy ,every piece of dragon Lindou has the size of a man, the first is to the zenith ,the immortal lies incessantly .
Retreat ,for a time, the purple light lighting days ,let the distance from the brilliant clouds be cast into the shade .Then ,dragon head office as dehiscence of a dark portal ,the dragon is can scarcely wait will head into it ,in the blink of an eye, the dragon body sway the gusty wind has drilling half .
relationresultAt this moment,the immortal idea is brilliant to tell you this ,seven fairy statue ,stone coal ,Cheng Qian and others want to do be of no great importance ,since there is no what they do .
And the Fairy Statue of seeing the dragon will be flying off the fairyland ,almost shouted in unison: the magical key left . , relationresultSevenfairy statue at the same purpose driven, first very tacit and incantations, pinch seal, to display their most famous ,the most powerful Immortal Dragon will leave ,suddenly see ,dehiscence of the portal, a purple golden light falling ,seven Fairy Statue of how eye ,micro focus he recognized a jade pad .
.. .. Exudes Zijin SG jade pad means nothing, seven Fairy Statue of don ,but they do know ,if he would play the immortal head words ,can be compared to others a lot slower than the .
relationresultKeepthe dragon ?Or ,seizing a jade pad ?relationresultSixImmortal King did not hesitate to choose the latter ,but the yuan and Ming pat slow ,Beats By Dr Dre Studio,at this time if he play immortal tactic ,single-handedly, also how not dragon .
See the six Fairy Statue of extremely fast shadowless ,life practice all of flight dynamics ,the same as a Fairy Statue Square ,under the watchful eyes of the people ,attack plot is violating the law ,now only than those who fast .
relationresultIs justthe blink of an eye ,holes in instrument market . ,a collection of .Almost at the same time, another five cents Chun also appeared out ,face livid .In the fairyland ,all to the opportunity for Providence ,who get return who all ,Zhang Shi battle force usurpations, but right inverse will move, and if it is indifferent to inaction ,violated the law of felony ,so it can be compared to the speed ,it can only watch helplessly in the instrument .
The pink collection note in my arms .relationresultAt this time,the dragon has disappeared ,the billowing clouds has been to, see nearly a thousand purple fairy look solemn in hundred men and women ,Fairchild breakdown ,such as a zhongxinggongyue surrounded by a person ,its surface long white beard, a square face rhinoplasty ,slightly drooping eyelids are still not covered in the eyes of Project Yi Yi sg . Related articles:

