
www.beatsbydrdreaustralian.com xactly handed over t

!Now we are in each words that here say, all absolutely can'ting have anyone can hear!You had better say quickly!If what you say is an useless talk, so I promise, hereafter don't you ever think to walk into my laboratory!Don't also think to get any new material here from I again!"

"Living creature Cang!"

Quickly vomited so three words in the thunder fox.

He saw the history flying Gao one eye:"The living creature Cang of that blue and bloody girl!Was what I brought back to come from Chen Xiao's home at that time."

He imitates a Buddha to smile very profound unfathomablely:"You should remember, I at the beginning hand in to write very clearly in a ground of report:Chen Xiao drive infection ground that decontamination medicine, in fact have been hiding in that living creature Cang, only none of us knows, the result was found out by that kid of Chen Xiao, to?"

"That's right."History Gao Fei light way, his tone inside some disaffection:"This affair is your responsibilities!Really see ghost!Two excellent members of field work set send to keep watch on Chen Xiao.But incredibly hasn't been thoughting of does the medicine hide in the living creature Cang?But make Chen Xiao find out first!This kind of mistake, absolutely be incapable!"

"It isn't such."The thunder fox shakes.His facial expression also fell grave:"History Gao Fei, factual true facts BE:Connect me at inside, be all concealed!"

"Are you what mean?"

"That kid why will know the bottom ground that to open living creature Cang dark space?He is commonly just a kid, at he 18-year-old life in, have never seen so precise instrument!Does he how can anyone know want to check bottom?Then imitate a Buddha to early know that the bottom hides thing similar!"The history sneer way of Gao Fei Leng:"Is someone to tell his!"


"Is red seven have a problem."

The thunder fox hesitated for a while and finally spoke up.

He is in the sneer:"None of us knows that the medicine hides in the living creature Cang underground department!But red seven but know!Is that she told that boy and hinted that he checks the bottom of living creature Cang!"

"Still have?"History Gao Fei knits the brows:"And.Are you how can anyone know again?Always can't be red seven that little girlses to tell yours by himself/herself!"

"You listen to me finishing saying first!"

History Gao Fei light way:"I first don't know as well.But afterwards, the diary that I ever and cautiously once saw that should be Chen Xiao's mother leaving, very obviously, the behind of that diary.Have a message!That message not is give Chen Xiao,dr dre beats, but give black 3 groundses!Is also say, black three should once see that diary!"

Eyes that the history flies Gao are immediately bright!

"I once checked afterwards, that diary, always and decontamination medicine the base dark space that put in the living creature Cang together in!"The smiling face of thunder fox is a bit uncanny, cold sneer way:"So appeared the first problem:Is since black three saw diary, so she impossible saw diary, but didn't see a decontamination medicine!Because two things basically put at together!To?"

"Have a reason!"Eyes that the history flies Gao are also getting brighter.

"Certainly.There being also a possibility is originally a diary be not with medicine put together, but ……the living creature Cang was Chen Xiao's parents to entrust in those early years to black three of!Is also say, my guess, even if diary originally be not with medicine put together, but can only also the ability is black three personally put day at under the base!So, whatever explanation ……the conclusion only have 1:Is black three.She absolutely isn't likely to don't know medicine ground existence!"

The history Gao Fei Di's breath starts urgent.

"Is black three is our person.Although she is lowestly three sets of classes, should also know a lot of affairs that should know!With her cognition.The importance that isn't likely to don't know that!But she conceals not report!"Thunder fox purse one's lips a smile:"So, derivation next problem!"

"This is completely naked betrayal behavior."History Gao Fei disaffection of call way:"See ghost!That absolutely too importance!Black 3 ……I see be passed to the report of Chen Xiao's affair, although black his parents in Sha-ho have a friendship,she is a built-up member first!We all once took an oath!!Thus important affair, but conceal not report ……"

"If, did she report?"Thunder fox light way:"If, there is such a possibility, she reported, but report not is handed over to me!But is handed over to others?"

The voice of thunder fox is very cold:"Is black three once accepted my training, I understood her personality, although she pays attention to feelings very much,can't does generally speaking this kind of because of personal relations but the damage organization affair of benefits.So, I guess, she didn't conceal, but such as actually reported, only, the contents of the report, exactly handed over to who ……anyway isn't my thunder fox to continue to sneer at a way:"We again downwards analytical, you cautiously want:The time of beginning, we be just the affairs that this affair consider as personally breaching of the general to stipulate to accept to entrust to define of, black three also was subjected to a certain punishment.But, even if the organization didn't value to this affair, but ……according to our procedures, afterwards since have already sent red seven and does black 72 people's keeping watch on protection Chen Xiao , so, how may have never sent a person to check that living creature Cang?"

His voice is very mysterious:"Even if we formerly didn't value.But check living creature Cang according to the procedure.Is an inevitable link!But, now that check, why have no can the bottom check from the living creature Cang that?"

Gao Fei of history is finally startled.

"According to the procedure, check living creature Cang of the person is surveillance to protect a Chen Xiao Di person!Is also say, isn't black seven, is red seven!Their 2 peoples all have a suspicion."

Thunder fox long way:"But according to afterwards the development of affair, black seven be expeled a suspicion.Because she combines to have no knowledge very obviously.Because at that time is that she discovered Chen Xiao the bottom took out a medicine from the living creature Cang.Frightened under, hastily make moves to intrude into Chen Xiao's home, resulted in medicine's revealing as a result, Chen Xiao drive medicine infection.And black seven consequently lost remarkable talent-from this analysis, black seven is innocently."

His corner of mouth presents one smiling of silk cruelty idea:"So, the affair became clear:Is red seven have a suspicion!"

"You ……have ever investigated?"History Gao Fei knits the brows, he really knows the friend's personality and behaviour means of in front.The "survey" said by him, in fact be interrogate!

"Yes, I once investigated."The thunder fox sighed tone:"Old friend, you cautiously want, is first black three wrong.She didn't hand over to me the report, but handed over to other someones-I doubt is ground in the committee other key figures.Then, red seven also wrong, red seven also concealed a circumstance to have no to me if actually make collective report, know, I am seven grounds of red direct leadership.One is black three, one is red seven.All of 2 people are the excellent members of field works set.Can let two leg mans of different sets do bad behavior at the same time ……you think, may be 2 people personally behavior?If say black three words.There is still a reason doing so, because she probably for the sake of and the Chen Xiao parents' private friendship.But red seven?Red seven ancestorses are eight generations, all can Chen Xiao Yi have no relation!"

"You ……the result of survey?"History Gao Fei sinks a voice to ask a way.

The thunder fox smells speech and hesitate meeting son, then drink to heart's content one mouthful wine, just stuffy stuffily said 1:

"Is red seven, die."


History Gao Fei immediately stared a circle eyes!

"Commit suicide."Thunder fox light way:"This affair, I realized not to, make her continue to inspect Chen Xiao, don't cause undesired agitation, but afterwards, a little bit ex- days, I after adjusting her come back intentionally seek to lend a people parties her and I go to South America together, in South America, I she secret of controled to get up!I am for averting from some people!You should apprehensibility?I carried on to interrogate to her after, regrettable, at interrogate just beginning ground time, she direct suicide!"

The air Lin that the history flies Gao however!

Anyway, 1 seven constitute the death of member, will never be a small affair!So serious affair, be good enough to disturb committee!

"Red seven suicideses proved 1:00 at least:This affair absolutely has a problem!!"Thunder fox respectfully way.

History Gao Fei doesn't talk.

"So, now the only clues be ……black three!"Thunder fox but wry smile:"But I after coming back today, positive Related articles:

