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Don't know where went, and he also discovers by himself, own body in came out not well-known strength.
The next affair is getting more simple, the Wu of timidity works properly a master on this not well-known strength of body was a Wu to work properly magic naturally, at through in a couple of days of training behind, this timidity of Wu's working properly a master have already controled the Wu of entry-level to work properly sorcery, however among them being a Wu concerning entry-level to work properly to operate sorcery of most, but after finishing studying sorcery, timidity of the Wu work properly a master then and one of his bludger friend be together sent here to come, but be just stabbed by Li Ya Lin win the Wu of arm work properly a master, is their 2 people's superior.
"Does the Wu that just learned an entry-level work properly sorcery, and still need Wu to work properly operation?That your meaning is to say, you basically have no function in the crazy wolf army corps?"Touched touch chin, Li Ya Lin continued to work properly a master to ask a way to the Wu.
"I am to don't know that we have what function, however I know that we want every day to a small ball in instill Wu to work properly magic, although don't know that what this has to use,he says that this is the work that we have to do."Say, the Wu of timidity works properly a master still pointed to point to fall on the ground don't rise of the superior.
"Instill Wu to work properly magic?Is that small ball a keys in it?"Sand some can not believe of say,beats by dre studio hd.
"See not to know Yao, where is that small ball ?"Li Ya Lin immediately works properly a master to ask a way toward the Wu again.
"That small ball from a few bad work properly a knight to guard, we need to get hold of small ball there every day from they, just can instill magic after, after finishing instilling magic, those bad work properly a knight and then will take away small ball."The Wu works properly a master hurriedly answer way.
"Is bad to work properly a knight?"Li Ya Lin's eyebrows on picking, is those Ni mus the not well-known life body said by Fu?Although the time just and in the sky probed, Li Ya Lin has already discovered that a few Wus of improbities work properly with dark of hybrid breathing, however several only of seven ranks basically don't return to matter on the whole to Li Ya Lin, so Li Ya Lin temporarily don't also realize them, have never thought they unexpectedly still one of the leading roles, so Li Ya Lin is naturally going to have a chat well with them.
"You looking at these guys first, I go to and make this working properly the knight is a few bad grasp to come over."Order many females at such kind of wait, Li Ya Lin prepares a person deal with those bad work properly a knight.
"Or I go together with you, your a person's words I don't trust, and have me as for living creature that deal with Wu to work properly to fasten at but meeting half effort and double results of."Nevertheless, however everyone still doesn't trust a person of Li Ya Lin deals with those unknown bad work properly a knight, hence is beautiful to then prepare to left for together with Li Ya Lin, and meanwhile, beautiful still hurtled Li Ya Lin to blink eyes, ** Li Ya Lin is for a while.
Li Ya Lin of"that …… all right ……" is understand, even if oneself refuses, everyone also definitely also continues insistent of, hence Li Ya Lin then agreed to beautifully go together.
Is bad to work properly the knight's location to be apart from this tent isn't very far, probably also 500 meter or so distance, however this is a few bad work properly a knight be like died generally, there is completely no movable evidence, connected Li Ya Lin to appear the motion of energy breathing here, the other parties all have no reaction.However the words said back, bad work properly a knight originally be the dead worked properly a knight of got stripe a version, the root was dead the person was a .
The square circle that is bad to work properly knight's location 100 meters inside, completely have no a soldier to approach, imitate a Buddha here and is one to forbid area generally, so after Li Ya Lin was still beautiful to step to go into this to forbid area, bad work properly the knights activity to start.
"?Act?Is it they that have their their own attack scopes?As long as is after we got into this scope, will the other party launch an attack?"Li Ya Lin analyzes a way at this time, however time doesn't wait a person and haven't waited a beautiful answer, bad work properly a knight have already appeared at Li Ya Lin wait the person's in front.
"Invader!Give no quarter!"The other party totally has bad fourses to work properly a knight, however although it is said is a knight, but the other party didn't ride at sit and ride on, but all the black whole body helmet of whole body, what to hold is a huge utter darkness lance, all over send forth a Wu to work properly to still have in hand dark of hybrid breathing, and talk of voice also very of machine and hoarse, be like break down the old old radio in N year, Si Si of very whet a person.
"Is four, that 2 of our one person is getting better."Li Ya Lin hurtles beautiful tiny tiny on smiling, after being beautiful and noding to promise, Li Ya Lin then picked to win 2 to look real strenght to compare first stronger bad work properly a knight.The action that sees Li Ya Lin after, beautiful although the surface didn't say what, heart in but is be suffused with to have one silk of sweet, thought of in the evening and Li Ya Lin's conjugal love, forbade on the beautiful face don't live to appear one silk of red and dizzy.
However now but in the battlefield on, beautiful unexpectedly dare to also walk absolute being, two Wus that leave at this time work properly a knight already and raise the lance in the hand then toward beautiful chop down to come over, but very critical moment here, Li Ya Lin has already beautifully discovered to walk absolute being, hence the hurriedly a space of Li Ya Lin jumps to send direct will beautiful deliver to ownly and nearby, in a gun Ke after opening the lance of the other party, Li Ya Lin has been a bit flustered and frustrated.
"You are this stupid wench, you think what?"Li Ya Lin hurtles beautiful roar a way, and beautiful also drive just of the affair got a fright and haded never thought oneself to just a little bit walk absolute being, the other party unexpectedly has already offended to come over, not so bad Li Ya Lin's action more quick, otherwise even if is beautiful deathless, will also suffer from some wounds.
"Is sorry wood, just thoughted of some affairs, however didn't relate to now, you see my good."The arm that lightly pushed away Li Ya Lin after, beautiful look in the eyes in came out one silk fury, unexpectedly make oneself bring shame in Li Ya Lin's in front, this is the not forgivable affair, current beautiful have already judged the other party, these two death penalties that is bad to work properly a knight.
Haven't waited Li Ya Lin to talk, beautiful then hold female Wu Shen Tou's gun in the hand tightly in hand, evil Wu Ji-saint's blazing to burst a gun has already taken shape in the beautiful hand, white of the flame gleam in the point of a spear, at recruit type completion behind, beautiful then hurtle an among those bad work properly a knight mercilessly stab pass by.
The saint is burning to burst the attack that the gun belongs to small scope of the recruit type is evil Wu Ji who is exploded by the light to still have flame incantation to combine, although don't greatly attackstone scope, the saint blazes of strength but can to dead work properly to fasten badly to work properly a knight to result in very huge injury, face beautiful aggression, bad work properly a knight have already instinctively felt threats in it, hence is bad to work properly a knight nature is to hurriedly come together bodily dark energy, prepare to resist a beautiful attack.
Two send to more~the words say to beg subscription and ticket ticket's saying ……
Chapter 211 crystal stone small ball
Have already come to a saint rank entry-level real strenght of beautiful display this exasperation of one shot the natural power is matchless, even if is the other party of bad work properly a knight already summon up whole body of the energy carry on resisting, but because of light dark attribute of mutually gram, bad work properly a knight to finally still vanish to blaze in the beautiful saint in.And meanwhile, sent out a huge explosion along with the burning saint, the food for powder of neighborhood has already been all disturbed.
Although be controled thinking, the food for powder of crazy wolf army corps still faithfully of carried out his/her own mission, work properly a master in three Wus drive the circumstance for controling under, food for powder unexpectedly still the self-moving maintenance liked a type, the beginning made headway to come over toward Li Ya Lin their square.
"Encounter!Is beautiful!Soon fight soon definitely!"See the food for powders on all sides be all disturbed, don't want to harm and these innocent soldier, Li Ya Lin had to choose to quickly polish off these bad work properly a knight, although these are bad to work properly all of knights are the superiors of seven rank highest points,put on at Li Ya Lin Zeus absolute being dress behind, the strong might of god has already let threes leaving be bad to work properly a knight to move very serious.
Is exactly the good opportunity of aggression at the moment, under power one shot sent out of the various absolute being evening of Li Ya Lin, twos of the opposite of Li Ya Lin are bad the moment working properly a knight be put to pour in the ground, and beautiful also is to take advantage o this opportunity, an only exploded to accurately in the clout the last bad knight of working properly.
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