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The person whom the miscellaneous color in the interval of Huang Hong Bai sees drools to want to take a taste in the hand, all of everythings are calmness so is peaceful, asks for the person think the lawn sleeps top in a short while in the hospital.
See in the moment and like this once acquainted with, in the heart of Zhang Ru Yun not from one Lin, segment the surprised Ting is unlike he had pleasure, at that time then the desire explored enough to enter a courtyard, but was been working to twinkle by the young people in the mind, the favour stacked firmly he.The facial expression is heavy, hence determinedly shook to shake head again, then segment the surprised Ting took to leave the region, another go toward another place look for Suo to go.
Although the segment surprised Ting doesn't enjoy a quilt Zhang Ru Yun strong Lei wear find another important place, his vegetable to also is to admire the whole body skill of Zhang Ru Yun, since the other party so Du settle, also not with he again argue.Can 2 people are in the mountain look for very long also didn't gain, promise big universe teaches unexpectedly is in a soundly asleep of get empty city generally, the half day runs about unexpectedly even personal shadow also didn't see.Just at 2 people hesitant divide, Zhang Ru Yun suddenly feels the night Jing stone in the skin bag is to jump about for a while, the mind vigilance quickly stopped a step.

61th times cloud is pure to beg a comfortable and elegant term free and unfettered(ten)

Need Zhang Ru Yun every where in look for, but a connected to walk three proper channels didn't also see strange appearance, the Jing stone also had no news again that night.Helpless 2 people return to original place again and led very long a demon stone again is on moving, all of opportunity to know, Zhang Ru Yun and segment surprised tings are absolute beings eyes open countrysides to look for to see to all have no a Qu place.Exactly the segment surprised Ting walks a string door, looking for a trick pole for prying open lock is brilliant, slightly on looking for Suo, check to see a body side however count a Chinese foot, unexpectedly matched granite to spread of ground top many a square stone wreath, in addition to this this outside again have no gate.
2 people come forward some kind of bottoms that grope for to know that stone wreath to certainly have 1*, is just covered up by the magic trick to see not get nothing of skill of gate, Zhang Ru Yun and fairy magic, have heart to be strong line of to force open the stone door, can fear to disturb the universe to teach again many, just at bitterness bitter tired Suo, segment surprised Ting but suddenly pulled his hand, 1 rushes toward to fall unexpectedly is wear a stone but lead.The matter never thought that pours to call Zhang Ru Yun shocked and early has experience to be taken a ground of line by 100 grasses at him so much, the favour held a voice to sink spirit, whole hold to help with the segment surprised Ting.
Didn't expect that is strange thick matchless, unexpectedly have few Zhangs, the segment surprised Ting took one person more again and kept tired the fordone square unwillingly took Zhang Ru Yun to get a ground cave in.Is momentary even if the 2 people youth is martial, also unavoidably on the stone stairs slightly the matter take a rest.Zhang Ru Yun arrives to just smile his way at this time:"Do not think that an elder brother still has skill like this!Is true call younger brother idea hope an outside!"The segment surprised Ting hears noise to scold a way:"Your boy packs less garlic, you not just one Xi have concealed line of Shu, true if talk about to be a thief,cheap beats by dr dre, you than we is then!"The nature of Zhang Ru Yun not ability strong his a head of, connect track:"Do not dare, don't dare, still the elder brother's skill is high a little stronger!Not the younger brother is all shameful at 1:00!"Although two human nature spaces are big different,each other all admires the other party again someone over of place, arrive this insurance the ground Be anti- to feel that the other party makes to have a lot of consolations all the way and really.
2 people descend a line all the way and walk into hell and deeply reach to 100 Zhangs, the square looks for to one huge of palace, black brick black tile's imitating a Buddha is to carve Zhu with the cast iron, title, four walls are to draw countless absolute being Zhis together with all of feet bottoms, among them not only have nine You Malicious ghosts, but also have bright bodhisattva, just in too little, always with devil demon monster mostly, an eye hopes and disappears an end, Zhu Zi of the full wall, see in the eye and seem kaleidoscope generally.2 people sees temporarily, then not intentional reluctant to part with, and then see hollow none of palace of thing only a surname Ding fall in the hall exact center, hence in succession display skill without basis but go to, don't step one brick in that palace one tile fear a touch very organization.
Segment the surprised Ting is a little more anxious, compete first the first go toward explore to go in the gold Ding, see inside only an altar clear water again have no don't thing, Zhang Ru Yun behind go to also peep not to break inside inside confidential, found out very in a short while, drive segment surprised Ting not Nai, eventually raise hand to start to copy a to put on white water, don't think this moves and then living a variety, originally still pure sweep Jie of one Ding clear water, at the moment but is a splash-ink similar seethe, the together black spirit is suffused with to float in the Ding and turn an eye and then dye the surface of utter darkness.
Segment surprised Ting it the back of the hand have already been beaten by water wet, that just still just drippy water bead suddenly also became jet black and replied and turned to make dark cloud, was treating young people the desire for flapping arm flounced from the smoke, didn't think unexpectedly many a ghost clawses inside the inside a hold tight his arm.First be thin for heart, what segment surprised Ting falls a hand is exactly oneself's left arm, see demon injury oneself at the moment, he arm a sink to sign an upper arm if turning general algidity of crystal is pressing.Don't think that ghost claw one silk not afraid Long Bei livings of air conditioner, segment surprised Ting this Shu absolute being is son, originally a ghost claw unexpectedly changes at the moment 110 pairs of benefits claws.The Zong is his vegetable to come to brave, at the moment also a bit panic hand and foot, in the heart a dry, instant then really annoy inside the body a burst of launch, treat to line up mountain to pour sea general of the true spirit collapse earthquake later on, the black smoke to the utmost spread, but makes 2 people eat more a surprised, originally segment surprised Ting a pair of upper arms up and to the utmost halt have numerous Qi souls devil, although at first be still young people one regiment black fog, can have already changed magically as well a ghost claw grasps to his center of the chest, many ghosts well smell take surprised Ting whole body of segment Long Yang, in succession the Qi whistles fierce roar, crawl and turn over and flow out good leech earthworm generally from his upper arm up step by step up north route, call see namely disgusted and then terror, 2 people in normal times is also through get risk innumerable, can see like this bad at this time mutually, is also that the backs are all surprised to be getting cooler.
At that moment segment surprised Ting one drink Chi and then treat to carry true dint again to jilt these devils to take off, can the Zhang Ru Yun on-looker is pure, favour one Zhang once pushed to capture his arm.Being about to drink to scold for this surprised Ting is lifted some way by the other party:"You do to have no the useful like this, these wandering soul wild ghost for of is you whole body Jing blood, if you again make Zheng to move on the contrary foster it fierce Yan, there is perhaps also the Wei that ignite self-immolation!"
"That you treat again how?Is difficult don't become to want me to cut this upper arm again down not to become?"Segment surprised Ting still strong way.
Can didn't expect this time Zhang Ru Yun but don't answer, but the eyes note it points an of Zhang and concentrate quiet annoy very some kind of efforts, suddenly must is 1, would be three wisps of white lines from the Guan in the eye, temporarily gather at a then turned a white does, again see he flick the Xiu did to make medium to separate with the white glory from segment surprised Ting palm the Le leads, the immediately young people finger tip then flowed numerous black water and made to flow out spring similar heavy again drop time Ding in.Need water on going to to the utmost, the gravity of segment surprised Ting half sort in arm Mount Taishan is abrupt to go, the momentary dint is used of lack, unexpectedly have some to can not stand up of power.And Zhang Ru Yun carry of strange achievement at this time also the full head of the Zheng big sweat.
"Surprisingly you a year effort unexpectedly again many such a skill, inborn one spirit ability the chain arrive like this situation, you do obeisance in the E Mei to teach under pour not is have no a little use!"The segment surprised Ting trembled to tremble upper arm to keep a body sneer way.
Zhang Ru Yun light time way:"These are only some small tricks, true if test to teach, younger brother achievement go in really superficial of severe!"A segment for saying surprised Ting is again cold to hum a , he although and the capability of Zhang Ru Yun is between the brothers, oneself whole body achievement go several is evil to flow, this true spirit nature not ability such as Zhang Ru Yun generally from outside and inside the chain arrive extremely, besides segment surprised Ting unlike Zhang Ru Yun, at the voice color ascend some don't hold up, the Chi Kung background also differs than the other party some, though the natural intelligence Gao Guo's the other party is many, but this skill eventually is have no the way and this lifetime Su enemy compare, now again be displayed by the other party to save bottom, make him not very displeased more.
See a surprised Ting not happy, Zhang Ru Yun naturally understand among them truth, can he all of an ideas is used on that gold Ding that to have a great achievement a man reason now he.The segment surprised Ting sees his vision dignified, also to see go in the Ding, see first one altar quiet water, have already changed at the moment shape, in that water already drive black cloud cloth of several have no blind side, through see go in, see several black cloud vacillating such as the dragon and absorb water generally Be remitted to Ding bottom all a gold case up.The ear side listens to Qi voice, settle Jing again and hope and go, originally that a way dark cloud is gather to°from numerous smallest naked body ghosts, treat and rise to a surface after doing dispersed but reply and was since the childhood turned over to surge forward many cloud to back and forth tore to pull and battle out, suddenly up suddenly came up return returned don't start and endlessly go back and forth to drown and endure persecution.
The segment surprised Ting aside stares at a short moment square openings way:"This Ding water pours well, carried a trillion to visit a soul, only afraid is a hell is also a such territory ground!"But Zhang Ru Yun aside but smell but don't answer, young people follow his taste to fall place, originally Zhang Ru Yun has been staring at that gold case, the segment surprised Ting sight differed a front line than him, very some kind of concentrate Related articles:

