
beats by dre solo wolf Chuang Wolf C

Come back, the spoilt daughter of a rich family came back'so, I quickly ran to come over to say with you."
The little boy takes off open the father's arm, small run to quarter oldly and nearby, this just slowly answer a way.
"Ha ha ha ……you are this clever ghost, turn head grandpa to eat well for you.Hui, we go over and have a look!"
The quarter finishes keeping making, didn't realize Hui, start to embrace little boy, run to run but go to toward small the front door direction of small village quickly.
"Hope …… really is a spoilt daughter of a rich family, half year, didn't see through quarter old so happy lead ……"
Hope a quarter old that seem weaker than young man not of figure, the Hui inwardly feel deeply about, exceed to open a step and follow close behind but go to.
"Long Ge, is everyone O.K.?"
Front door in the small village, cloud soars, Yang Xin Lan's taking pretty cow mercenary soldier regiment is public to follow about 30 green prime of life big fellows to slowly walk for a few years.Is public is all facial expression with excited look.Cloud's soaring is also a no time for waiting of ask a way toward the green prime of life big fellow getting.This person is exactly past cloud soars when the crazy wolf helps, third brigade small captain, Long Hao.
"Cloud soars captain, everyone isn't so bad!Here, although was disorderly to order, however, still have no which snobbish dare to easily give offense to us."
Long Hao Ge's head isn't high, with green Yan mutually and about, a bit robust, plus a that small eye small mouth, make once people see and pour to seem to be particularly capable.
"So good, for this half year, everyone bitterness."
Cloud soars an exclamation way.
"Ha ha, cloud soars captain, spoilt daughter of a rich family, come back good.Our forerunner goes.Believe everyone urgently wore to see you.Have what matter, when the time comes, our side drinks a side to say!Believe, the quarter is old this time affirmation will be very happy."
Long Hao says with smile.For half year, there was cloud news for soaring several people on the whole, does this how to not make him excited.
"Ha ha ……is the orchid wench really you?"
In this time, a Lang greatly smiled a sound to spread to come over.
Chapter 116 wolf Chuang
Wolf Chuang!Always all have no so jollification to lead.
But the wolf Chuang would be crazy wolf to help many moved home to Ka assorted name taken in town from the death forest.
After being ex- to change residence to come over half year, everyone was placed in a nervous status and lived rhythm a bit quick.In fact, this is also the business son with no way, change residence to come over, have too many miscellaneous matters to need to be done, but change residence to come over 2,000th, number a person, truely can help last busily of, but don't arrive pretty much of 34.Common everyone favour east busy west of, which sometimes does relax?
Can today, wolf Chuang but rare all rest, hanged to fall red-light cage in the whole Chuang son, it may be said hang up lanterns and festoons, look, seem to want than celebrate the New Year to still have to be noisy.
"The spoilt daughter of a rich family came back!"
This words , after Yang Xin Lan steps into a wolf Chuang, then generally and sharply get abroad like the ripple, not much, almost all people, the old little f ù Rus all let go of hand up of live son, each urgently and in a hurry of fall toward the Chuang in-between of big square concentration but go to.
After saw Yang Xin Lan, the quarter old face then has been hanging the smiling face of one silk excitement.But at this moment, hope those villagers who continuously flow out into square, he is also an excitement abnormality:"This bottom, had one on the whole main heart bone."
"Everyone good!Today, my aming very happy, wanting to believe everyone equally is very happy.The spoilt daughter of a rich family came back, this was the big deal that everyone expects already a long time.So, today and tomorrow I declare, , the owner all takes a rest for two days, in a short while, the per family can draw out two gold coin celebrations to the cashier, but single of, can draw out a gold coin!We extravagant Yang Xin Lan's regression is welcome!"
Square above of a highland up, the Hui raise hands and pressed to press to bottom in the square and signaled hint everyone to pipe down, he that Hong that is sonorous and forceful the bright voice also slowly shake d à in this a moment ng the sky for falling in Chuang.
The Hui autonym call thou Hui in the house, he is exactly the spokesperson of wolf Chuang currently, outward of words, would be the Chuang lord of wolf Chuang.
"Spoilt daughter of a rich family, spoilt daughter of a rich family!"
"Spoilt daughter of a rich family ……"
The words of Hui in the thou house just on falling in, the square seethed, the owners all shouted Yang Xin Lan.
"Each brothers sisters, this period of time your pain!"
Yang Xin Lan slowly after death comes out from Hui in the house in thou, if Huang Ying Bo 's clear and crisp voice slowly vomits.
"Spoilt daughter of a rich family, spoilt daughter of a rich family ……"
Saw Yang Xin Lan, on the square more of the madness shout, especially the family members of those original double squad member of team is also a j ī to move an abnormality.
The quarter of rear is old to seem to be also to discover not in the right place, the eyebrows tightly locks:Also the enthusiasm of these people is getting more overdo!
Just thinking station comes out to signal hint everyone quiet of, but see a young black skin man have already led off to stand to Yang Xin Lan of nearby.
"Is each, please everyone's calmness some, I know, you also want to know before half year we the war double head snake's helping is exactly what happened.Be used as family members, I comprehend your emotion, however, we walk faster for half month in a row already, this affair, after, we will explain well to old lord in Ku-chuang and quarter and believe, tomorrow after, everyone will have some understand.However, I can say also similar to youly now, that be, for greatly take charge of two news of their owner of taking charge ofs, we don't know as well.Too many affairs happened to this among them, the momentary half engraved to also can not remember clearly Chu.So, everyone still keeps piping down, slightly Anne isn't dry."
Cloud soars so on saying, condition's arriving is right away calmness many.
The quarter is old to secretly soar to endorse to cloud:This guy's pouring is cool-headed many.
Take advantage o this time, he the station come out and say right away:"Now, everyone spread, like a rest rest, relax for two days, let first orchid son they take a break.When the time comes, these affair, I will give everyone some ji ā os to treat.You, don't see here but have outsider as well, also Be not afraid of to drop a clanger.Spread!"
Have to say, the quarter is old to still have here equal of dignity of, his words just a fall in, greatly parts of persons then spread out right away.
"Ha ha, orchid wench, everyone also all saw.You can also trust down and walk, we get to board room in take a break, believe that your equally having many words has to say with me!"
The quarter is old this to just say to Yang Xin Lan.
"H'm, grandpa Ji, the orchid son misses you so much!"
Yang Xin Lan's eye socket has already been suffused with red, the canthus is also that the tears hu ā is flickering.
"Like, don't cry, today is a nice day.We go in to say, H'm, don't introduce your friend to my introduction as well?"
The ō that the quarter is old to lightly fondle m next Yang Xin Lan's hair, double eye in be full of kindly.
"Ha ha, also really forget.Grandpa Ji, all of these people are my heel cloud eldest brothers the friend for knowing in plentiful Chang town.Pretty cow mercenary soldier regiment."
Yang Xin Lan takes off to open old arm of quarter and vomited to stick out tongue, the Song shrug says.
"Ha, pretty cow mercenary soldier regiment?This I pour is once hear.A few friends, worthless old man invite not week, please forgive, come, in please!We in talk."
The quarter is old to embrace to embrace a boxing to say toward the Gao Meng Ji personses.Even if the quarter is old to don't know before.However, the Yan is green but pretty a member of the cow mercenary soldier regiment, so, the quarter is old now know is also normal however.
"The master son is getting more polite!"
It is high fierce to make gift in return a way.
A line of several people this just oldly leads in the quarter under, go toward an argument matter hall of square northern side.Also just build at the time here, although is simple and crude, but win at cover area enough big, on going 4510 people, sit in this argument matter hall,do not seem to be to hustle as well.
Hui in the thou house has been already ordered person,beats by dre solo, send tea and drinks up, momentary, it may be said chase wine speech joys.
Yang Xin Lan conveniently tells some matter sons that oneself come this half year toward the old quarter it, however, is conceal the affair of bottom in the Mo lake down.After all, here can have some the person of cow mercenary soldier regiment pretty, although Yang Xin Lan's in the mind doesn't consider as them outsider, however, the secret of this bottom in the Mo lake, still put in mind better.
And the quarter is old equally will come this half year as well they at this Ka assorted town in of the affair said out.
Is total to come to say, the crazy wolf helps many although stood firm a feet root here,can be regarded as a foreign door because of their, the groundwork was unsteady.So, here although some general situation benefits do one the honor, however, s ī descend some run on a banks they.Is exactly also so, the crazy wolf helps many in the life here, don't exert as well satisfied.Can at last can solve these more than 2,000 numbers person's Wen Bao's problems.
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