
beats by dre solo eagle eye twinkles

The member repay says that lord in the door just at and a filth old man compare Dou.Just at chain Jue field the war idea that frequently fix hall lord, which have isn't urgently blunt blunt rush through to join in the fun of truth.Call top troops of four tigers, equip good fire burning suit, interest blunt blunt of resist to make crack burning the knife fly.
Resist light display quickly, when the list just flew to demon of fairyland of time, but saw public in each its responsibility, trace didn't also fight on the square, the atmosphere is quiet and cool, had a liking for go to again normal however, only the bad old headman has never seen, just full of beans of and flower flower say words, squeezed the floss in thin yellow on the full face crease, glue the clothes of full dirty mark, and long hair black leg, completely fit together with the image of filth old man.Have been already fired away?Still don't know a result...The night really regretted, don't see how eldest brother is big exhibition might of god.
5 people fall in a body form, the tidy suit makes 5 people seem to be particularly dominant and stalwart, and the fire burning suit flows to turn the ray of light in red red and prints to shine on five dark faces, guts and harsh flavor to let the temperature of square seem to heated up a lot all.Front of the list Be impartial to want to talk with eldest brother, see that a full head loose hair, the dirtily unbearable old man Shan body blocks fore noodles, a pair of naked four eyes shooting are conjecturing their himself/herselfs.
List just feel that the tiger hair of his/her own original softness quickly stood on end, whole body be like nakedly be peeped, the hands of subconscious protected a body, suddenly again feel not to, quickly changed alert of posture, shouted at top of voice covered up to just rude in behavior."You Ya Ya of who ah?See what to see!"
But see that old son, Tu ground once the mouth smile and raise head to stick out chest to reside to face low top of say:"Ha ha!See understanding on the whole of, kitty!You were greatly so long, I just saw you of time, were you still sucking at breast.Kitty can still remember me?Is alas!The age is getting older, all didn't remember own name recently, however I can still remember you!The Ceng comes to Ceng to go to on my old man's house all day long of want milk to eat, Alas!!I old man's house which have what milk!Can order spittle for you.At that time, you coulded lick very eagerly!Boon boon!If not that you once ate my saliva of old man's house, also wasn't likely to have so great achievement ground!"
The demon of four tigers and flanks that hears this words all forbids not to live to put a voice to hold the belly cachinnation.The tears nasal discharge smiles all of full faces BE, have never so to heart's contented once smiled for a long time, saw arrive an always dominant harsh tiger demon a list just, originally black Huang's facial expression became white of frighten a person, then is become by the white green,beats by dre solo, again from green redden, again from red become deeply purple, all seem on the face can leap to bleed bead son.Is public joy more can not the Zi can not stop.
List just is already a Nu pole, if not that seeing the flower flower be stood the flank of the old son just vacant of looking at to laugh wildly of public, early draw out crack burning the knife split this bedlamite thousand knives ten thousand knives.Flower flower not understand public why smile so badly, but ask a list just:"Elder brother Hu!Is the old grandpa's spittle delicious?Why do you lick very eagerly?"
At ease originally already of public, finish listenning to the flower spend an innocent problem, wants to just say a voice to the list"let ,down we really BE.....Be getting more unbearable!Ha ha ha ha, Now the son is to want to smile to be happy, ha ha!"
List just where can also bear with, round the flower flower of interfering with the words, is the tiger roar of a deaf ear to rush at old son, the crack burning knife takes violent of the light of fire changed magically an extensive a way Yan tied, be head the cover went.List just wanted change into this old son immediately flew ash, again flew ash eat a mouth put out strength of chew, swallow pulled up again, so as to eliminate this Wu Mie it hate.Oneself when once eats his spittle, devil of a genius know very very unpalatable!
Dark night at this time always the line silk didn't move, steady like Mount Taishan, keep absolutely silent shape.Connect a list just made a pounce upon eccentric don't also yell to stop.Let public respect and admire a nourish the spirit time of lord true get.They where know, this kind of accomplishment mainly because, Yang Ye in machine A has already canned not go to again to control black sky of fight A, smile most badly of count him, completely can not imagine an old man that the small tiger rounds whole body dirtiness to want the prospects of spittle.Beard words!Absolutely is beard words, this old guy be really severe, just arrived western and blue Yu forest talk wildly of took 2 fight, return be really an ancestor for causing trouble!
See the list of wrath explosion just such as'fierce tiger'descended mountain to generally make a pounce upon eccentric, covered with crack burning Mao Mao after bumping the body of old son, but dissipation of without a trace, even dirty clotheses didn't burn.Be offended old son again don't know to display as well what skill, fierce rush toward a past list just a Lie Ju knelt Fu in the old son in front, can not move any further.The strange old son is by hand dauts a list the hair just, saying of Wen Yan Xi's language:"The kitty is lovely!The kitty is obedient, keep one's temper, disorderly become angry don't like to the body."
The public laughter is abrupt however grinds to a stop down at this time, everyone smiles not to come out any further.List just is how many years of the way went, the real strenght includes a much strong house all clear, can be really like a kitty in the old son in front, this old eccentric exactly have much severe, everyone has already canned not estimate, the atmosphere solidifies all of a sudden under, everyone slightly took lookinging at of strain old man, who don't know that this crazy old man will make as well what affair, now list the life and death just have already controled in his hand.
At this time, the Yao Tiao has already taken qualifications' oldest wood demon in the tribe of green jade source to fly back, the wood demon takes charge of a rattan one eye see just at'pacify'list the old man just, the body forbids not to live to shiver:"Old dollar!You are incredibly still on the hoof, I am to take charge of a rattan!"The strange old son hears noise a title, ha ha a say with smile:"Small rattan son, I still think you not at, just saw a little acquaintance, and then met an old acquaintance."
Take charge of a rattan glad abnormality, rub to begin to hesitate everywhere, think the joy that the old colleague that seek a past shares a reunion, old guys all didn't come in the green jade source tribe, turned a head to see a list just and hurriedly just said to the list:"List just!You have already seen an old dollar!You know, is that he pulls and drags you big of, Alas!!Your parents both died at that time, the still old dollar expended Jing blood to keep you big!Several thousand years pass by, really have never thought just 1-year-old you remember loving care from childhood, is really a good kid!"Be saying and doing not live to nod, saw single to just respectfullly and fluently kneel the in front is at the old dollar, very is satisfied list the filial piety just.
Was public to all forbid not to live to open widely mouth at this time, an incredible shape.Even feel dark nights to greatly have an accident, this filth old man isn't only the old demon of western and blue Yu forest, still a list the foster father just.Although feeding list just of is a filth old man.....Saliva.
Is the list at this time just?
After hearing the words of the wood demon department rattan, the stiff body can not make a reaction, the intelligent deeply being irritated also forbids to can not stand a test like this, simply directly fainted to die past.

Chapter 8 【astonishing secret 】next

Gao Kong of the western and blue Yu forest, a sea of clouds is like big heap of big heap of of the candy floss is pared off of the current of air lap, the this place dissipation is there born, the eagle of two full with ash black feather just in the current of air hover, pursue the breeze ride the waves and to the utmost show the king's magnificent posture of the sky.The utter darkness shining eagle eye twinkles sharp-edged sharp point and sweeps to see the limitless and limitless forest of underneath and seem at look for to fill stomach of find, when the bank of clouds breaks the prospects that the place presents the fairyland of a demon, two pairs of focal distances of eagles eyes are suddenly concentrated, kept off the square of a long distance to be like be made every effort to draw near, in the eagle eyes minute particle finish now.
See at super gather to work properly the small demon of self-discipline in, each kind of demon run about on the vacant land, warrior in red armor, there is also an iron man of black cruelty, when the view moves to an old man with unbearable dirtiness body last, the preparing of double eagle instinct feels a kind of crisis approach, this kind of can not the explained instinct let a pair of eagles evade lead each kind of dangerous, the crisis feeling at this time particularly is mightiness, quickly wield a pair of wings, want to rise to the danger that nine days outside elusion will soon arrive at.
Unfortunately, bank of clouds under two poles if the golden color ray of light of fast thunder, sting break vast sky, wear deeply a sea of clouds, bursting twos is stuffy ring, see the hole that a pair of eagles chests open two flesh and blood faintnesses, robust double of wings started losing strength, sharp-edged of the eagle eye also gradually lose ray of light, the high air Gang breeze once blows and had already lost the double of intelligent eagle have no the balance of dint control body, respectively vacillating don't know and fall into where.
A small city of the far inside forest inside, a middle age man sit upright to concentrate in the mansion house, open mouth to spew out a blood, mind big Sun, unconscious, collapsed and fainted past Related articles:

