
beats by dre solo the hearts of all l

In the past ,it will be the nightmare .Technology and economic damage to undead will be very difficult to turn over .Pure in the field you are unstoppable three crypt dog .But it is not certain to use the terrain .
Qin Dongjiao laughed ,at home in patch 2 arrow tower .relationresultOtherkings also seem to each other and pinch ,it was Ye Yu no hero three crypt successful put up .We find Ye Yu a very abnormal .
relationresultHowever themetamorphosis is yet to come .relationresultInrecruits firelord ,Ye Yu sold back to the city .This is the three crypt routine routine but nothing .But then a scene in the hearts of all left a lunatic indelible impression .
Ye Yu in the shop and bought a Skull Wand ,beats by dre solo,directly pulled little acolyte shops sell ,then again the hero altar is to sell .relationresultWith a bang,millions of people at the same time down the past .
N people tell know , that .I can ,see ,see ... ... , relationresultButwith chaos Song Xiaojie know Ye Yu thought a powerful and unconstrained style ,should consider recent asylum and escaped out .
relationresultSeveral foreignkings could have terrified .Ice is mind calculating this tactical feasibility .Fen is still not pacified his heart .relationresult!Fish brother too lascivious ! Cried Zheng Shuai .
relationresultIs estimated to Changsha days did not meet a woman ,so just so lascivious . Coke ,unsmiling said .relationresultRational ... ... Everyone nodded yes .relationresultNewrelationresultQin Dong hadthought Ye Yu dogs soon to find the bones as swooped in filling tower ,when carefully selected location .
Try to make a little house front barrier .The Terran buildings has always been very good .Qin Dong will keep only one export ,remaining completely sealed .And this one ,but more is a trap .
If the hero with a force in the moment ,with farmers in the notch on the small house ,double knock in a jiffy .relationresultWhile Qin Dongwas still only a sure catch play time, Qin Dong Archmage found the ground very intense vibration .
Instinct told him ,there will be a large number of insignificant creature is mad rush to .relationresultQin Dongout to see Ye Yu puppy from a 3 direction together before the Terran base .
Winding is mentally prepared ,really saw nearly 2 team when the dog ,Qin Dongshi really scared a .The number of dogs is obviously more than family planning .relationresultFuck up Qin Dong want to scold ,sow not be born .
But Ye Yu could stay for lick the infantryman toes on the fly generally flee from .relationresultQin Dong almostgave themselves a slobber to choke to death .Although there are 2 tower ,but the numbers of troops were significantly less too much .
Ye Yu abnormal metamorphosis has 5 road ,4 road to attack the Terran store ,altars ,house ,barracks ,1 way is to burn burning flame lords against the magus .relationresultQinDong suddenly dumbfounded ,that kind of feeling is shuangquannandi four hands ,obviously has the strength the method ,can only watch helplessly .
relationresultQinDongzheng want migrant workers brothers armed revolt, they found 2 small Balrog with Ninja flash into the mining area ,the start of the 5 gold mining ,wantonly dalliance ,use is the Terran the small gap .
Qin Dong cry without tears ,because small Balrog station was located in gold behind, just outside the scope of the tower .relationresultNo wayQin Dong had armed farmer to put the two small Balrog is killed, so they kill the farmer killed so that their split ,an illustrious life is ruined .
relationresultFinallythe Qin Dong with farmer solved the Balrog ,discovered that the base has been around the fire .If there is no barracks population ,which is almost lost .Because of you, even if all the puppies .
The three crypt can be over Liu Xiang speed was the 1 team of dogs ,and no barracks of the Terran will have to construct buildings .relationresultNo doubt Ye Yuthe go-getter play with Dutch act no different .
Because if you do not eat the other buildings or population ,their dogs are all dead, there is a Dutch act .But this time he received an effect beyond imagination .relationresultYe Yu knows thatthe dog is the game .
Although it is with 2 teams of dogs ,in fact Ye Yu is secretly left 5 head .And then the 5 puppies in the Red Army Long March spirit play twenty-five thousand ,an interval of one in the direction of the terran base climb .
The front was tower with water element ,the infantry had cut off three legs dog is trying to remove the base .relationresultThisassembly line operations ,under the stage the audience being at a loss what to do ,dare not believe and see the big screen image is real .
See Qin Dong was a serie a player playing act with confusion ,north to find ,you don glasses ,even the eyes dropped a .relationresultSong Xiaojiethought that the world had a monster again ,must be long Ye Yu .
relationresultWhen Qin Dongbarracks and 2 small house burst ,while Ye Yu died 5 head when the dog ,Qin Dong had no too much resistance ,he played GG .relationresultThere was asilence, Ye Yu off the headset, also have swung hair ,ready to meet the thunderous cheers .
They found one of tens of thousands of eyes green ,look like shemale like looking at myself, just a scare .relationresultQin Dongpolite and shook Ye Yu hand ,it saw the big screen ,Ye Yu was 60 .
Qin Dong nearly fell over ,so this guy made the whole population of 50 dogs .relationresultWhen shaking handsQin Dong praised the sentence leaves Yu , the Yangtze River each wave pushing at the one ahead .
, relationresult,front wave dies on the beach . Ye Yu laughed humorlessly answered sentence .relationresultThe 170th chapter I fuck , relationresultQin Dong went off,the scene audience back to god .
I just play back ,everyone has a cold sweat .Sometimes in the rookie players meet occupation is not terrible ,terrible is you meet a metamorphosis of the occupation player .relationresultThese playersare often not to meet his victory .
He is a process, want you ��������process.relationresultThethird stage is Liu Chengzhi .Ye Yu see Liu Chengzhi hates not past him jump ,to accept him as a younger brother .Liu Chengzhi is tall ,but a look which is an honest man .
relationresultButsuch an honest person ,except for the leaf Yu beyond all people know ,the strength of his terror to no boundaries .The same is the case of dog flow rush .Liu Chengzhi has used 6 farmers and 4 infantry would kill each other a puppy ,but no casualties .
This is how operation ?Many people only think of it with one .relationresultAfter the game,Ye Yu began to wonder how dead child Liu Chengzhi .His honest and picked up the purse will be handed in .
Ye Yu moved sympathy ,decided to put Liu Chengzhi on a horse, regular release single crypt played the flow in dogs .During Liu Chengzhi small farmers also came to take a safety .relationresultYe Yupuppy hum early bird said earlier ,why are you back charges to Liu Chengzhi base, Ye Yu is scared .
In addition to a burning hero altar ,only small farmers in the busy .Little barracks ?relationresultWildbarracks three characters in Ye Yu mind out .Ye Yu was back in a cold sweat ,a little numb scalp .
In order to avoid my own heart beating die height .Ye Yu commanded the puppy full of maps, climbing, culminating in a mining area not far from a piece of the woods behind the quiet corner ,found the terran base of second heavy traffic .
relationresultYe Yu regrettedit too intestines are green .If one begins by choosing three crypt style of play ,then the game should have won .But if Ye Yufang three crypt ,Liu Chengzhi is not the beginning . Related articles:

