
cheap beats by dre through the branche

While listening to the communication device from Samson hundred that fans nagging ,also had to endure the bump of a train ,by !This place is really a place to stay .Fortunately, the energy released by the front shield screen the most explosive shock ,did not run raids ,so for the time being fairly safe .
However good luck always there is the end time ,trains in a hurricane for twelve hours after a rest to deceleration time, siren suddenly sounded .※ ※ ※ enemy aircraft !A bit of azimuth ,distance fifty-five thousand ,height three thousand ,at three hundred and twenty ,is our close .
The air defense artillery please raise vigilance ,attention to intercept ... ... ※ ※ ※ Hello ,Sansone predecessors ,pay attention to interception ,interception ? At this time my mind flashes of fat, the four corners of the world ,even sometimes not clear .
You idiot ,of course, is to intercept the rogue missile . Rogue missile ?????? Look to your four point range ,the missile two !Fast fire destroy them . Sorry. I relied on, is said to come .
I slammed on the rudder adjustment turret perspective ,trying to find a target . , relationresultChapter ninth captured soldiers , relationresultJustto adjust the angle ,greet eyelid image will be startled, where two missiles, the sky missiles are like locusts ,without aiming ,punching the flying missile group is a thrashing .
Idiot ,where you play ,once again opened fire ,not in those already deviated from the target missile waste ammo . Communication device of mulberry drink came loose .Seasoned veterans at the ballistic trajectory missile impact point can get roughly to determine it, and in the view each missile seems to be rushing oneself comes .
Whether they are really good luck or missile is too dense ,after a thrashing ,also really many .Just don know there was no Samson said that two medals, at least so far there is no missiles from my position to hit the train ,cheap beats by dre.
In the busy with missiles ,aircraft also flew over the train began to dive attack . Is humanoid ,quickly organized fire interception ,don near . Voice disorder com know who is in the shout oneself hoarse voice .
Twenty anti-aircraft guns consisting of layers of fire ,tried to resist the assault mech group dive attack .The train is in a sudden deceleration ,the front after the carriage suddenly split apart from spreading ,six standby for the heavy fighters were scrambled to intercept .
Cheng cloud strategic transport trains have to use it the most powerful defense force, is the last defense force .※ ※ ※ ammunition ,ammunition ,and I were out of ammunition ,ammunition to quickly send me .
I rushed the down fast for shouting, I hope someone can hear ,send me ammunition .Although Sansone occasionally remind me to save ammunition ,ammunition or early on but I ran out of .
Fortunately I assigned tail at the back of the turret ,so not on the overall train defense have much impact ,but from another control car tail turret of the man, a person to assume two defensive duties ,and I only looked on in impotent fury .
An assault mech I found the train the last rare defense void ,slightly adjusted the flight attitude ,waved the plasma wave knife ,to rear attack ,it seems that his ammunition is used almost everywhere ,it is already smoking train straight with deceleration does not expect on accelerating to get rid of attack .
Before looking at the gleaming blade will fall on the top of the head on a survival instinct that I did not hesitate to press the emergency button . -- the acoustic ejection cockpit to me like a projectile general bomb out ,be caught off guard ,attacking mecha ,thought that is what the new weapon ,the attack ,busy back baffle .
I am strong enough ,be assault mech mechanical hand off the ground ,just spit the two blood .Intense pain to clear my mind a lot, the battle continues ,a stray bullet flying ,in order not to let myself die not clear ,I endured the pain scrambled flee in grassland in .
※ ※ ※ I do not know how long after,the earth shake me from sleep to give out, it is trees towering trees ,is not what the monster to the foraging to ?※ ※ ※ after falling downfrom the train ,in the grass lying for a while ,I climbed up ,my intuition told me that if not as soon as possible out of this place ,the consequences will be very miserable ,fighting with the train mobile has moved far away, there will be the occasional one or two trailing smoke from a nearby sudden strike air swept away from the battle ,it seems the enemy by loss is not small .
Now do not know how to train the com ,there was not a sound ,I only chasing trains in the fields left orbit move on to .Finally dragged his tired body came to this piece of the woods just open while he was awakened, alas -- !It is no justice !※ ※ ※ Ifind a leafy tree and climbed up through the branches ,the gap between ,see distant woodlands with metallic reflections .
Well !Is a humanoid machine ,wow ,this will, door-to-door delivery of prey I will not allow it .Hum - !Don open the tra guy is very great ,just let your boss I suffered, now that I for you .
In the woods to deal with this machine I but rather experience ,childhood because of stealing opening agricultural humanoid machine is often used humanoid catch Manshan ,since then I was in the woods and thinking of law against those who pursue me humanoid machine ,then again also nobody dare open humanoid machine to the woods to catch me ,because those who chased my humanoid machine to finally became my booty ,then in my hand into a pile of scrap metal, since it removed to play it ,ha ha -- !I quickly in the traps ,and timely make suspicious noise that will be attracted by the humanoid machine .
Oh -- ,is really beautiful . Arrive near humanoid silver fuselage lines smooth ,plus mount weapons than the village ,look at those agricultural humanoid machine down much, do not know who attacked us train mecha is it right? And in front of the same ,when battle was not good to watch over the patronage of hit ,early to know it has such a good machine I am afraid I would have run out of the army .
Defenseless humanoid machine stepped into a trap not know ,standing there turning iron head and looked around ,think to find out just what is sound source .Kanleyihui have gained nothing ,will continue to move forward .
I took off the branches into a stick ,quietly from the follow up .I set the trap is simple ,only to find a few of Kifuji hold several loop sleeve ,step up does not start immediately ,Kifuji will set foot on humanoid machine ,and along with the humanoid machine mobile card into the foot joint ,resulting in abnormal body action ,and then shaped machine driver still not that is the trap can only think of is accidentally by Kifuji hold ,then will try to manipulate a humanoid machine break tripping Kifuji .
But it would be so easy to ,Timbo is specially selected ,at the mercy of the position is important ,not pulled out a tree is difficult to break ,and vine has card into the joint ,even though free will affect the human machine in action .
In front of the humanoid machine has stopped ,the driver has found that foot was vine seems caught on ,he stopped humanoid machine from the cockpit to climb down, soon cut off the twining vines ,as long as the card into the joint vines cleaning off on it .
It is a clever guy ,because senseless to use brute force to break will only make the card into the vines are more difficult to deal with ,he chose the correct disposal .If I lie on one Related articles:

