
google n at the first thump

Dan medicine, magic weapon!"
A pupil asks a senior that is a head.
Chapter 118 several square influences
"Is quite good, cut to kill this about to die island lord, got hold of his corpse to bring back a group, can acquire great contribution.I can promote for the true oral tradition pupil with this contribution!"
Be cold cold for"senior piece" of head on smiling, send forth one in fine threads power from the body!
He is incredibly the superior of magical power secret place!
These eight too a pupils in, senior piece is the only magical power secret place pupil, however he didn't display power flight and still kept leaning against magic weapon, obviously the power self-discipline must be still not deep, didn't even do true spirit.But fix the magical power is incredibly still too an inside pupil in the door, it is thus clear that become too a true oral tradition pupil is how difficult, too a real strenght contains thick what Hun.
"The rumours are that about to die island lord, the self-discipline arrived magical power three heavy gangs annoy a territory and fly cut off soon, do for a sky, Gang about to die hand, a shot kill people.Although we gathered together together the gossip Xuan in the sky and also perhaps killed him deathless, be been anti- to kill by him."
A pupil worries of way.
"This you trust, the nature isn't that we beat first time.Ten thousand return a fairy island this launched to have a history to 40 thieves most in order to scathingly make track for to kill to make, ten thousand return the Zhang of fairy island to teach, have already sent out sign Zhao, order ocean top to allly spread to fix and launch to round Jiao to 40 thieves."The Hey Hey of senior piece a smile:"Rank the 40th, 39 thieves, the front soon has already been put~to death to kill.Took aim at this about to die island now lord.Just that the ordinary people can not find the position of about to die island, however I is to know in this devil Xia, I secretly and just a little notified for a while, not night island, hang empty island, Ao fish island, work properly a bead island, rain spends the person of five alliances in the island in the island, once they receive news, affirmation will come and put~to death and kill of, I want that once returning is half of two-hour period, should arrive."
"Five alliances in the island?One is small to smallly spread to fix a turn of son just.Can have what your work to use?That not lord in the night island, have some magical power."A pupil is cold to hum 1:"This severals spread to fix, be got fortuitous, step into a magical power secret place, however they have no opportunity self-discipline forever true spirit, because there is basically no the method of true spirit self-discipline."
General superior, if got fortuitous fairy good luck, the bitterness did for several decades, can step into a magical power secret place.But have no the self-discipline method of magical power secret place, is not likely to convert power into forever true spirit, can at the first thump turn.
The magical power secret place practices moral teachings a method, basically only several front door partieses just have, or is the ancient works that the ancient jots down.
The about to die island lord is to originally extremely believe in self-discipline to lead at the evil door day, so as to do into Gang spirit.
"Not night island, pour recently is mix the breeze living water to rise.This time still please arrive go to heaven as a fairy the pupil of door,google!And he still pull last relation, send to son to go to heaven as a fairy a door in, become inside pupil in the door.This the overseas taking spread to fix, all easily don't dare to give offense to him."Senior piece licked to lick lips:"I have already known that some pupils that go to heaven as a fairy a door, already at not the night island visit.Heard an about to die island lord in the devil Xia, affirmation would come.Letting them beating is first time, and the about to die island put together, you die I live, we are making moves to cut to kill.Lend dint to beat dint."
"Is quite good!Senior piece says and BE, can we also notice pupil of going to heaven as a fairy the door, is exactly a kind of what circumstance?Go to heaven as a fairy a recent people of talent coming forth successive, have already gradually threatenned me too a position.If this continues, to my too an establishment fairy way big industry, the diligently virtuous plan of way for bringing peace to country fairy is consumedly disadvantageous.We come out peregrination this time, the teacher is to specially give an account that we want to be closely to notice under go to heaven as a fairy a door?"A way with cool-headed pupil.
"Bring peace to country a fairy way by contribution, this is the Zhang to teach the effort for settling down of the sovereign and many fairy.The world practices moral teachings now of person, good people and bad people mixed up, face an everything by strength on, therefore result in the Tu of many extremely conceiteds.Have to practice moral teachings person's a to the world frame frame, Lyu method to control them, once disobeying a Lyu method, immediately declining destined disaster.This is for the line way in sky."Another pupil swears:"Making into these ten thousand thous didn't have of fairy industry, I too one is to truely take charge of a fairy way and get a group of fairies generally, is also a paradise forehead!"
"This is our too a common goal of pupil, younger brother Shi door, totally encourage."
Senior piece's air is dignified:"We don't enter devil Xia first and wait for those five alliances in the island, and the pupil to go to heaven as a fairy a door comes.Walk, conceal, I here together escape treasure sign in a sky!Being a treasure machine is what teacher faces to give me before going.As long as the fiesta gets up, magical power five heavy nature and man territories as follows of the superior be all not likely to discover we the slightest of trace."
The talked, this piece senior, formally took out a jade sign from the bosom and inset gold on this jade sign, purple gold, green gold, platinum, black gold, the gold in five kinds of colors.The Rong cast into the sign of a per to record, pattern, strong power from send forth among them, a put on of, all of eight too a sonses are missing a trace and shadow.
The power that works properly a sign is really the best in the treasure machine.
Several people concealed body, after time, about 23 pillar joss-stick's the horizon unclearly invite around inform come roar and shout, the shadow of human figure is layer after layer, the method breeze roars and shout, incredibly is a large numbers of people to cooperate to fly, compares eye-catcher among them is a gold Hong!Glitter through sky, roar and shout, the low altitude flies, the strong breeze causing chases the sea waters on the sea surface all"plough" together profound gutters.
This kind of strength all at least has the dint of several hundred dashing about of horseses!
This gold Hong is incredibly a satisfied gold smoke, been martial by the dish to devote major efforts magical power fiesta the chain lead of baby
"This devil Xia is to grow too much, inside absolutely such as the maze is general."
At this time, the square is cold and the Long Xuan witch have already got into "devil Xia", this"devil Xia" is very profound, on flying into to go, black fog fills the air, is all high everywhere Gao reef, canyon, roar of wave.
"Hum!Freeing to this about to die island lord is deceitful ghost, also difficult escape my to track to respond!He uses Hinayana sorcery, the everywhere established a Huan view, and surroundings of the landscape reef blend integral whole, and then cover up with many magic weapons, can conceal live a nature and man territory the following of superior, but how conceal live me?"Yan and square cold spirit communicate.
Later on, they fly to a hidden reef sea water whirlpool on.
This place, about square the circle is 231000 acres, seem a small scaled lake, in the center of torrent current surge, tower aloft several such as iron of reef, black fog fills the air, water spirit seethe, the sea water screams aloud, struck with fright or horror.
"Be here, you use to really annoy fierce bomb!"
Square cold luck foot true spirit, a Zhang releases, the blue huge wood condescends to come without basis, mercilessly and toward this sea water reef whirlpool, the fieriness bumps shot.
Bo Bo Bo!This for a while, but have never bumped shot to sea water in go, but was separated by strength of invisible, black fog of the one circle is spread by the shot later on, that sea water whirlpool, all disappear, incredibly is a very small group of islands, the group of islands up towered aloft a palace.
A bead light treasure spirit of palace!
Up write, about to die island!About to die absolute being temple!
Chapter 119 five jail Wang Ding
If this about to die absolute being temple puts in the customs, an equal to governor of province Ya the official residence of the door, be regarded as grandiosity magnificent, magnificent.However put a group at the fairy way to say, this palace is a little bit small, there is no fairy weather.But this at the right moment matches an about to die island lord to spread the identity for fixing.On lying to spread to fix, where sometimes the energy construct a square the circle is several 100 inside, ascend a long distance of palace?
The abode spread to fix is all some coarse spirits.Not ability and go to heaven as a fairy a this kind of tycoon group in door comparison.
Palace outside, there is also no big, forbid a method.
Because set out a big, demand magical power five heavy nature and man territory on of superior.Only nature and man territory, can communicate nature and man, three Wu sun moon and starses, plant geomancy, the tide rises and falls of state, can accidentally chase various power comprehensive circulate mutually together, 1,10000% increment power.
About to die island lord ten thousand ten thousand don't arrive this state, otherwise of words the square is cold early and then be killed by him

