
http://www.feedage.com/feeds/22517288/beats-by-dre-cheap y is two slices of t

It is very severe.Killing to harm dint is astonishing, there is among them also the superior of gold Dan, but far far rather too an amount is astonishing.
An all-powerful sword parties superior who wears "ten thousand sword method tunic" looking at "too a " superior to continuously increases, secretly several:"Five, :2!Unexpectatively too an above superior who fully come to 12 gold Dans!"
"These are five lines of of ground, legendary very dangerous, the pupil of our group must not spread to push forward in disorder and one by one and see an inside some what things!Discovereds treasure hiding, cans not loot, either!"
The three greatest swords send of the pupil also obviously isn't a stupid person, there is among them also group elder leading a troops, an order of, keep on promulgating.
At this time, get empty at that time of in the passage of door, glory no longer flicker, obviously is each the pupil that the front door sends have already together come together.Is the too the most huge, fully have 34100 people!
Other groups of, only several 10.
The whole true oral tradition pupil that goes to heaven as a fairy a door, just more than 100 persons.Is too a now come of nature and man territory above superior,http://www.feedage.com/feeds/22517288/beats-by-dre-cheap, have 34100!Both of realize, absolutely is clouds on the sky and the mud of underground.
Go to heaven as a fairy the true oral tradition pupil of door certainly, there are a lot of elder of all becomings.One heart is pure to fix, don't battle out Zhang of big in the door, this is also reason.But too a pupil, but don't would like to become elder.All want to battle out Zhang to teach a big.So the true oral tradition pupil is special of many.
When each parties pupil remits to gather, suddenly, in the farest place, the evil spirit of mightiness is since then billowing.Many strong sky of devil kings , faintly discernable, drive evil cloud and dash away since then.
"Carefully!The sky is evil to strike!These are five lines of of devil king in the sky of ground, we can kill by shot, but they evil disintegration in the sky**, but is the difficult to tie up, we set out in Chengkong University and exclude them!"
The three greatest swords send of superior, have already set out to like a sword, they see too a pupil at the same time, all motionless, in the heart but secretly sneer at, looking at too a pupil to suffer a bad loss.
Where know, in this split second, suddenly, the "week place a" etc. of"Zhao Xuan Yi" of too a "Sung is only one" is 12 little tycoons of gold Dan state, suddenly ha ha a burst of long smile, the overhead rises Teng to have a gold Dan at the same time.
12 people's gold Dan, the conjunction revolves at the same time together and urges to deliver 1.
Blare, blare to seem the ghost absolute being cries in the Hao and seem the sky is weeping over, unreal in inform come numerous call the greatly terrified Hao of people, later on the unreal fracture of a way, appear in the sky, inside unclearly invite around have a blood is flowing to drip, seem to be old skies of be all cut to open, stayed bleed!
"Judgment day natural calamity!Judgment day natural calamity!"
"Do not is wrong, this was too a highest magical power, judgment day natural calamity!Rumours in, once displaying, blood rain in the sky, ghost absolute being Hao, the judgment day condescends to come, the unreal cracks, and the cosmos is heavy to return mentally dense!The superior who only grows to living a secret place, so as to display!Unexpectatively, 12 little tycoons cooperate, incredibly can display"
The three greatest swords send in, some persons who know goods are all shocked.
This is the legend in of, too a gain considerable fame is various sky of endless world of highest magical power, judgment day natural calamity.
Bang bang bang bang bang bang
Once the judgment day natural calamity launch, far at 100 in outside of many big sky of devil kings, haven't come yet and display evil for a sky disintegration**, automatically resolve, changed into numerous flesh and bloods, drive inhaled robbing of judgment day natural calamity cloud in, for must go to heaven as a fairy 12 little tycoons' gold Dans in the door up, put on last 1 F blood light, their gold Dan, more and more bright, seem is got Jing blood to moisten.
"Ha ha ha ha, So several devil kings, where do we look for!Now our 12 people, cooperate to display judgment day natural calamity, even if is the superiors who is long to living a secret place to all want to avoid three to give up.These days of devil kings really greatly repair"
Several too a little tycoons smiled.
Each time a head of devil king in the sky be put~to death to kill, can bring strength for them, moisten gold Dan, strengthen to fix for.The superior of devil king in the sky but equal to magical power secret place.
"Do not know, these are five lines of of ground, have to do the big sky of devil king of evil gold Dan in the sky, if had words, put~to death to kill it, we can even greatly repair!"
"Leave, push forward all the way!"
At too a , three greatest sword parties, put~to death to kill for a sky, devil king of time, square cold but have already gone deep into five lines of of the deepest place of ground, he now again run into and woman without pubic hair an absolute being monster of grade
Chapter 249 water fire double ape
New day, the red ticket is hit
The square is cold to go deep into five lines of of ground, inside the bewitching monster turned by five lines of vitalities is more and more strong.
However his five emperor"green emperor wood emperor achievement""the white emperor gold emperor cuts" is all two in the middle of the big evil magical power the self-discipline arrived greatly satisfactory, Zhang Kou Yi sprays, sky present square the circle is several ten inside of green cloud and platinum thick cloud, thunderbolt flicker, B wood absolute being thunder, G gold absolute being thunder hail generally hits to drop down, arrive of place, the whole demon the monster all change into vitality, benefit oneself.
Is also say a regardless how strong bewitching monster, can not close to an another place circle several ten inside.
The top of head the sky is two slices of thick cloud, his best amulet.
These are two, have already completely outstripped the power of"big day a fire""black day storm", become the biggest two door in the magical power power that he fixs now.
"The square is cold, if you five emperor big evil magical power all self - disciplines arrive greatly and successfully, can condense into five emperor China the cover treasure umbrella, ten thousand evil don't invade, the various method doesn't break, invincible.In those early years nether world big emperor be this a display, flew rise become immortal of time, tore to pieces the time of the door of fairyland, fairyland in bombard endless unreal absolute being thunder, 129,600 destined disasters, all what then not very small amount."
The Yan looking at a top of head the sky up, two slices of bushy clouds, squint Jing.
The cover in China is an emperor at the time that cruised, the overhead umbrella form crest cover, used the treasure thing of various gaudiness adornment, increased dignity.Five emperor big evil magical power self-discipline successfully after, can also condense into China cover, protection oneself, ten thousand evil don't invade.
At this time, distance the sky, a burst of Hua of water ring, from the distance dash about since then, seem suddenly unreal in appeared a day river.
"Another water fastens big strange, this time not know come of is what?Xuan force?Xuan Wu Lin Shui?"
The absolute being monster that water fastens is Xuan force.
Eastern A B wood, the absolute being monster is a green dragon.Northern I Kui water, the absolute being monster is Xuan force.Southern C settles fire, is a Vinaceous Rosefinch.Western G luckily the gold is a woman without pubic hair.
Central E already the soil is a 螣 snake.The king of螣 snake, declare Huang.Be called Huang snake again.The rumours is the kings of hell, a turn over inversion in the body hell.
Surging water in the distance rings, all feel Tao for sky water spirit, rushes toward noodles since then.The woman without pubic hair that the vehemence the slightest bears comparison with a chain to turn is regardless that the square is cold or the Yan wait a person, in the heart all is a pleased, because ran into water to fasten an absolute being monster, if once again the chain turn, that black emperor water emperor's boxing can be greatly satisfactory.Five emperor big evil magical power again further!
Five emperor big evil magical power successfully after, the power can match in excellence too a judgment day natural calamity.
Was public to bring up spirit, connect square cold also Zhang Kou Yi absorb, dispersal square the circle is several ten inside of two slices of wood emperors annoy cloud, the gold emperor annoyed cloud to all meet together to come over and narrowed into an acre of farmland size and suspended in the top of head.The dispersal must more open, the power more scatters and gathers now, and the power is larger.
At square cold this narrows a gold, when the wood is two a head of huge ape, appear at public eyelid in, looking at a square with the look in the eyes of Jie Ao cold public.
This huge ape, nearby numerous water cloud tie up to round and holdses a huge water stick, person non- person, evil not- evil, water vitality contain on the body, compare with woman without pubic hair come not the slightest weak, the power surge is limitless.
"Is very fierce!This is what things!Vehemence so of arrogant!"Nebula baby shocked way:"Water vitality coagulates of absolute being monster Xuan force, I once experienced on the crystal hole sky, but the strength seemed to have no this ape so strong!"
"This is too thou water ape!Is also a

