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Aroom of Han Confucianism command never neglect ,two hours sent two people to ask the situation .relationresultCold Confucianthoughts carefully ,never forget off any order ,want to know a little detail error ,are likely to lead to the whole plan will put an end to his head ,this time the nerve stretched very tight !relationresultSo bigas to cold Confucian suspicious ,that nature is always alert ,cold Confucian life to things ,whether to eat or use, she will not move, directly into the space ring ,in order to prevent cold Confucian found themselves without eating ,useless and suspicious ,to all kinds of valuable jewelry and clothes are in one in the back .
relationresultHanConfucianism is infuriated, so big that a thousand li away manner ,is clearly on his broken old friendship !relationresultIt is not,can only bawanggengshanggong ,can I get your people, but do not get your heart !relationresultHis Excellency ,Mr.
Phelan invited ! The study report ,a road .relationresultIs Mr. Phelan ?Please ! Han Confucianism heard the news ,he smiled a smile .relationresultCovered with ablack man in a lead into the governor ,study ,a man slowly raised his head ,the blue eyes exposed, as if there is a magic ,can not help it to go up ,and deep inside !relationresultPhelan ,how long has it been ? But Han Confucianism seems to his strange eyes is not cold ,but still conscious obstacle of the past .
relationresultFor ten years ,not ten years later, I was sitting on a seat in the province, but also became the governor ,this change is really wonderful ! Fei Lunsheng is very tall ,white Xixi face ,inferior fine short beard ,blue eye is full of great vicissitudes ,straight nose, this is a can make countless boudoir woman crazy face .
relationresult,don ten years ,will not hear you in the organization, I can would see you again ! Han Confucianism very happy way .relationresultThe elder brother ,organization to you this time is very happy ,you know ? Phelan sat down and said .
relationresultI know ,but I was ,no one can change ! , relationresultYou still that way ,decide things, will never change ,I think you blood flow is not fox human blood ,but the golden lion ! Phelan said .
relationresultActually, my blood is 1/8 gold lions human blood ,fox human blood after 1/16 . Han Confucianism and said .relationresultNo wonder ,you the surface like a sly fox ,actually more like a gold lion man ! Fees chaos shrugged ,as if to say their cold Confucian lineage secret not interested at all !relationresultPhelan ,I need you to help me ! Han Confucianism sincere plea .
relationresultThe human woman named Ning Xiner ? Phelan tract .relationresultYou know ,I like her ,and I hope to be able to get her ,this time was my best chance ! Han Confucianism and taoism .
relationresultShe is not pure ,haven see ? Phelan indissolubles ,gold lion is the most proud of ,how will accept an unclean human woman ?relationresultIn my heart ,she is the pure ,Phelan ,please don say that again ! Han Confucianism with anger .
relationresultChapter 348th :order ( a ) , relationresultThe elder brother ,don I just say a truth . Phelan even said .relationresultHanConfucianism was slowly : you know my friend intersects with so big as long as ten years later, to her ,I even used the organization to help her fame and sweep against her object ,without thinking, she was like the other men ,this is absolutely not tolerant ! , relationresultI don ,what do you see in her which, on her beauty ,there is animal Terran fox female and Catwoman ,you get as much ,wisdom ,fox Terran girl than her wisdom more, to a feeble woman ,you think it ? Phelan didn word .
relationresultShe feeble woman ! Cold Confucian eyes out two star road .relationresultNo ,she is hiding a master ? Phelan shook his head with a smile ,obviously cold Confucian .Feel very do not understand .
relationresultShe comes from a very mysterious family . Han Confucianism and said .relationresultOccult family ? Phelan immediately on the face with a trace of interest .relationresultWell .
Han Confucianism nodded his head ,he is also in inadvertently discovered this, is so big side of the Qing Shu ,one can let God level master willing slaves, and the personal protection of woman is a woman ?relationresultYou are to others in order to her back.
After the family strength ? Phelan understood this ,why he had known since childhood good friend good brother why so persistent to get a human woman ,he know Han Confucianism ,this guy is no good things is not dry ,but also is able to let his heartbeat interests .
relationresultNot exactly, I really love her ! Han Confucianism and taoism .relationresultWhat do you want me to do ? Phelan is quite simply asked .relationresultYour family is not having a pair of Naga .
Can control other people ? Han Confucianism and said .relationresultYou make me control the woman ? Phelan surprised road .relationresultNo, as long as you make her able to temporarily obedient and I ,but in some occasion some .
I hope so ! Han Confucianism and said .relationresultIf she is an ordinary person, I think I was pretty easy to do, but her. Since it is the hidden family of origin ,I fear that she may have what she didn know ability .
.. ... Said Phelan cautiously .relationresultYou are worried that she has the ability to make you back ? Han Confucianism and asked .relationresultYes ,you know we are family practice spirit Naga ,and the goblin fox .
You almost, if the other party spirit power over us ,or determined ,it is very difficult for the other psychosis-inducing ! Phelan said .relationresultPhelan ,to you now work cannot do? Han Confucianism displeasure ,he from Phelan then recognize his weasel words .
relationresultPhelanhey hey laugh : of course ,this is not a problem ,but I need to talk to you ,the future wife to know about . , relationresultNo problem ,I hosted a dinner they ,will introduce you to her .
Han Confucianism smile on his face , but I hope the sooner the better ! , relationresultTonight ,you have got one ! Phelan ran a cold Confucian a very ambiguous smile .relationresultWell ,then that ! Cold Confucian great rejoicing ,as long as the tonight has been so big people ,it is not difficult to get her heart !relationresultHis Excellency ,hotel in all normal circumstances ! At this time, a voice came out of the door .
relationresultKnow ,pay close attention to ,not allowed to have any errors ! Han Confucianism deep voice said .relationresultThe elder brother ,I ! Phelan rose road .relationresultI have had prepared a room ,fee brother can go to rest ,dr dre beats.
Han Confucianism and send word .relationresultNo, I have something personal ! Phelan bowed himself said , the brother assured ,evening prior to the house ! , relationresultEverything ! Han Confucianism ring has been sent to the study ,and then assigns the aide who has been at room into the palace !relationresultSplendid Hotel,remove the injured person ,slightly a little blood basically restored ,but action is not so natural ,as long as no big movements ,is to look not to come out .
relationresultIn the eveningthe evacuation plan ,pretending to be Shuo Fangjun who removed ,others all entered the resting state ,the hotel is very quiet .relationresultWaiting is the mosttortured Related articles:

