
cnn ncanny smiling face

Please history sword teacher to answer."
History open eyes, say with smile:"Mr. Li say, please."
Li Ru lightly says:"The king grants and Lyu Bu's secretly plan, will too the teacher lure an imperial palace, then make use of ambush with one action and kill too teacher.Wang Yun and Lyu Bus raid too teacher mansion and Li Fu later on, so quickly some kind of actions, make people Za tongue, too late reaction, is the history sword teacher it the king that how can anyone know grant to rebellious news with Lyu Bu?"
History the corner of mouth start to hang up and say with smile:"Put~to death to kill Dong Zhuo, the hero building is also an one of them."
Li Ru asks a way again:"Now that history sword the teacher is too also an one of them, should kill teacher and Li Mou, but why wanted to send a person to save Li Ru and wife son, and held us to the hero building."
History say:"Mr. Li's artistic talent is outstanding, don't damn."
, History sneer at 2, say:"Mr. Li, you are Dong Zhuo the first to strive for a private, clever strategy preeminence, can not guess the viewpoint that I saved a Sir.Sir's heart knows the belly is clear, need not continue to sound out a history.Should say of I will say, should not say of, the Sir is to whet to break mouth skin can not also sound out.Have what problem directly ask, Chang-an very disorderly now, also need Mr. Li to stand out to flap once the arm flick and manage general situation."
Li Ru smells speech, eye pupil fiercely a shrink.
Does his station come out to manage general situation?
History of the words let Li Ru Xin in a bit blurred, not clear so.
Li Ru deeply absorbs tone and recovered an irritable dynamic mood of heart and soon after asks a way:"The history sword teacher straight talk from an honest person is a generous person, I didn't continue to go around in circles.History sword teacher can in the shortest time inside get news,cnn, and holds scholar and wife son Li Fu, want to be more necessarily loyal to than a certain various Hou.If history sword teacher the loyal to king grant and Lyu Bu, affirmation will put~to death to kill Li R and obtain a king to grant with Lyu Bu's award for merit, but history sword the teacher didn't do so, obviously is other various Hous of world."
History nod a way:"Mr. Li is very perceptive, history admire.However, saved Mr. Li a , in fact is a history from make the decision a piece, don't advertise for the approval of winner's Mr..History feel the wisdom and ability preeminence of Mr. Li, have great use to main male affirmation, so an extrication Li Fu of Mr. Li, so as not to be put~to death by Wang Yun to kill."
Li Ru's cachinnation is 2, ask a way:"Dare to ask history sword the teacher is loyal to which road various Hou?"
History say:"Might Mr. Li as well guess?"
Li Ru ponders in a short while, positive color way:"World various Hou, and the hero building contain the contiguous, only the Cao holds, Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu and Wang Can can accept Long hero building.Although the person of precision can not guess, hero building the loyal to various Hou necessarily hold in the Cao with Wang Can's, as for exactly is a Cao to hold still Wang Can, can not know, and is hard to predict."
History the favour ask a way:"Mr. Li, why is a Cao to hold and Wang Can, not Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu."
Li Ru Wei is tiny on smiling, explanation way:"Four a life times in the Yuan house three male, the Yuan Shao is from nobility, is a big eminent family clan.All of the talented persons whom he thinks greatly of are that the contemporaries are famous, there is the person of artistic talents, for hero building so Long She mix of place, affirmation of Yuan Shao can't accept for oneself to use.He can play in the hero building as well as invite various talented person in the hero building, but can't take down hero building."
"Hero building Long She mixed, the fame isn't good, the Yuan Shao wants to have regard for his own identity fame and prestige, then there is no energy like this taking down hero building, because the Yuan Shao doesn't dare the affair of doing influence fame in the Yuan house.The roaming swordsman son is after all a roaming swordsman son, the affair doing finally up doesn't get set noodles."
"The Yuan Shao is such, the Yuan Shu is as well such."
"2 people although the personality is respectively different,all have of bottom line.Make reference to bottom, although the identity of noble family sons is also quite good,limited 2 people conduct and actions from now on."
Li Ru speaks contentedly and continues to say:"The Cao holds with Wang Can, one is the sons of Yan Huan, the another is Huang Jin's leftover evil, 2 people to the talented persons all very of desire, look for real talent if is thirsty, all can make to arrive only be use, as long as is useful to big industry, will accept for oneself to use.Wang Can and Cao holds to mix vestige hero building, all probably, as for is who, but can not know."
History smile to ask a way:"If let Mr. Li two choose a, the Sir will choose who?"
Li Ru's corner of mouth is tiny to up, peep out one uncanny smiling face of putting on, lightly say:"If really have to choose a person, I am affirmative choice Wang Can."
History twisted body, ask a way:"Why?"
Li Ru smiled to smile, didn't explain.
History see the idea that Li Ru don't talk, then can not guess Li Ru.
However, history don't know as well Li Ru just some kind of words is really or leave, whether is intentionally saying to let him listen to.History with Li Ru chew the fat in a short while, say on one's own initiative:"Hero building at main male Gu body go into the Luo sun beg the time of officer and have already returned an agreeable lord Mr..Henceforth, teacher also with lord male go into benefit state, as for history then stay at Chang-an."
History say of the person is undoubtedly Wang Can.
Li Ru An's way:It indeed as expected is Wang Can.
The vision twinkles and seems to be some Yin Zhis in his eyes.He cautiously stares at a history and say:"History sword teacher, you seek me come affirmative impossibly just say some gossips so simple.You come to seek me on your own initiative, affirmative is Wang Can to have a words demand you inform and say, what is up?Does Wang Can prepare to do what?"
History fondle Zhang to praise highly a way:"Not the Kui is Mr. Li, clever strategy preeminence, indeed as expected severe, history admire.", History say:"The lord is male to inform an order, let the Gu body of Mr. Li go to a western cool soldier, persuading to prepare to surrender the western cool soldier of what king granted will get Li Meng and Fan dense etc. person, let them lead troops to strike against Chang-an."
Strike against Chang-an?
After Li Ru listenned to, the facial expression greatly changes.
Wang Can's idea viewpoint, Li Ru's in a flash is getting more understand.However, Li Ru also secretly admires Wang Can's energy and unexpectedly dare to emit big world the Wei let him persuade a western cool soldier to rebel not.
Li Ru says with smile:"Wang Can makes me leave, not afraid did I run?"
History the Hey Hey sneer at and say:"If Mr. Li feel to get away from making track for of hero building to kill, pouring can also try and see.However, lord Mr. has already clearly said on the letter, Mr. Li's wife son can't stay is willing soon being sent into Chengdu Chang-an, temporarily live in Chengdu.If Mr. Li don't want Li Jia's joss stick, prefer to the dead drop his/her own son to also run road to open to slip away, history also can say that the Sir is enough malicious, it makes people admire."
After Li Ru listenned to, the complexion rises red, the breath becomes urgent.
Very obviously, Wang Can's way of doing is the wife son that makes use of Li Ru is a hostage, forcing Li Ru has to go to cool state and persuade a western cool soldier to counterattack Chang-an to attain Wang Can's purpose.
How cruel!
Is well shameless!
Li Ru's corner of mouth is tiny to have muscular spasms, sigh 1 in the heart.He has to admit Wang Can sends his wife son into Chengdu and shot Li Ru's soft rib, Li Ru has to listen to Wang Can's order.Although Li Ru however 30 allow, and the ability takes a wife to living son,the public isn't what iron does, Li Ru can not looking at wife son be killed.
There is the person of hero building furthermore at, he is also hard to run away.
History see toward Li Ru, ask a way:"Mr. Li, under your idea how?"
Li Ru helplessly orders and says:"Like, I promise, would like to go to cool state."
History say with smile:"Understand the changes of the times as extraordinary talent, the Sir can promise down, the king grants with Lyu Bu perhaps is sleeping all uneasy Be getting more steady.Sir and take a rest in the back yard for several days, conveniently and wife son the Xu go over the old days.Is several in the days to come, history then will arrange escort, escort a Sir to leave to Chang-an go to cool state.When the time comes, see the Sir display means, history wait and see the Sir's good news in the hero building."
Ground to a stop for a while, history say again:"Lord Mr. still makes me turn to tell a news to the Sir, lord Mr. makes the Sir keep in mind Gu Xu, had better invite him to main Mr. troops, this is also the Sir's another task, ask a Sir Be born firmly in mind to heart."
After Li Ru listens to, once the big Xiu kiss and say:"The affair of city, you arrange by yourself, I walked."
After finishing saying, Li Ru goes toward the room of wife son.
Time is urgent, several he will start on journey to leave in the days to come, therefore again to see the wife son is one eye, then just return to den, consider how plan anti- western cool soldier, counterattack Chang-an.
Art of war cloud:The man didn't fight and the temple win on the whole, must calculate much also;Don't fight but the temple calculate extremely, must calculate little

