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President ,I see scatter !She is a person ,not by mounts ! Seeing the only remaining an hour ,around the compression is getting smaller and smaller, but the frozen world heart is more anxious .
At this moment ,I have a guild member saying let his spirit extremely exciting news !relationresultCatch up with her ,not lost, also don her ,accidentally killing !Newspaper coordinates ,I over !Others keep the original surround formation ,accelerate the speed of advance ! The frozen world aloud immediately ordered, then quickly with dozens of people towards the speaker direction to run past .
relationresultHorsedie ?Hey ,really is God will help him !The frozen world heart smile ,this is never let fall again escaped !relationresultIn thering of encirclement became more and more small ,not mount for use, finally was found .
relationresultShe went into the tear ridge . , relationresultListening tohis subsequent reports ,the frozen world heart wedding .Tear ridge is actually a vast Valley ,in addition to entrance ,in other directions is a such as being forced apart ,with cracks ridge high cliffs ,simply fled without escape !He was also afraid to fall into the monster high refresh area ,senior monster is not just on the blowing is threatened ,they have so many people, even if do not want to fight to do ,once the fighting with the monster ,and is likely to have a chance to escape ,although more may be blowing is monster kill ,but if she got a little lucky ,from senior monster area also might escape .
relationresultTwentyminutes later ,tear ridge .relationresultTearridge is a rocky ground ,area of the foot has three or four football fields ,and do not know is it right? Being around the ridge high cliff block, the broad valley is little snowflakes flew into the ground ,exposing a dark red rock ground .
Wandering alone stood to the side ,in the occasional passing several piece of white snow ,is lonely still ;the other side of the world ,frozen with two or three men to stand at three meters across .
relationresultThe frozenworld not urgent, time and more than 30 minutes ,no horse fall impossible from the three hundred eyes .relationresultWandering ,do you have anything to say ? The frozen world - with grief ,like wandering in to give the opportunity to defend .
He have to take advantage of this time in his union position in the firm .relationresultI have nothing to say, I ,what you did ,and I know it ,I don explain to anyone .Wavelet ,you out, just kill you ,now you kill me ,when is the point of compensation .
Just to be the demon curse kills wavelet in front ,blowing equipment off, said to archer .relationresultArcherlook to the frozen world ,frozen world nodded .relationresultArcherTaishou Zhang Gong ,brush breath * * ten arrow .
The arrow struck off equipment falling body, ten blood word up ,falling into a white light .relationresultAgolden box with a death from mid-air falls to the ground ,the frozen world heart sneer ,face is another very sad appearance ,toward the chest slowly walked past ,want to pick up treasure chests .
relationresultHowever,the frozen world haven walk two, chest suddenly disappear disappear !relationresultThe thirty-ninth chapter the Water Guardian wand , relationresultThe frozenworld for a corrugated ,immediately someone in stealth to picking up to chest !relationresultArea of effect spells ,Cheap Beats By Dr Dre,fast ! The frozen world roared .
relationresultFrozenunion members are game birds ,see the problems ,the frozen world voices ,ten area of effect spells in front of a large ground will be completely covered ,prowl in which people could never escape !relationresultA maskedwhite out of the shadow ,the frozen world looks in the eye ,the heart is fooled feeling contempt rose !Is this person and is considered so that it can be anything from them hundreds of people away ?relationresultKill ! Was a cold ,icy world hand one brandish ,under command .
relationresultA wide variety ofspells ,bow skills down ,masked white instant also turned into white ,death disappeared ,but ... ... , relationresultTreasure chest ,chest ?Why did not fall out ! The frozen world has been picked chest preparation, but in the white shadow disappears but frantically shouted up .
relationresultThe groundwas empty, dead ,equipment drugs even if luck is off ,no surprise, but the chest ?When death will drop ,why not ?The frozen world dare could not believe his eyes, how is this possible ?relationresultIs more thanthe frozen world ,the rest of the frozen unions hundreds of guild members also is such !At approximately mad frozen world ,and being at a loss what to do ,do not know what went wrong .
relationresultThen,system again gives chest coordinates, one look at coordinates be hardly worthy of belief ,surprised and said: the treasure in the distance Piaoxue city an hour direction ,how is this possible ? , relationresultThe remainingthirty minutes ,even if they die back Piaoxue City ,is too late !relationresultFor a time,the world is not frozen by the face turned ashy !relationresultDie back Piaoxue city !Some people to coordinate point ,others find wandering ,followed her ,not let her contact box ! The frozen world without having made a last stand .
relationresultBut the thingswhich are frozen world to be so simple? Xiao Hua and the fall are prevented to this possibility ,blowing die back to the city ,they immediately changed set of master equipment and a common coats ,if not see positive ,would not recognize her .
And this morning game player online still many ,many game player just Daguai returned to offline ,blowing will be transported man ,mixed in the flow of people ,like in a big city to find a body appearance is not too special to her ,and look for a needle in the ocean is !relationresultXiao Huapicked up by false like chest into the backpack ,on their own in the field around consumption time .
And wanted the time is over, coordinate system tips ,then find a opened the box ,it was resolved .In the grandmaster stealth ,he didn being intercepted or dumplings .relationresultAbout an hourafter the snow outside ,snow ice in a remote place .
The days have been slightly shiny, and not the slightest bit dark ,a male and a female in the silence, quietly met, a careful look at the man ,not handsome ,woman is not beautiful .relationresultYou come .
The man said .relationresultIcoming. Female answer .relationresultThings I brought . The man took out a gold light box .relationresultYes ,it is . She took the box ,with little head .
relationresultThe twosneaking secretly meet men and women is Xiao Hua and wandering ,wandering in the crowd from the city go out, according to Xiao Hua to coordinate ,to which a monster is scarce ,not to brush the strange monsters at low refresh .
relationresultMyhand gently in the box ,box snapped open ,and then a series of system prompts .relationresultSystem hint:you get 4123300 gold coins !relationresultSystem hint:you get the water guardian wand !relationresultSystem hint:you get a first-order property conversion gem !relationresultSystem hint:you get two order attribute conversion gem !relationresultAdull chest ,hands disappear from wandering ,wandering the satisfaction of watching the system prompt ,smiled and said to Xiao Hua : thanks to your skills ,or I would in any case also can not escape .
, relationresultThis skill is that useful, Daguai almost useless ,defense can not be broken . Xiao Hua says with a wry smile .Needless to say false image ,Xiao Hua estimated himself unable to break the defense .
Upgrade to now ,apart from the beginning in the new village adds strength ,then is all free attribute points total in agile .relationresultClosed betathirty-eight level ,in order for him to fight the monsters, plus many attributes in force . Related articles:

