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Three words to the right ,this kind of speed ,although not too surprising ,but always stand firmly and fight steadily ,in the group of original foundation has established a solid foundation ,and a solid .
relationresultBe too strong to break.relationresultHisability to discriminate against those who hold different views of infighting ,was much stronger than the ability of the business group .relationresultThe very next daymorning .
relationresultMeditations on thenight to finally lay down their heart Helian subtree persist for more than 20 years of complaints, be in a calm mood to find Hector Ling light ,true commune .
relationresultWhile theformer has always represented the future hope Helian and brilliant Helian son ,there will be no appearance ,the whole study ,are plotted in two lines ,breakfast ,lunch ,dinner ,two people all in his study ,midway in addition to several times in the restroom ,without any superfluous action .
relationresultBoth sidesare obviously in the heist seriously the risk of gambling ,caution, not a detail plan of reasonable, sufficient to do a good job in time be found after the coping methods ,thinking it a few times, found all the reasons not how far-fetched ,two people finally calm down .
relationresultAteight o .relationresultHeliansubtree to secretly leave manor ,sitting on Li Yongjiang Mercedes S600 ,straight to the downtown ,to perform the promises yesterday please two warring elite handsome one after, returned to their homes ,summoned all his henchmen ,meeting !relationresultAlthough heis not a competent group president ,but does not lack the human heart ,three days short in twelve ,Helian family home is located in the balance of payments at the level of the subordinate enterprises all to be higher than the market price of around twenty million the price of success selling ,Helian home large industrial scale reduction at the same time ,also nearly eight billion of all funds in place .
relationresultAllready .relationresultThirddays. , relationresultWhilestill calm ,antagonistic opposition ,melee melee ,a piece of gunsmoke battlefield ,while large stage ,it seems that all the protagonists in the intermission ,and was not eager to stage .
relationresultThe fourth day noon.relationresultAbnormalprotuberance .relationresultForseveral days He Lian subtree finally started to rock ,sharp spearhead instant shift ,not for the Chen family ,not for Han ,directly to the stage from their recent solo family shot .
relationresultThe same time,the other two huge funds at the same time * ,Li and Wang sniper .relationresultThe offensive is relentlessand shock .relationresultLet all people,speaking .relationresultThreetemporary unsuspecting family almost instant losses, retreat .
relationresultThe capitalof turbulence .relationresultAlwaysinvisible to most people are unfamiliar with fangs organization ,finally completely for the first time appearance ,appear in the home side Helian ,powerful and cold-blooded ,directly resist including Loming all master force attack .
relationresultBeingRiso certainly considered Helian home last hand fangs organization flagrantly to capital ,always mysterious Los big little Luomin lattice ,directly exposed the strongest strength .
relationresultAnumber and arrangement .relationresultFlushout !relationresultThis is no doubtafter Tang Aozhi that see things in a blur of capital operation after another large-scale conflict .
relationresultCausestrange .relationresultBut everybody knows,Helian home crazy ,civil unrest has begun .relationresultHundred years ofHelian ,or honor ,hang upon this single action .relationresult(the second chapter !!!!!!!!We ~~~~~~~~~~~ awesome and subscribe to ask the ticket ~~~~~~~~~~ that I should not go ~ first biography ,written two chapters - last night .
Timing ~ .) , relationresultThe 708th chapter : the damage , relationresultThe 708th chapterrelationresultHurt( three) , relationresultIf Chen Pingpurpose is just to put capital into words ,Nahe even Ling light crazy gambling action is in no doubt will water mixing ,both seemingly objective, but the starting point is different, Helian Ling light moves is not complicated ,even can say clearly, directly swallowed three other funds ,and then with fangs organization to protect themselves ,particularly in two simple steps ,but the application of a series of detailed requirements are more demanding ,not inside, don could imagine .
Www !relationresultMuddy water.relationresultTang Aozhi inbold capital operation after, Hector finally began to show fangs ,China has two goes, one is a starved camel is bigger than a horse ,two is a centipede dies but never falls down ,hold in Helian home body, one hundred percent appropriate, their economic strength had not much of the loss ,so do the best operation ,surprise attack ,even directly affects the capital economic trend, which under the table inside and bloody ,beats by dre solo,once exposed, is shocking, which profits, apparently also can let speculators are crazy precious thing, look Shanghai in any one can take charge as chief of the forces, with the exception of a few bands that can not be ignored red blood ,most of the other is in a chaos to superior, this is a very cruel real world without any cause or reason ,without success ,the same is not possible ,a paved road road ,dare not fight again ,what is the glory glory .
relationresultHomeon their own allies when Hector the very next day ,while once again be raging like a storm ,a large number of foreign funds and unknown money almost a moment together ,the amount is huge, the influx of several of the stock market, they believe in the battle at the end of the win ,the purchase of a large number of their shares ,but absolutely crazy throw the helve after the hatchet ,called ,and few in the chaos and profits under the temptation to maintain a rational person ,all are in wait-and-see ,because instead of Helian home and four other alliance mutual put ,Han and the Chen family ,is the most likely to decide the war makers ,both Han and Chen ,have their own strong partners ,to mutual trust ,once the action ,the explosive force is absolutely beyond all imagination .
relationresultThe final battle,finally in all people expect perturbed and excitement ,completely falls .relationresultNotrial ,no negotiation ,endless !relationresultToo many people arefocusing on the host Wu Zetian Chen Jiaxin ,watching her every act and every move ,this is now almost completely replaced her husband in the Chen family all levels every young woman, her to a decision ,can make now in chaos stare big eyes looking for opportunities to people the glory or abjection .
relationresultThis energy,a little sober little man ,who is going to ignore ?relationresultAnd letall the people will not think of is ,a concern even for most people in awe about strong women ,is at this time ,the hospital ,a face gentle care of coma in a man ,she took a towel to dry Chen Ping in the palm of your hand ,sitting on the bed ,picked up a cup of nutrient solution ,with great care to him the input into the mouth ,serenely ,her side ,almost every time she will take the initiative back leaf intimate quiet standing to one side, looking down Aozhi quietly ,hesitated ,finally said : the doctor said he recently wakes up, slightly accomplishment for a period of time ,will go back to the way they used ,he now body ,basically have nothing .
, relationresultTangAozhi shallow well a sound ,not to say anything else ,to Chen Pinggai quilt, quietly in a daze, never look back with leaf close any line of sight of the intersection .
relationresultDepressing,silent and solemn .relationresultFor a long time,leaves close to undetectable frowned ,and if you feel here is not very convenient ,can give him to the Chen family private hospital ,the drugs and equipment are not too surprising ,I can list a list ,there is not difficult to prepare .
relationresultHas been silenceddown Aozhi stood up ,the first open heart leaf bosom ,smiles no, not trouble trouble ,if encounter with Han Shaobo last that sort of thing ,it does require a can directly solve the problem, you here, I will rest assured that many ,these days I may be busy ,can not take into account come here ,please . Related articles:

