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At the moment Zhao Long as a disciple, had determined to break from the old in the rescue ,but also to have the thorough control arm .relationresultTheleft arm in the rare earth ,feel very obvious ,muscle strength ,bone with a running ,you can feel the heavy rare earth in soil gas .
Systemic bone ,muscle ,and gradually generates a force ,push the left arm ,gradually left within the power of the formation of a vortex .Zhao Long was feeling old lost to stay a moment of force ,the force that traction, arm within the suction of air source ,continuously into the body .
relationresultBefore is theold lost dominant absorption ,Zhao Long just practice ,now Zhao Long with old lost left to a force to help ,gradually try to absorb five of the gas .relationresultNowin Zhao Long body ,the gas to complete the first nine full mixing body ,as the pillar of general stand where .
The other four five lines of air ,soil gas ,wood gas ,fire and gas ,water gas around .The wood gas and fire gas the strongest ,but water of gas is the old loss directly from the sea to absorb ,you more and more .
Although only a shallow surface water gas, has also been very striking, and soil gas is the absorption of rare earth ,rare earth quantity now many ,everfount .relationresultThisis the source of soil source continuously ,in order to avoid the arm more absorption ,Zhao Long first cultivation soil gas ,beats by dre australia.
Because the other three five lines of the gas, are all trapped in the body, not in the left arm ,which is the old lost soul to such damage at .relationresultNine RPMfive refining body of soil gas practice together ,like a heavy roller ,will push all flat ,and then casting .
It follows that the gas fire smelting ,wood gas that infiltrated different .This pain is greater ,because gold gas first complete body rigidity ,has improved .relationresultInthe past time imperceptibly ,this is already the third day ,Zhang Siyu hurt a lot better .
Now the sea breeze blowing, she is in the sides of the container .relationresultZhang captain ,this is already the three day ,use our meal ? Captain this three day is thin ten jin of the full scale ,people become extremely thin ,glassy eyes ,hair white half .
relationresultTotallydifferent ,boat like that, so many people have died ,after going back, will be faced with what ,he does not dare to think .relationresultNo, he is a martial arts master ,the time consumption of small ,ten days, eight days without food .
Zhang Siyu waved his hand ,go after captain ,she looked at the container box .Recall that his injury, Zhao Long anger ,but a warm heart .That he gave his body within the input force ,even greater than they eat those pills work well .
relationresultSea breeze,Zhang Siyu was gazing at the container box .( to be continued ) , relationresultThe ninety-first chapter power surge , relationresultCall ... ... Zhao Long long spit out of breath ,did not think there was so much the earth for three days and nights ,absorption refining body was completely consumed with .
WWW ,in the middle of this Zhao Long also practiced fire gas ,the fire and gas breath cultivation to the first switch to the fourth refining body .Because the fire immature soil ,practicing fire gas for the soil gas is of great help ,this also accelerates soil gas process ,let the earth gas refining body contains fire gas ,speed promoted many .
relationresultEven soalso spent three days and nights ,every day ,because the body is lost into the water of the old gas moisture ,does nothing .At the moment Zhao Longtu gas breath reached the first switch to the eighth refining body ,if there re some more ,Zhao Long can direct the completion of soil gas first turn all nine exercise body .
relationresultSoilgas to complete the first eight refining body, found the body of the original injury is all good ,but also the many powerful .Zhao Long didn feel the other ,continue to begin water gas .
The water, because the gas has completed the first turn ,so the cultivation of water gas is the most convenient .relationresultFive lines offorce of the mutual, but also domination ,try to use the power source .
But the mutual force but also better control ,or as dangerous as before ,between wood fire suddenly broke out the problem .relationresultIfit is two grams in vivo potency outbreak is more trouble ,but the old lost soul help oneself to balance at injury .
relationresultBut alsoget good out of misfortune to get so many rare earth ,let oneself five rows of gas can practice .But the chances of Zhao Longning can not .relationresultFivedays later ,the ship was finally found ,but because the ship bad things too seriously ,can only get to the port to repair ,it will take some time, after eleven days, Zhang had now injury already well .
Morning, she opened a very exquisite porcelain ,poured a pill to ,look, finally ate it anyway .relationresultThe eleven day,he did not know how, but insists he is fine, but there are always some uneasy .
The ship have a half to port ,thinking ,Zhang Siyu went to the deck ,but suddenly a light in his eyes ,footsteps stopped ,because she saw a figure ,although only back but she can never forget .
relationresultZhao Long nowstanding on the deck ,eleven days of practice, finally in wood ,fire ,water, three kinds of forces are consumed .Now the wood gas has reached the first switch to the eighth refining body ,fire and gas has reached the first switch to the seventh refining ,water and gas to the first switch to the seventh refining body .
Coupled with the soil gas first eighth Lian ,Zhao Long the harvest can be considered a very lucrative .relationresultForcesmake a spurt of progress ,directly across the top martial reached the pinnacle of martial strength ,but also because of the battle with quenching .
relationresultZhao Long is nowat the pinnacle of martial ,are super tough .As for the left arm ,although early reached the Budo masters degree that ,alone can also have a martial arts master .
But then only from the soil air absorb some of the force ,other wood gas ,fire gas ,water gas through it and no further benefit .Because at that time the old loss will be sealed in the body of these forces ,rather than the left arm of .
relationresultSo nowthe left arm is still the general martial arts masters degree ,since practice ,a step ,complicated ,painful, but very substantial .relationresultIt isthis make a spurt of progress strength improves a lot ,he is not very comfortable .
Later he should strengthen practice, break through the first .Maybe his breakthrough in the first turn ,the old lost will be restored, and old loss also have said ,with our own strength promotion ,his soul will be less restricted .
relationresultSo long ,my back is handsome? Zhao Long suddenly smiled back, now his forces had reached the peak of Wushi, surrounded by dozens of meters a sound can be heard clearly .
relationresultHandsome ,very handsome, if you jump more handsome . , relationresultZhang Siyusmile .relationresultHello ... ... What are you doing. Zhang Siyu played a joke ,suddenly saw Zhao long hand techniques ,people have to jump up .
relationresultAlthough thefollowing is sea water ,but to a certain height ,and was dragged aboard in running ,this time not much better than the stone floor .Zhang Siyu ran to him ,looking down, I saw Zhao Long single hand to dig a gunwale railing ,is laughing at her .
relationresultZhangSiyu gas not, do not know what to say is good, the heart that how can you forget he is no ordinary people .Think of him when drill dragon battle damage ,this thing for him to worry about anything, really .
relationresultZhao Long thenjumps ,see Zhang Siyu is not a good look at her ,he immediately covered the belly to be hungry .Ran to the kitchen and have a good meal, his body because of wood gas and water gas stimulation and nourish ,not like ordinary people hungry for many days .
relationresultThe day you exactly how to interrogate the tomb guy ,is the hand drill dragon ? Zhao Long finished ,Zhang had suddenly think of this has been hidden in her heart .relationresultThe Related articles:

