
http://feeds.feedburner.com/CUZM y repeatedly heat to

The knowledge is still few, oneself of the strength is also not big, but he has confidence to attain his own purpose.

The landing barge violent quiver gets up.Lin Qi Yu manipulated to once drive machine A warship, he knew that this was the landing barge to get into atmosphere.

About after the hour, half's landing barge tremor several next pipe down, immediately after the hatch opens, an algidity of iciness from outside inherit.

The man that claims to be big Ye is from the cabin room in come out, deeply absorbed tone, say:"Or the air here is comfortable, the flavor in the passenger compartment is really his Niang of smelly ……"

Outside flow out into 78 people from the hatch, the everyone wears big skin Ao and take in one among those hands two Chinese foot halfs grow of whip son, say to that big fellow:"Just, gold's the goods this time how?Didn't exhaust?"

The gold Ning just wore an eyebrows way:"Wang Ban Tou, big Ye this time in good humor, have no an effort to torment these rabbit Dai son, goods but big manager answer in person this time of ……to, in addition to he, the others entirely send to degenerative center to go, the sale will soon be about to start."He by hand points Lin Qi Yu.

Wang Ban Tou head up of connect a dress hat to bring about, surprised way:"Is this small guy the person whom the big manager wants?Be getting more strange, he has what special place, worth big manager attention?"

He stared at Lin Qi Yu to see one eye, to after death of the person wave hand way:"Pass by, take these people all, he leaves."

Lin Qi Yu F through can affirm this is that one is dangerous ground of, unexpectedly and publicly traffic in human beings here, and still has a super evolution among them.He more wants to more feel scared.

Is very quick, the persons who sit in cabin room are all taken, leaves him alone and helpless[one] person.

The gold just opened a fixed support, made an effort one Lin Qi Yu's shoulders of clapping and said:"Get up, pick up your person to come."

Lin Qi Yu is beaten by his slap hurt to the marrow, he doesn't dare to use Cu to resist and bite a tooth station to start and slowly come out hatch.

The outside is unexpectedly a world of ice snow, the sky in gray floats to spread heavy snow and sees the landscape of not pure distance on an expanse of white earth and stand on snow ground a brigade take the armed personnel of kinetic energy gun and be dressed in metal on the body heavy A.

Not there are three high-speed snow ground cars in distance, an among those the person who carry to come down in times before drove away, and two car tails spray repeatedly heat to flow and see appearance personal through start.

What to wear is the soil of the list layer on the body of Lin Qi Yu fur-lined jacket dragon, if not ability Cu ability the cloth is on the fur-lined jacket, can not resist at all strict cold.

He beat a cold Ca, the unbearable Se Se shivered.The another cause idea hides own Cu ability, it is a super evolution to hope to conceal oneself.

By dint of intuition responds, he knows as a common evolution, will reduce here a lot of troubles even are dangerous.

Wang Ban Tou after death still has two people, an among those throw a furriery coat to Lin Qi Yu and say:"Put on, don't evolve an above person of 6 F be frozen stiff."

Lin Qi Yu quickly binds a coat on the body, his in the mind is secretly satisfied, sees come from F to disguise very successfully, they regarded as their they the common run of people.

Indeed as expected, those people's vigilance to Lin Qi Yu hearts relaxed a lot, a common evolution is here is have no what become Zhe dint.

Snow ground car inside remains very cold, Lin Qi Yu doesn't dare to make use of Cu to keep warm and have to bind skin coat to arrive one strict cold.

The temperature here estimates or so in Celsius 50 degrees below freezing point, truely is drop water to become glacial star.

Go all the way, Lin Qi Yu looking at the landscape out of the window, the regrettable heavy snow floats to fly, can see ten tread or so, again far of misty one in the place, only have unclearly invite invite of some outline shadow.

Wang Ban Tou takes two under charges to send away under guard in person, he still becomes more polite to Lin Qi Yu and has never opened mouth to scold to begin a dozen.He has been curiously conjecturing Lin Qi Yu, guess why deprave center greatly to always appreciate rightness so the child is interested in.

The noodles of Lin Qi Yu has no facial expression ground to looking at an outside, brain inside as if the windmill sort turn.He conceived numerous kinds possibility, also prepared numerous projects, finally decided that protecting first is small life other of slowly schemes again.

There is the physical endowment of super evolution, he had from save of capital.

Contemplate in, the high-speed snow ground car gets into a huge hole in the door, the inside is the tunnel that more than 100 rices grow.The tunnel is unexpectedly a lot of low short houses, the Windows of house is very narrow and small, inside deeply the point order shining.

Under the overlay of white snow, the low short house is like a convex since of snow heap, closely of hustle in the boulevard both sides, seem to be very simple and crude.

Not distance, a huge arch form building appears at at present.

The front door of arch form building slowly opens, snow ground car nowise stops over ground to drive to go into.Along with the close of front door, Lin Qi Yu's in the mind feels one ice-cold and is like the weather here, he puts out strength to clench fist to secretly encourage that he invigorates.

This arch form building is very well-known in the degenerative star, named degenerative center.

The degenerative star is originally a garbage recall field, free star area all mankind live of the star produce of garbage, all entirely deliver to here, the degenerative star is original of the name is garbage star, here Be still responsible for recalling all space garbages.

Degenerative star whole yearses snowing, is a very cold star, however the degenerative star contains a great deal of active volcano, the subterranean heat resources is very abundant, there are some special plants and wild beast survival in the neighborhood of volcanic crater.By dint of the underground enriches of thermal energy, here build to have a large garbage recall a field.

At the same time, the degenerative star is also to banish ground, the free star area is all criminals, or is the person who gave offense to power expensive influence, be all banished here.

Multiply greatly after the difficulties existence of a few people, deprave star of population F attain several 100,000.

The resources here is a garbage, people after making the garbage rebirth use to exchange and exist need of food and product.In order to there being subterranean heat resources, the energy can right on the spot solve.

The degenerative star contains a soil emperor, he is the person who controled degenerative star's biggest garbage recall right, and the person calls a degenerative king and is hostile to his person to call that he is a garbage a king.

The this person and cruel hand is hot, in the degenerative star, no one dares to set against with him, the his words is a law in the degenerative star, can decide the person's life and death.He lives in the degenerative center.

Snow ground car stops in the wayside, Wang Ban Tou escorts Lin Qi Yu to come out.

Wang Ban Tou's age Lin Qi Yu cans not guess, this person has a liking for to is a middle age, but give his felling should still have to be a little bit larger, he estimates this guy at least is also evolve an or so superior of 10 F.

Wang Ban Tou is the captain of field work brigade, the class head of his Xing Wang Ming, usually someone mistakes him for a small leader of class, in fact he is much bigger than the leader of class.

Degenerative the center is a space for closing, construct structure very peculiar, be like a push open of umbrella, just the umbrella handle is very short, umbrella cover of the edge completely fall on the ground.

Positive center in the degenerative center is also an umbrella handle part, that is the high building in a black, in fact only more than ten floors, have a liking for go to but very Gao Da Dun.

This high building is very well-known in the degenerative star, because it features bottom building the big loft is small, present a triangle shape, called black pyramid, bloody garbage heap, and someone calls it black triangle.

Snow ground car stops in the wayside of black triangle doorway, Lin Qi Yu hurried saw for a while on all sides of environment, haven't seen clear and then wased pushed by Wang banned Tou a ,http://feeds.feedburner.com/CUZM, listens to him impatiently say:"Leave, quickly go in, today for the sake of your these people, held up me how much affair."

One speech of Lin Qi Yu not hair to in walk to, the in the mind constantly reminds that oneself wants to calm down.

He binds a tight skin coat to follow hallway to in walk to, not and in a short while arrive at an elevator, the doorway stands two guards, an among those drink a way:"Stop!What person?"

Wang Ban Tou comes forward a way:"It is me."He takes out a piece of personal status card thing, the machine by the side of the wall up a row.Listens to "Du" of a , the indicator flash across of the machine together green light.

That guard lets go of an upraised kinetic energy gun, waving hand to signal hint can pass.

The elevator had been rising till a crest layer, the doorway stands bewitchingly beautiful beauty of a foppery, she swept public eye to say:"Is captain king?"

Wang Ban Tou comes out elevator cautious, he nods to admire a waist way:"I BE, the person brought."Say to push Lin Qi Yu to come forward.

That chemisette vision is very cold, she don't see Lin Qi Yu at all and say:"Like, you wait here, you!Follow me."Finish saying to turn round and then walk.

Wang Ban Tou pushed Lin Qi Yu a , small track:"You if don't want to seek the words of dead, follow to walk at once."

Lin Qi Yu follows woman to in walk.

He notices, this woman unexpectedly is also

