
http://feeds.feedburner.com/yQUu ic he wants to sign

Cannot help but asking a way:"Can I ascend a free net?"Once the words export him to regret, oneself sank not to live to annoy too much.

Indeed as expected, the Zuo space Sen swept his one eye and lightly said:"Can not, this time task after completing, you can literally ascend a free net."

Lin Qi Yu has no weight in the his eyes, he the request for making, the Zuo space Sen certainly can't realize, besides this activity have to sternly keep secret.

The cold diagram is lightly used shoulder arch arch Lin Qi Yu, small track:"Light rain, goes to a celestial spirits star ……do not you feel very interesting?"

In fact and in spite of is who, hear the person of celestial spirits star an evolution than outside of the person still have to be successful, all impossibly unmoved.Here in the world, the mankind's an important task is an evolution, the evolution of oneself is endless, particularly is a super evolution, pay attention to the evolution of oneself more.

Lin Qi raindrop head way:"It is very interesting yes."

After the Yan and cold diagram's staying in the command module, Lin Qi Yu and ash magma be named to sweep a set, the rules on the warship doesn't keep loiterer.Anne works properly bacterium and card Sen is a super evolution, so be arranged turning on duty room.

Sweeping the set is a the most tired set of, want to wipe to wash cabin room every day and lead way.

Lin Qi Yu returns doesn't matter to this, ash magma in the mind but a little bit defy spirit, he depressed and not talking muchly follows Lin Qi Yu to check in and blame and scold a way in:"Light rain, you why not the one who say that you is a super evolution, they also despised a person too much."

Lin Qi Yu says with smile:"Ash head, their inattention we had better,http://feeds.feedburner.com/yQUu, with our skills, will be light loose at sweeping a set of, not letter, we play by ear."

Follow the front leads the way of seaman, 2 people arrive at to sweep cabin, that is a bottom cabin that puts the kinetic energy cabin room underneath.

Walk into cabin room, sees an inside dusk Ang, a group of persons seat on the floor, and the inferior tobacco flavor of a Qiang nose rushes toward noodles since then.The member of leading the way calls a way:"Peng from hurtle, old Peng, come to two under charges for you."Finish saying to turn round and then walk, seem to disdain to put to treat more here.

"Make what affair be sent to me to come here?Mama of, I am a garbage heap here, you also need not run so quickly ……"a lame person a turned ground to walk to come over.

Someone turns on fluorescent lamp, immediately, the whole cabin room one is bright.

Of doze, have of lower the head stunned, and the individual takes poker under the dusk light.The fluorescent lamp shines, these people all the title see.

Lin Zi, tall and big in stature and strong, know on seeing to isn't the person who asks for, particularly Lin Qi Yu's taste, imitated Buddha knife to generally once sweep public, he wants to sign Wei heart.

His in the mind is very clear, here if pretending ignorance to sell is lovely, suffering a los can be oneself.The person who more has no skill usually becomes more cruelty to small and weak, this is he early understand of truth.

The Peng reads person's innumerable from the Zhong, he saw one eye know the must not be offended of these 2 people, but can not ignore, either, otherwise under charge these people were also hard to fight down.

According to the rules here, the new comer has to obey and show filial obedience everyone.

He up and down conjectures 2 people and says:"Is the Yi newly arrived?How have I never seen you on the warship?"

Lin Qi Yu lightly says:"BE, we is lately ascend warship, once saw each elder generation."He the cordial but independent ground say.

Peng from blunt feel that Lin Qi Yu talks to return calculate pleasing to listener, he nods a way:"Like, oneself seeks a corner to live bottom, Sun Xiao San, take two bed mattings ……get two pillows again, feed, are you two to call what name?Some daily necessities want to purchase with the star point, if have no star to order, there is the reputation of free point or federal ordering all right ……"

Lin Qi Yu says:"I am a wood, everyone can call my light rain, this is the ash magma, call an ash head again."The public side has no facial expression ground to looking at 2 people, a refuse person's a long distance of expression.

One is thin to smallly be like starts to flee from the ground, the way of Rang Rang:"Do not rob, is I small 3 classeses ……" he lacked a Ge Pu, a sleeves Chuai is on the belt and smiling all overly faced to come up.

Public in the minds all feel strange, this time Peng from blunt how can and greatly deliver mercy?General New appointee arrival will dismount Wei for one first, let public pain flat, then blackmail money, after waiting everyone to once venting satisfaction, just can join to come in.Who know Peng from blunt unexpectedly didn't make it lively for 2 people this time, the place immediately had already given them arrangement to stop for the night, but don't arrange 2 people have to drily live.

Lin Qi Yu but secretly admire Peng from hurtle, this person's taste is true.If he dares to challenge, Lin Qi Yu is prepare to get into nasty fight, have never thought Peng from hurtled to don't make it lively for them at 1:00.

Lin Qi Yu says:"I have a free point and how use?"It is public to immediately discuss in succession.All of these people are miserable wretches, on hearing rich, unbearable eager for action.

Sun Xiao San flurried beckons with the hand a way:"I take you to go."

This is a low etc. seaman to particularly sell a small store, is turning Cape place, a man with bushy beards all over the face, sit at an open widely a sofa the top beat to shout.

Sun Xiao San puts out strength to push him to shout loudly a way:"Lu bushy beard, the business came and got up."Face ascend full is the color of excitement.

Lin Qi Yu also doesn't know, as long as taking person to buy thing, Lu bushy beard the meeting give him 2% to take out a head according to the rules.Sun Xiao San is the second-time stem is this matter, he took out to more than 20 stars to order last time and chased this boy happy Be getting worse, the star ordered although can is some extra income on the whole not much.

The Lu bushy beard whole body fat meat, he after being pushed come to very and not and greatly says:"BE which rabbit Zai son ……mama, big Ye I am still very sleepy ……shout."

The horselaugh way of Sun Xiao San:"Bushy beard, money came!"

The Lu bushy beard fiercely raises head, long thin eyes Zheng must consumedly of, say:"Oh ……all right, buy what?"On hearing money word, he is immediately getting more awake.

Lin Qi Yu asks a way:"Can the free point be used?"

Lu big Zong son way:"The heaven astral star orders, the free point of the free star, and the federal reputation orders, entirely can use here, here can also wait precious product with the precious stone to exchange, stop worrying, what can use."He takes out a set to row a card machine and says:"See have no, all-powerful row card of machine!Keep a free net, directly exchange money of demand, ha ha, want to buy a point what?"

Lin Qi Yu has been keeping the personal status card of the honored guest who gets in the free star, he asks a way:"What do you have here?"

Lu bushy beard not from get spirit to greatly flap, a listen to Lin Qi Yu's tone is a rich lord.He eagerly says:"I have everything here, as long as you want of and all have!"

Once Lin Qi Yu's in the mind move and ask a way:"Does the virtual helmet have?"

The Lu bushy beard is one Zheng, say:"Feed, whether you don't understand rules?On the warship in addition to the minority are an officer of, who dare to own virtual helmet?If sneak into to a spy, we all have no life ……that trick not calculate, have me also not dare to sell to you, change to order another thing."

After buying a lot of home articles, Lin Qi Yu bought ten upscale cigarette and 7, 8 boxes of soil wine again and had some a hideous mess food.

The time that rows card, he hides honored guest's card in the center of palm and holds up the view of Lu bushy beard, in rowing card machine lightly on using, then press the finger in the fingerprint to explore to gather a machine up.

Bought these things to totally use 30,000 to much and freely order, the thing here wasn't generally expensive.

The Lu bushy beard is happy eyes all could not opened, so rich of lord he still keeps meeting for the first time, must extremely feel so much to Lin Qi Yu's attitude Lin Qi Yu how see how easy on the eyes.

Sun Xiao's midnight is happy Be getting more dizzy, he sees deduct of free point unexpectedly at 30,000 of many, cautiously calculated for a while, he can get more than 700 points and incredibly delivered a small wealth.

Sun Xiao San is pleased to perseveringly say:"I look for person to help."Finish saying to run.

The ash magma in the mind secretly admires, he knows that what Lin Qi Yu uses is money offensive, as long as see the thing buying know, cigarette and inferior soil none of wine are him favorite of.

Lu bushy beard from his a box of box in the storeroom outwardly transport thing, the very quick passage is getting fuller for the heap.Not and in a short while, Sun Xiao San takes Peng from hurtle and a group of persons come over.

After thing lifts to return to, Lin Qi Yu says:"Peng eldest brother, you come to assign, the home articles puts in the part, other of divided for the brotherses, was regarded as us to the gift of meeting of everyone."Immediately one in the cabin room joys Teng.

These persons overwhelming majority that sweep a set are disabled star thieves, have no position most on the warship, also the most impecunious and a group of persons, because of the harassment distressed, they specially like soil wine and cigarette, particularly soil wine, get drunk

