
http://feeds.feedburner.com/CUZM The thief bile TXT complete works _123

Much damage ,walking a few steps ,with lying on the ground ,not up .relationresultXiaoYuzai ghost head body touching moment ,picked up a ring .relationresultDeepdark ring: grade ,green .
The power of +5 ,agile +10 ,moving speed of +2 ,demand level ,level 20 .relationresultIfnot ,the twenty stage ghost leader if only a green ,Xiao Yufei slammed it corpse can not, but now ,the case is rather difficult ,because of the deep dark ring is one of the current green suit ,it is difficult to determine the value .
relationresultOnly one . Judging from the current situation ,meditation and set the last component of the pendant .You probably in front of a monster who,http://feeds.feedburner.com/CUZM, once complete ,Xiao Yu is in full possession of the suit .
relationresultThe fivepieces of equipment have been added nine points moving speed ,if the rest of the assembly is also coupled with two moving speed, even if there is no set attributes ,Xiao Yuye decision will be on the blue and equipment for down ,put on the green suit ,moving speed plus 11 points ,plus the Xiao Yu base speed ,moving faster than the usual open wind walk faster ,higher than level twenty monsters don want to catch up with her ,if drink wind medicament and open the gale step ,if we encounter darkness Kau python that move extremely fast monster ,Xiao Yuye can easily escape .
relationresultButfor this set of green ,health ,attack ,defense and so on will decline, but to the wind speed ,the expense of these attributes is worth .relationresult~ ~evening there is a chapter on ,ask the ticket ticket .
.. , relationresultThe first three seven chapters of branch line mission (a ticket ) , relationresultIn the openremains in the shuttle, after a while ,the gray sky was played under the light rain ,cold rain in his royal face ,cold cold .
relationresultThe weather can change . Xiao Yu glanced up at the dark sky ,the sky can not see a ray of light ,a desolate atmosphere in the sky slowly wanders ,Xiao Yuzai rain shuttle, suddenly stopped ,turned to the side of an altar ,after thousands of years of wind and rain erosion ,the altar was fragmented ,the central display of an altar a gold container ,there were a few bones .
relationresultXiao Yulooked down at those bones ,gold container central stocked with a small head ,the deceased should just about * * years old children .relationresultThis guy without human help .
Xiao Yu is outraged, they should regard the such young children on the altar ,the savage man-eating race !relationresultAkind of inexplicable sadness in her royal ,rain ticking sound ,playing in the Xiao Yu heart ,a heart ,Xiao Yuzhao look from afar ,in this land ,what really happened to many extremely brutal story ?relationresultXiaoYutan breath, kill the behind the scenes of the so-called God ,is probably the best comfort to the dead .
relationresultXiao Yu Moranto bow their heads ,to move on .relationresultJust then,Xiao Yu fear ,drizzle lightly ,just came a whimpering. Not much, if any ,floating ,seems more real .relationresultThis uninhabitedwilderness who cry ,is a ghost cry? , relationresultXiao Yuwas lifted up ,down crying sounds to pursue slowly past ,the sound is from the altar came ,follow the voice ,Xiao Yurao was behind the altar ,the altar ,a lanky boy was sitting in the corner of the altar ,holding knees cry ,the rain in his body, to his figure more thin .
relationresultThe boy is aghost !Xiao Yu first time make out ,but watching him helpless, Xiao Yuyou relented ,ascertained in the absence of the little ghost will pose a threat to him before ,he was never on the little ghost out .
relationresultLook athis appearance .Xiao Yu thought of his own childhood .A picture in his mind Yudi .For the little ghost .Xiao Yu was full of sympathy .The little ghost is killed when still a child .
Xiao Yu remembered the altar that little head .relationresultXiao Yuhesitated .Maybe this little boy with ordinary ghost monster is not the same as .Xiao Yuzhao the little boy walked past .
relationresultThe boy looked up.Some watched in horror as the Xiao yu .relationresultHello.Xiao Yuxiang greeted him and asked .In order not to disturb him .Xiao Yu dagger away .In the distance the little boy digital place to sit down .
relationresultDon afraid of me ? Xiao Yu sat down to see .The little boy is not afraid of .Some asked curiously .relationresultXiao Yuyaoshook his head .Smiled and asked : what is your name ? , relationresultMy name is Moss e.
. The little boy said ,a pair of blue water of the big eyes looking at Xiao yu .relationresultXiao Yu looked atthe boy ,his eyes clear like a sapphire, but instead ,the sapphire eyes flash a red ,Xiao Yu felt a no history of fear .
relationresultXiao Yudingpulled herself together ,look at the little boy eyes, the red seems to have never appeared, just may only own illusion .relationresultYour name is so strange . Xiao Yu said ,although the little boy is a ghost ,but the boy Xiao Yu and feel no hostility .
relationresultMy mother said ,my name is flying ,flying in the sky fly, like a bird . The little boy happily said ,looking into the sky ,gray sky ,let alone the birds ,even a living creatures are not, the little boy can not help a little dim .
relationresultXiao Yusmile ,the little boy naive expressions dilute sorrow here ,Xiao Yu asked : how old are you? , relationresultThe boyshook his head ,some vaguely said: said a year older ,I don know how old I am .
, relationresultXiao Yucan ,if so be the age, the little boy is really a bit afraid .relationresultthere are many aunts and uncles here ,you are the first one not afraid of me . The little boy looked at Xiao Yu and said seriously .
relationresultThe little boymind although naive ,but knows a lot ,he even knows the difference between human and ghost .relationresultSincethe little boy know the difference between human and ghost ,inevitable, of mankind will have some hostility .
relationresultYou are very terrible ? Xiao Yu can smile ,even become a ghost ,the little boy mind is only a child ,yet let Xiao Yuhao strange is ,in this piece of wilderness ghost skeleton ,mostly without thinking ,but the boy can speak, to communicate with others .
relationresultThose aunties and uncles are all afraid of me, for a great many years ago, there were two uncle came here, they kept after me, want to kill me ... the boy said .relationresultHearthe boy ,Xiao Yu surprise ,the little boy mouth is the two uncle ,was the thief tutor XXX and his brother ?Xiao Yuren not asked : then ? , relationresultI kept running, then falls ,then don .
The boy staggered small head ,seems to recall something, but I can .relationresultXiao Yu wasburied under a variety of doubt ,look at the little boy ,Xiao Yu is certain ,the boy must be a copy of this task in a very critical NPC task ,but with what relevance ,Xiao Yuye cannot be identified .
relationresultWhy are you crying here alone ? Xiao Yu asked the boy ,perhaps can get some clue .relationresultI think my father and my mother . Hear Xiao Royal inquiry ,the little boy and misty up .

