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Chapter 8 wine"bitterness Du"
After listenning to the legend concerning"the blood of Xuan Yuan" of Mo Yun Yi, the Ji vast sky didn't have a boiling passion, he feels "Xuan Yuan" the legend leave he really too faraway, still feeling to step dependably and actually will hide Be once tried a time of square as right way one by one by the secret of building.
Continuous three months, the Ji vast sky often appears and disappears at the midnight, the time in in the dead of night silently sneak in to hide through the building.
For three months, the Ji vast sky not only all mostly acquainted with 1 time to various private's secret, secrets that hides through the building 1, 2, 3 F, but also and hide to mix through old woman Mo Yun Yi of the building familiar.
Once arrived to hide through the second of building and 3 F after, the Ji vast sky just knows that the above of the self-discipline secret is just getting stripe of first floor version.
Like 《fly in the void vitality definitely 》 of the first floor, just jot down from a dollar sky arrive three just the self-discipline method of state in the sky, but the second floor then jotted down from four elephant sky five lines of days of self-discipline secret.The 3 F also has a《fly in the void vitality definitely 》 and just jotted down from six match the sky is to two methods in fixing of 7.
The another self-discipline secret is also similar, the first floor is the foundation of secret self-discipline, second floor, 3 F the high class is some.
In addition, second floor, 3 F many some new of self-discipline secret, have some the personal letter notes of people of the past's self-discipline, the notes up marked clearly oneself in a certain state of predicament, and break of feeling Wu.
Until get into hide through the building 2, 3 F, Ji vast sky just know that the Ji gives a long whistle, the Ji grow joy, the Ji Be long to living an etc. person, of so try very hard to want into top 2 F, the purpose is the personal letter notes that those people of the past write down.
The Ji gave a long whistle to be hiding to with one action break heaven and earth from a dollar sky through the building a sky in those early years, as Mo Yun Yi says because saw an and he the personal letter Wu of circumstance likeness, suddenly understand oneself slowly can not break of reason place, this just can arrive heaven and earth for sky in 3 of territory.
The 2 F, 3 F is the most precious of in addition to secret, is these people of the past's self-discipline Wus!
Only those feeling Wus combine not that many, and on the frustrated road of private's self-discipline in sky, each person's the predicaments run into are all impossibly similar.Under the normal condition,www.buybeatsbydrdreheadphone.com, privates in the sky all need to pass his/her own realization to just can break.The Ji gives a long whistle the breakthrough in those early years just by luck and coincidentally let he the blind cat hit to kill a rat and saw an and he the personal letter notes of self-discipline predicament similar circumstance.
This circumstance is little of again little, this is also why the Ji give a long whistle to stay this year at hide for three days through the building, but a have no the reason of acquisition.
However, in spite of is that the 2, 3 F is higher deeply first-degree sky of private the self-discipline secret is still a gorgeous strong attack secret, as well or is the people of the past's self-discipline Wu, to Ji vast sky, but entirely all useless.
Can not come together a dollar dint of he, connect the most basal of a pass haven't broken, the thing of 2, 3 F to him, with wastepaper just like!
The position of Ji house isn't in the green rock city, but outside the city the foot of a hill of green rock mountain, cross green rock mountain toward the south, is a miasma to fill the air, poison fog walk sideways of vast cloud dream Ze , after leading cloud dream Ze, is a southern Yi tribe well known as southern Yi tribe.
In the morning, the morning sun is slowly risen by the eastern endless waters, the Can Can gold color light act gradually covers with blue sky, magnificent earth.
The green rock summit of hill carries, the Ji vast sky air falls Mo and sit on that a cake of he once made an effort the green rock piece of brandishing the arm up.Three months ago, measure Ji vast sky in chain at Ji house fee exert all sorts of hardship, several desire debilities just ascend here in the evening difficulties.
From last night evening till now, Ji vast sky already at foolish here livelong night!
He originally pure eyes, full is to be fond of Mang at this time, frightenedly hope distance cloud and mist don't curl up of cloud dream big Ze, looking at colourful miasma to be like clouds similar slowly drift at the cloud dream Ze sky, Ji vast sky two hands suddenly embrace one big altar wine of starting the side, again"the Gu Long Gu Long" of fierce infuse.
"Cough ……"
The bitterness wine goes into a larynx over fierce, the Ji vast sky is spicy suffered, the tearses all wanted run off to come, and a strong bitter and astringent flavor son, also immediately spread to open at his heart, momentarily bitter and astringent glut heart, with he the mood at this time generally have no two.
Wine"bitterness Du" is a green rock city slum area a strange old man present to his.
The old man nameds Luo for sky and meets Ji vast sky for the first time, will be named "bitterness Du" of one altar bitterness the wine throw to him, let he drink livelong half altar"bitterness Du" wine, just beginning talk with him.
-At that time, the Ji vast sky is just just 7 years old!
"Little child, you are 20 years old previous life, be like the name of this wine-'bitterness Du', 20 years old after of life, whether return call'bitterness Du', Be about to see yourself."The sky of Luo the time that say this sentence in all seriousness, there is no the meaning to play trick at 1:00, it is an absolute being stick to pour to be different from.Get along with Luo sky afterwards in, the Ji vast sky also discovers that Luo always can't play trick for sky.
Just, just 7-year-old Ji vast sky, certainly can't Luo sky of outright lies put in the mind.
However, behind a chain of facts but prove Luo for sky this sentence for saying-one word isn't bad!
At least, up to today, the life track of Ji vast sky, the Luo sky still didn't speak amiss ……
From reasonable rise, the Ji vast sky knows a father for Ji Hao sky, in 17 year agos, will still infant of he sends back a Ji house, up to now, the sky of Ji Hao all never again return to Ji house, the life and death isn't clear!As for who mother is?Even know not a thing an old and the young in the Ji houses, the Ji vast sky nature knows more impossibly.
Have parents at the other people the kindly of time, Ji vast sky can one person bear with solitude.
In person grandpa Ji over win depressed at Ji house, have been indulging in Ji Hao to naturally die unidentified things of the past in can not from pull out, Ji over win isn't a person who excels to show feelings, he will far and far looking at Ji vast sky and silently give care.
Until before decade, on the Ji Wan cloud face take 4 to touch after shocking wound Ba of eyes return to Ji house, Ji vast sky just truely acquired a without any reservation of care.
However, then in this time, Ji vast sky always can not come together the fact of a dollar dint cruelly be exposed!
The Ji vast sky of age, the beginning is at Ji house suffer more deeply 1 F of discriminate against, is in the real strenght the Ji house of , can not come together the kid of a dollar dint absolutely and disabled person just like!Just just reasonable Ji vast sky, got the most to be just other people's taunt, inhospitality and laughed at of vision ……
Being that the decade is sad again is bitter, adds unreasonable before have no parents' kindly of seven years ago, total 17 years.Livelong 17 years!The Ji vast sky is to come over so!
But now, the Ji vast sky again suffered greatly aggrieved stroke!
Hide a private the self-discipline secret is through totally 15 kinds of days of building first floors and arrive last night, the Ji vast sky has already all tried 1 time one by one, what ways all once tried, in addition to remain a time in mid course fainted, Ji vast sky still a have no acquisition.
For three months, the Ji vast sky body not only didn't change, life of environment is also with usually similar don't change:Grandpa Ji over win to remain is that kindly but mixed a heavily disappointed look in the eyes, aunt Ji Wan cloud remain is completely care, even is to gingerly treat, seeming to fear her will want not to open because of continuously frustrate.
As for others in the Ji house ……
Is also still and usually similar, cool detachment, taunt, laugh at, be like can't eliminate to stop forever!Again or be like Ji to grow happy similar, often take him to move boxing feet, the stuffy air in the heart, make own mood a little bit thrilling.
Have never entered to hide through the building before, the Ji vast sky will all hope to consign at in of private self-discipline secret in sky top, the Ji vast sky at that time, contain a hope in the heart, so even if lived again bitter, again difficult, ……because the hope of that silk immortalization in heart, he canned also keep on having been bearing with.
However, when all secrets tried one by one a time of, the fire of the hope in the Ji vast sky heart, after being put out for a little by himself by him, he starts resembling Huang, vacant and helpless ……even despair!
Suddenly lost to depend on with the target that props up him, all persistence drive he he's a little destroy of the process , to him, really wased too difficulties 1:00 ……
"Bitterness Du ……bitterness Du ……I am this limitless sea of woes ……when truely pass through?"
Sit the Dian of green rock mountain, the many colors miasma hope that cloud dream big Ze in afar to continuously change, Ji vast sky one face thickly turn don't open of mournful and bitter and astringent, also have extremely sad Chuang!
"Vast sky."The figure of cloud of Ji Wan 1 shouts low to spread, silently in one side, station's light tone way:"Doing not be disappointed is still hopeful."
The Ji vast sky facial expression is vacant, the ground of Leng Leng hopes cloud of Ji Wan, lead the half ring, just shake head to miserably say with smile:"Hope?Hope already drive I personally to ruin!"
"Not!"The Ji Wan cloud heart in a painful, quickly drink a way:"Really still have a hope!"
Don't wait Ji vast sky to think more, cloud of Ji Wan quickly explains:"I come over this time, be want to take you to make a trip to the sorcery mountain, rumours sorcery mountain old mother private's secret in the sky of the self-discipline is extremely special.Each disciple that arrive sorcery mountain to do obeisance teacher, as long as being approved by her, she will give disciple dollar dint and let the disciple take that dollar dint as to lead son, come together more dint self-discipline bottom to go."
See the attention of Ji vast sky drive her words to drew on to come over, cloud of Ji Wan struck while iron is hot:"It is said that connect a common run of people, as long as drive sorcery mountain the old mother accept for the disciple, can also with lend her dollar dint giving to come to self-discipline all day private!"
"Aunt, you trust like, I can't want not to open to do what jump silly matter in the precipice."The Ji vast sky shook to shake head, the look in the eyes was pure, but had a to put on Ai cool, in a soft voice sigh a way:"If really have what sorcery mountain old mother, you early should take me to pass by, again how can wait until now?"
"Your this kid, too cleverness meeting entertain foolish ideas!"See Ji vast sky's imitating a Buddha really don't commit suicide of mind, cloud of Ji Wan has been hanging the half gets empty of the heart gradually put down and smiled first reprimand angrily to the Ji vast sky is a , this just dare to come forward the arm of holding tight the Ji vast sky, gingerly will he the side pull over from the overhanging cliff.
"That sorcery mountain old mother should be private in the sky on endless group of islands in East China Sea, two year agos just arrive at medium soil, always the concealment is flying in the void the city sorcery top of hill noodles self-discipline, few someones know her, until before half year, she just start formally recruiting disciple.I can't know without consulting oracle again, where know so many affairs!"
Cloud of Ji Wan knocked the head of knocking the Ji vast sky and smiled an idea full of life:"I see your recent three months less and less in the right and just strongly find out news to the person everywhere, does this just pass if orchid that wench heard that that sorcery mountain old mother's affair has never thought your this small guy and unexpectedly dares to doubt an aunt, do I deceive you?"
"Aunt, you really aren't a Kuang I?"Ji vast sky one face is astounded, fiercely surprised shout, because of too excited, his one step is unsteady, a piece of person the green rock Deng of the head size falls mountain bottom.Listen to lead for a while, just spread from the foot of a hill of bomb however voice, the Ji vast sky all frightenned whole body cold sweat by himself/herself.
When he all wants to give up by himself, the Tu smells such a news, the concussion interest in the really hard control heart.
Cloud of Ji Wan than Ji vast sky still important piece, for this a moment, her facial expression already very the white is like paper, die the hopeless situation hold tight the wrist of Ji vast sky, what rubbish don't say as well, hurriedly first pull the Ji vast sky to the safe district, this rich talent angered ground the Chi drinks a way:"Vast sky!How so carelessly!You not would not° until frighten to death an aunt?"
-Is just really dangerous, if wasn't cloud of Ji Wan to always pull at him, the Ji vast sky really had the possibility to can take a wrong step to fall a precipice.
"Walk, I this takes you sorcery mountain, walk now!Smelly boy frightenned to death a person!"The Ji Wan cloud Ye wears him, hard go toward to below the hills drag along, don't think that much foolish 1 are in this deathtrap.
"Thank an aunt."Ji vast sky small track, hope in heart of fire heavy Ran, he drive cloud of Ji Wan hard Ye of although body all the way Qiang Liang wear, can the facial expression on the face but full is a determination.
All came over so for 17 years, as long as also having a silk to hope, I can not give up!The Ji vast sky bites tight maxillary joint, oneself allows a promise to he or she.
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