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Unjustly talk for a while.
After once turning curved twos, Lin Dong unexpectedly discovers have a house of have light, hence slowly(the web customer please land www.①⑹kxS .The сom download TXT format novel, cellular phone customer's landing w à p is .1 ⑥ K xSs.СOm )Walk past, the step of foot is light, fear and be discovered.
The window didn't close tightly and also peeped out to fasten to a two breezes of breadths, Lin Dong stood on the window outside gingerly toward in see go, sees a red dress woman over there and tidy up what things.Really crush under foot iron shoe didn't find place and got all don't take a lot of work.Originally think and threw, doing not thought of could meet with here.
Lin Dong not from must be inwardly secretly pleased, hence prepare to think a way to enter a house, inquire for a while this red dress woman actually is what is the row.
The red dress woman starts taking off your coating or gown after putting away thing, in the outside of although Lin Dong has no what peep of habit, see beautiful beauty undressing of youth Jing's taking certainly don't shut the truth of eyes, hence always go toward in see, eyes of that color color stare at on beauty, could say an inch skin to don't pass.
Is really nonsense, this woman unexpectedly has the habit to is naked to sleep and take off body is naked, all over connect a wisp of clothes all have no, this time can really get is a spring scenes to suddenly leak, was a big satisfied chance to enjoy seeing at this a moment Lin Dong, from ascend arrive bottom, from left arrive right, the Zi all seeing was cautiously thin, almost and all printed in the brain.
However Lin Dong was very quick and then maded to know the naked woman of this red body isn't naked to sleep, but be meditating, really must have no idea to just be doing exercises in gymnastics to still keep sitting quietly and meditating, unexpectedly still need a red body it's naked.The in the mind feels strange, doing not represent him will shut eyes, contrary see more cautiously.
Naked woman that was pure to slowly become fire red such as the skin of the jade, saw the appearance is doing exercises in gymnastics, however this also not too normal, the whole individual has been being emitting abnormal sweating, the skin is more and more red, end even eyebrow, the hairs all became fire red, absolutely is a fire cloud witch.Suddenly she one mouthful the blood sprayed to go out, the whole individual's very heavily falling down obfuscation on the bed doesn't come to.
Appreciate the beauty is naked to is one thing, save life and to help injured people is another one thing, helpless under saved Lin Dong whom the public slices to directly hurtle into inside in the house, he would transfer true spirit for that woman after going to bed.
Just discover to fall into trap when Lin Dong hands the naked female's body positive, that woman suddenly makes moves the one breath sealed him 18 big caves.Can say the strong wind surges all once rushed, didn't thought of today the ability turns over a ship in this brook ditch, he isn't to regret his own impulse in this time, but is own lechery but displeased.Face together a bed the big beauty of the total Zhen Liu Yun not say go to actively enterprising, but pack what sit bosom not disorderly Liu Xia Hui,Beats by Dr Dre studio, have a beauty red body now naked show interest right away, this is really one to let a people depressed affair.
The naked woman has no hasty wear clothes, don't know that the her hand ascends when many on chasing dazzlingly clear knife, the direct blew candle to put out after on Lin Dong's neck.
Room inside just spreads to know know the voice of Suo Suo, see to is that naked woman be wearing clothes, she didn't talk, Lin Dong also didn't talk, the atmosphere in the room very suppress, very dignified, almost be making people suffocate.
That ice-cold knife always sways on Lin Dong's neck leisurely and seems to be at any time to all probably mow down, his underclothing is untied, the point of a knife directly arrives at the chest on.That woman depresses voice to say:"Who are you ?Why to want to rush my inside in the building."
"Do you say?"Lin Dong's voice is very big, frighten that woman hurriedly and by hand the Wu lived his mouth and seemed to fear a quilt the external world to hear.
Woman small voice threat way:"You if again loudly the words of Rang Rang, I mow your tongue down.I ask you one more time now, you actually is who, come to do here what, why want to intrude into my room."
By this time, the point of a knife has already tied to enter a chest muscle inside, Lin Dong knows that the other party isn't to play a joke on himself or herself, hence depress voice to say:"I appreciate your beauty and come to peep intentionally that charming body always can."The words sound just fell, changed to come to one box on the ear of recording.At present beat very heavily, the woman is bad to ruthlessly say:"If you aren't the person of golden light door, get here to actually do what, if is dishonest, I castrated your this bastard, your next life didn't peep chemisette capital."
The knife continues get down, finally press strong and tough over there such as iron of top, woman light tone the ground say:"Seem early Chong blood, don't I put some blood for it!"
This sentence is obviously fatal, all darned to each men.
"Lin Dong, originally is wanted to seek lord in the golden light door, didn't expect saw here have light, there is also naked beauty, so saw more several eyes.That thing can let the your desire fairy desire die and enjoy the happiness of fairy sort, you never shiver!"
This words are obviously true words, most at least this woman believes as long as the knife is in that thing top, want to ask what can inquire, the other party can't tells a lie, either.
Although believed Lin Dong's words, the knife didn't take away, the woman asked a way:"You seek our lord in the door to do what, why be not impartially come in in the daytime, on the contrary have to be secretive, secretive of come in in the evening?"
Lin Dong doesn't become nervous an answer problem, but slowly tidies up own way of thinking, want to make clear this woman and door lord in the golden light door is what relate to, oneself how say quite the cheese.Finally believe firmly this woman to definitely there is secret secret, so the in the mind had bottom, since she knows the affair of jade card, that touches bottom and see the other party know how much.
After making a decision, the Lin Dong light tone ground says:"I tomorrow want to scoop out an ancient tomb in noodles in Shan-li, knowing to look up at sky the mountain is the site of golden light door, so want to do obeisance mountain, hoping his old man's house can give allowance.After all this also not is what good affair, certainly want an evening come more suitable, being like you just the night will that old man is similar, not as usual choose segment in this time, also not is in the golden light door, but choose at black Long Dong.The time that connects back all takes the head in cent to come in, everyone's way of doings are all similar, be a clear person not to say dark words, I finish saying now, should you put me?"
This woman didn't thought of himself/herself and father for night will of the affair was seen by Lin Dong, and this guy still saw his/her own innocent body, hence eye in peeped out intention to murder, she is cold to say with a smile:"Like, I put you."
Dazzlingly clear bayonet dynasty Lin Dong's chest stabbed in the past, this knife could say to is quickly and malicious.

The text chapter 119 different night
Renew time:2010-1-814:32:02 chapter word numbers:3445

The knife tie quickly and quasi- to Lin Dong's heart, the beauty seemed to see the situation that the blood wildly spray, by instinct shut last eyes, but at shut an eye of that the right hand wrist spread fatal ache for an instant, not from must yell whole body.Can see while opening a pair of eyes of but is a bayonet have already got to the other party hand up, more darned is have already been in the neck that arrive her.
Although be ordered 18 big caves, the acupuncture points has already been hurtled by the true spirit to come when the chest is tied wound for the first time, want to take a look the other party to actually want to do at Lin Dong of this time what, so pretend to remain can not move.Even if is a knife already and the younger brother younger brother's intimacy get in touch with of time still don't do out a reflection, but as for preparation that have already worked well to make moves, province be stabbed and wounded.
Lin Dong the bayonet is on the that woman's neck after light tone the ground say:"Beauty, your skin is smooth delicately is like pulp of the litchi similar send forth light sheen, not know bleed will be not more charming after."
The woman shuts ascend big eyes of beauty, one speech not hair seem to be already to give up to beg for mercy of the opportunity just as you please other party treatment.
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