
monster beats ad to sayTeaching

Evil Dou, but can not with the Dou in sky.
The double head wolf feels the spirit that can not win and only chooses to escape, but, background already drive the sail seal dead, violent of bumped shot in a row a short while, city gate and suspension bridge absolutely still, the amount still reaches to 30,000 pair heads wolf, beginning despair, panic don't choose road of, the double head wolf is divided into 2 flock, a group of Lues to the left side, a group of Lues rightwards side.
But, sail in half an hour inside, then block up last abscond to the double of the right side north area head wolves, will more than 10,000 of double head wolf, whole amount decapitation, occasionally have a pair of heads wolves to put together dead to rush toward shot, the sail is also all lazy to avoid Shan, grasped by these beasts up several bottom, the slightest can't leave any trace, the sail Be just killing of game sort-
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Chapter 157 cultivates a field 1

Yesterday was on business and trapped want to die, so don't come to renew from morning, had to advance some of the renewals in noon, hoped to forgive!-
Please read this chapter contents-
A person has fun and after all still kept what stuffing to order, space man the emergence of the Man, let the sail feel Mo Ming's excitement, probably, with the game of Yi, have already canned not obliterate of engrave in the brain, as long as meeting alike scene, in the brain of sail, will present the scene in that time, kill, also wasn't so bloody.
Double the head amount of wolves of south area exceeded north area, because this place of building more intensive, the place that can be provided to hide is a lot of, double head wolf at the sail Nian kill north area, have already had many outside jump to fall to the city from the eminence to, even, don't hesitate to jump nautical mile, regrettable, water of the nautical mile evil monster although the war that doesn't participate in a ground, intrude into in the waters, is certain to die!
Sail and space man Man like inspection sort, leisurely and carefreely enter to pass in and out in each building, in addition to the sad and shrill Hao interjection that continuously spreads, no one will believe, this is a massacre.
In addition to fortress, slowly lead annoy of the thin gram of Si wing monster is as green as bamboo, also at aware of self help clean up outside escape of double head wolf, these doubles of head wolves thought to jump a fortressed and then canned once hid death, regrettable, this is the coast line, in addition to that only wooden bridge, there is no a place being to lead to inland, the double head wolf hides lead beginning a, still keep hiding however 15, hungry, will be also starved!
The sail in fact once considered as well, so relax very much, the mood is quite good of he, have kill and then kill, have never got to kill, also be sight-see some kind of, only have heel behind stuffy keep silent of space man Man, can not distinguish Chu's circumstance, just blind worry.
Arrive quickly south area end, the sail just stop dead and turn a head to say:"Teaching is long, in your eyes, how to come these beasts of?My lane isn't understand, just short how many months, suddenly come out so many beasts, and, the amount of evil monster has never corresponded increment how much, is a steppe up have where occurrence mutation?"
The space man Man has been thinking this problem as well, however, equally can not distinguish Chu, just, can make sure, these fierce beasts army corps, affirm to relate to the evil clan historic relic of Ge Lang Si, probably, here still have an implantation base, at the beginning the sail interrogate of time, spent an emperor to conceal down.
Ponder a short while, space man Man just the title say:"Should still have us the place that didn't discover here, I see, we return to sea fortress first to check everywhere of supervision, probably can find out what clues."
The sail point nod and also only depended a high-tech equipments first, otherwise, so big slice of of region, will seek to kill a person.
The space man Man sees sail also approval, then say:"I will the base take crystalline, etc. will remit to match in the control room?"
The sail didn't turn head and flicked, the space man Man tooked a look the figure of sail, advertise for a short while, just turn round to fly to walk, sail but still need to insist pure over end a bit of district, just, already lazy get heel space man the Man say.
The space man Man quickly returns to a base, although the one is in total disorder, battered, base building's pouring is fresh to have deformation, it is these fierce beastses to intentionally avert from, or have to don't know what another reason, this doesn't understand of doubt, hope to find out answer in the control room.
Get hold of crystal piece of come out, the space man Man discovers, the moxa gram colonel doesn't know when, and then turn come back, is being devoted to in the corpse heap to turn over check, good short while, just turn over a similar thing, the space man Man cautiously sees go, is a hand, should be moxa gram the cripple limb of the colonel subordinate, moxa gram colonel although the surface is chilly, opponent foot, still have feeling to contain righteousness.
The space man Man attends to a not last moxa gram the affair of the colonel, get first with the sail remit to match, secret find out to bury in steppe at once, otherwise, don't know which day, and then make one trouble like this.The construction of the base can not defer again, the construction of the troops, also want to speed progress, all affairs, all because approaching of war expectation, more and more urgent.
Enter into inside in the control room, space man Man lord control of crystal piece of insert, pound several next button, then struck off steppe outside of screen, then leaves 1,300 much cent hold, empty open spaces the big steppe of Kuang up, have no a little different, in addition to escape medium double of heads wolf monster Wang-ka Ao Bi, what don't also discover.
Originally think that the ability discovers some clueses under the supervision of the control room, but, see now, only get into steppe in person, the searching of a piece of piece of district , on the steppe, is a crystal mineral everywhere, using the energy locator didn't be effective.
Suddenly, the sail called:"Teaching is long, we hasn't been once checking to cultivate research center, there, will can't have passage steppe of direct, but last time, didn't we dided not close after opening?"
Space man Man through sail remind and also think of, sail speaking of this matter, just at that time own matter, so don't search further, shine on the circumstance in nowadays, very likely is so, space man Man approval of order, say:"We check to take a look together, probably, really and so,monster beats!"
The sail point nod, again sweep one eye screen, suddenly, the sail discover, that wolf monster is missing and was like to disappear without basis, this just however a few words of time.
The sail favour ask a way:"Teaching is long, have heavy put?"
The space man Man also noticed at this time and immediately looked into a short while, deliberate the half ring, just operate, the cent screen supervising and controling starts being mentioned in the center enlarge, the appearance turns into blue keynote to, soon afterward, then see the right top Cape contain some numbers, need not space man Man explanation, the sail can also judge that.
Ge Lang Si the time format of the evil clan is as totally different as permafrost, however, fast- jumping about part, should to in response to the minute in the Earth time, just a short while, time stops flutter, the appearance resumes a picture:
Card Ao than flurriedly rush, sail is in the moment, then own close Wei troops shot Kui, bring the wolf monster king whom this a good hand at work accounts mightiness of shocking, originally think by dint of the absolute advantage on the amount can with one action uproot enemy, have never thought, so quickly and then divided superiority, the card Ao ratio has a little penitence, why not much wait a period of time, why not much cultivate an evil monster of some Tyrannosaurus monster strength forms like this, why?Why?
The card Ao compares very low Ai to blare and is like to sigh in sorrow and also be like to own arrogance to sigh in sorrow for the sake of all subordinates of dyings ……
Again walked half minute, the card Ao ratio suddenly lay prone down, be like at look for what, soon, then brought about a piece of sod in the right hand, then, careful book get up, peeped out sod under, a very black rectangular deep pit, the middle of pit, clip a piece of huge rock, don't know whether use come why of, the card Ao compare, is following the edge of pit, part to returned to once pull sod, simultaneously climb downward to, end, the neat sod covered up everything.
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