
dr dre beats say what they win m

Is the in front what things?Absolutely is a hell on earth!
One square circle the desert that probably has 50 Zhangs in, horizontal seven Shus eight of spread out up to 100 corpses, mostly be used cruel means to kill of, the odd pieces being eaten by the wild beast in the desert is unbearable.
"Is what your person does?"The Luo easy facial expression very and not and well thinks to ask a way to the spring.
The spring thinks hasty of even can not say it words, still she nearby of two fine cloud to bodyguard fine rain simply way:"Luo lord in the island blamed wrongly us, these people will never be dead in the our hand, is very likely to is to meet wolves, be killed by the wild wolf!"
"Be killed by the wolf?"Luo easily has a little not to believe, these people obviously of is all Wu Lin's superior, don't know because of why, be killed in this place, does the wild wolf have this ability?
Fine cloud fine rain seems to know his question, way:"Lord in the island can show people and isn't wounds all drive sharp of the sharp weapon tear to pieces."
Don't he opens mouth, the gold Hui gold Huang has already checked in the past.
After confirming as a result, Luo is easily anti- to pour to have a little ashamed, way:"Blamed wrongly you!"
The spring thinks reason not Rao person, call way:" You that taste!"
The Luo easy wry smile writes, didn't say what, however,dr dre beats, the eyebrows can be still wrinkly of very tight, "these people do what want desert, for the sake of expensive teach?"He this words but ask fine cloud fine rain of.
The fine cloud point nods, way:"Have this possibility, but they absolutely aren't likely to find out."
Luo easily ordered to nod and at last recognized tacitly, the location of evil religion really canned hardly seek, didn't know the person of inside situation leads the way, absolutely could not discover.
But why will these people die here?They took question to leave the desert of this hellish sort.
Desert, they all have the felling to loosen tone, although desert of magnificent mysterious have much of attraction to them, scallion the jade-green countryside can even make people free of mind and happy of heart, very quick, that hell is more and more thin in their heart, be also think of, can't influence their mood, either.
"How to is an all unstable factor everywhere?"Luo is easily greatly strange wrinkly eyebrows, although he didn't°yet what discover, blunt sky of but rise of murderous look he still kept feeling unclearly.
"Have murderous look!"The fighting skill compares it, he differed a front-line piano purple rather almost feel an at the same time with sword Yi hurtle them come of the murderous look continuously strengthen.
"Someone wants our lives!"Luo the smiling face of the easy cruelty rises, for so some days, in addition to beginning with Li Mu Cheng, he hasn't begun, that variation of true the spirit always pound at his temperament and seem to change of excite a sort more, his murderous look is also water long ship Gao.
"Can have what person to know that we want to pass by here?"The gold Huang is greatly interrogatory wrinkly eyebrows, soliloquize a way.
"Taking care of him is what person, killed to say again!"If say what they win murderous look to weigh most , it is that Luo is easy to afraid not, but bellicose gold Hui, the openings is bloody words.
"Not, these people seem is all cutthroat of occupation, they conceal of very good."Luo easily makes the hell breaking the soldier- moved to without extra trouble of place, " at the time that a short while began, your several people didn't want, small rather, their 3 people of completely was yours!"Luo easily points at always all sink to immerse at shocked in of the leaf is 3 people such as the ice.
From arrived an evil religion, to current of assassinate halfway, they still think that they live in a bright environment and also think that the evil religion is a cold blooded guy, how think, evil believe in in also have spring to think thus sarcastic and innocent female kid, there are also so many old men and children.
Their becoming is protected of the object , in these people's fighting skill, is also them more lowly!
The gold Hui going before continuing suddenly jumped and loudly called a way:"Everyone is careful, a concealed weapon!"Rises because his figure Teng gets empty, all over the place and since then of, as if the locust pest be in transit the concealed weapon of sort to closely face to come over.Horizontal seven Shus eight of fly, gleam green receive of ray of light, that is the concealed weapon that was stained with poison.
"The concealed weapon is poisonous!"The voice of gold Hui in time of rang to get up.
"Good hand method!"Luo's easy eyes are one Zheng, the together cold optoelectronics shoots but, hell-break a soldier actually as ghostly break empty imitate a Buddha for sky since then outside fly come of a buy vital devil, hovers around but rises.
In the gold Hui body of Teng get empty but, suddenly Shan one regiment is green to receive of ray of light, a knife brandishes but, eight square the concealed weapon of the rains and winds formed a very strange turn in his surroundings son, surround him therein.
The broad sword connects to tremble, tinkling of voice clear and crisp pleasing far Far EasTone Telecommunications Co., Ltd.
The Luo easy vision stares at afar and laid aside hell in the deep look in the eyes-break the body of soldier, at 1:00, foot's body such as turning over of big Peng exhibition wings sort since, shrink ground inch of light achievement develop thoroughly, in the middle of flying high, more and more seem to be visionary, isn't so true.
The spring thinks the fighting skill that can say to so clearly see him for the first time, really drive he as if the fighting skill earthquake of unstrained sort lived, in the heart secretly Cun way:"No wonder that teacher so strain his attitude, for this fighting skill, afraid the teacher can hardly attain!"
Her reaction can also accept, can that leaf such as ice but see for the first time what is a superior, is regardless Luo easily still gold Hui, see that is light the achievement know they and these people's of margin!
The distance of 30 Zhangs is an one step in the Luo's easy eye, just an one step!
He crosses the light achievement of 30 Zhangs, can chase hidden of the very deep cutthroat earthquake lived, they transfered all hands that can transfer for the sake of this target, and it are the top-class persons in the cutthroat to also have 3 people.Is effective?
The Luo easy lightning flash sort fell in the cutthroats, a flock of cutthroat that didn't thought of that the affair will be this a result, all seem to be to have a little fluster, strain to pass by to the both sides in succession.
Hell-break the depressed atmosphere that the soldier tears to pieces air, suddenly and violently rise of black ray of light moment the green ash ray of light in the concealed weapon a cover up of the intravenous drop don't save.
"What person are you ?"Luo easily and agilely fell the cutthroat conceals of location, the voice is icy, imitate Buddha at to dead the person talk, in his eyes, these people be dead person, can be approached by him, represent with death had an appointment.
"Cutthroat!"The guy of a black dress black trousers receives a tight face, a pair of eyes of fluxions explain this guy and then isn't the person who leads the way, is also a fighting skill high strong guy.
Luo easily orders, way:"I know that you are cutthroats, but you also know that what I asked isn't this!"
Finally"" once the word fall, hell-break a soldier to burst upon, as if a flash of lightning, sharp blade rain wears after the time of restriction sort, is one knife two pieces the guy for speaking up, murder to have shocking more than it.
A superior has no weight in the somebody else's eyes, a knife works out a problem!
Hell-broke a soldier to accept back, Luo the voice of the easy flat panel remain, way:"I know what you were cutthroats, also had to speak oscular words?"
Those cutthroats all over there, station's lookinging at of gape Luo easy knife write off them in of a leader, a legend of cutthroat field, incredibly didn't see the action that he kills people.
The spring thinks to wait person to open widely mouth, frightened of looking at murderous look Ying for sky of Luo is easy, this domineering image all borns a root in their hearts.
The gold Hui gold Huang several individuals soon fell the cutthroats after death.
"No one would like to tell me what!"Was full of to decline in the Luo easy words, sad, it is disappointment to seem to be very.The vision waits person to once sweeps to the gold Hui.
The elephant is the key that starts a hell, the vision leads place, and the gold Hui waits person to move.All of everyones are broad swords to make moves.
The cold light of lightning flashes in a twinkling overalied cutthroats.
" ……!"
Bellowed a voice to resound through the whole mountain area with open spaces in a row, the fresh and red blood was full of eyeful.
The glint and flash of cold steel of the intertexture, corpse continuously falls flop, cutthroat disorder to rush about, drive hell-break scattering of soldier crack corpse miserably limb.
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