
Beats Detox rcle relationresul

The chaos of the battlefield ,battlefield combatants on both sides is a conventional weapon, and in the middle of a warrior is put on long crossbow keep out shooting ,three imperial wizard also rise in time the protective cover ,so as to avoid the formation of the enemy magic scrolls tear .
relationresultThe battlefield,unless you have the magical artifact level of equipment ,or the role of the individual is not great .So the battle appears particularly important !Identification of a force of elite level ,very important is to see ;they will transform the speed and the battle of cooperate with each other .
relationresultBOT100 team is undoubtedly very elite !So they brought the power is tremendous !Continuous Orc soldiers to join the team ,all of them are good fighters !Just be a sudden attack into the ground, plus the unavailability of appropriate command .
relationresultArrowtype array is continuously expanding ,the gray cloak around begin batch death .Their strength is far from the Empire soldiers of opponent ,just took by surprise the cheaper ,and now suddenly rushed out a neat wedge array ,gray cloak defeat is inevitable !relationresultBOTnow can not dream of these ,his first position in the array ,equivalent to the dagger knife .
Is the war in the most important position, but the sergeant basically not to contact the enemy ;because the wedge array internal bolt hand ,everfount shoot arrows killed nearly all close to gray cloak .
relationresultEven if theindividual excellent troops crossed the arrows of the blockade ,he approached and by the dozen powerful Orc warrior component layout .It was absolutely necessary !This is the battle of another Horror :the soldiers fighting with each other ,http://www.beatsbydrinus.com,will exponentially increase !relationresultBOThas been in control of the speed of the war behind him ,but he still found centurie inevitably slow down .
It can .Orc :warlike habits .Sergeant believe if not standard constraints ,behind the troops must have spread out; three battle array to the fun ,Beats by Dre Just Beats!But this was not to happen, must take them quickly to the assembly location .
According to the plan provisions ;there should be gathered in the thousand team !relationresultThink of these,BOT shouted : all staff ,contract formation ,Beats Detox!Maintain the speed !Who dare to fight, the soldiers around for me strangling him directly ! , relationresultThe sergeantof the vicious some heads command ,quickly spread throughout the team .
All the soldiers heart out of chill !Unconsciously :according to the command of recovery rate !relationresultJeanbot :a grey cloak around enemies and no entanglement .But have gone !An idea in the mind :they are not soldiers at !The connection between them is very loose ;no discipline .
With each other understanding, but fighting style is generally :not brave !Once the setback will retreat .This is not in the military will appear !They are soldiers !Never. , relationresultThen who are they?In addition to the national support for the armed forces ,who dare in Kansas to do such a thing ?With a head full of doubt ,his team has reached 100 assembly .
relationresultButthis situation can not be optimistic ;I BOT eye is densely gray cloak .relationresultTheir mad attack,one by hundreds of ORC soldiers formed a defensive circle .relationresultThecircular array in the master number may be many ,not only raised the magic shield ,but also occasionally emitting low order magic .
Coupled with the circular array peripheral warrior like don like throwing money ,outward Baoyan reel !Unexpectedly temporarily blocked the enemy attack !relationresultLooking atcompletely surrounded by the enemy of the circular array that lifted high build-up flag .
BOT have mixed feelings :this rally flag is specified in the plan .First to arrive at the rendezvous in people to erect it ,which indicates the later specific assembly location .relationresult.
relationresultThe eighty-two chapter command , relationresultThisis nothing !But the circle has been associated with the enemy fighting for so long ,still feel this banner !It is not only used to indicate the location of the .
It now represents a spirit: God man of indomitable spirit !relationresultThe armyis destroyed the flag down the spirit !relationresultSoulof a hot came out ,it ignited her blood .BOT with a crazy with excitement voice commanded : took, used Baoyan open reel !We to the flag !!! , relationresultIs !! With hundreds of ORC soldiers in high stress .
relationresultGreat blackarrows into the enemy armies gray ,handover ;countless Baoyan reels from the orc army threw out a violent explosion ,even up to the emperor the man himself .
But the first row of soldiers are ten leader !Everyone who has magic prevention equipment !So this is expected and did not occur within the casualties .relationresultOrcsoldiers such close throwing Baoyan reel ,is expected to the enemy .
This crazy attack brings good effect :the former sergeant who was blown to a vacant lot ,relationresultTalbotappeared in bursts of flame ,gray cloak mince limb falling he who is .He shouted : keep the battle ,fast charge !Crossbow hand sustained firing .
The mage retaining shield stability ! Hundred long command just ended, a hand-held hammer meteor gray cloak have rushed to the front of his !The sergeant is not much ,throw a hammer smashed the enemy weapon ,then he left a black copper sergeant, immediately cut out cut the brave gray cloak neck .
relationresultCenturyin running a dozen meters of open ground ,melee finally happened !Array first BOT before full contact with the enemy when, in the hands of a flying axe handle broken already sell out .
The roar of the shadow was passed through the three enemies ,just lost it .relationresultThepowerful force ,make the enemy before initiation of fear .Their actions not by slow down ,the corrosion is enough .
BOT a mantra export ;Zou ran up the hammer on the electro-optic mission ,but this time no silver electric chain injection ;orcs sergeant will it wrapped in thick lightning hammer is swept out of a semicircle .
relationresultThe blowmay be due to the enemy ;grey cloaks most wore metal armour .So the arc generated Warhammer out diffusion effect :a large originally not in the attack range of the enemy, were body armor conductivity and down !But the silver chains for early release of energy ,and ultimately did not appear .
relationresultThisdifference :a God for civilians ,also cannot conquer one after a long-term training of elite warriors .As civilians is not played for some of the power of god !Vice excellent warriors can be in the hands of the magic ,play the extraordinary power of .
relationresultThis is whycountries artifact .It is by the country the strongest warrior holds reason !relationresultBeautifulstrike does not make BOT has been to lax .He turned back his right arm .
Left fist like snakes like shattered a grey cloak to chest .Then the right foot kick in an enemy .Then when he had pain during bending .Right hand hammer throwing in his head .
relationresultA splashof brains covered to the helmet .But he did not the .BOT fast hands like a Warhammer wielded no weight .One enemy left to pick his blade .On top of constant after the shooting out to rain arrows .
relationresultTheorc war is like a huge ,bloody ,power strong meat grinder .Firmly advancing on the enemy .A left full of dead bodies and blood road !relationresultSometimesthe battle is the momentum .
In the cold weapon combat this momentum is directly about the results !God * * team can invincible .Earth is one of the reasons for this race orc .The bones to Wu Yong and addicted to war . Related articles:

