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His right hand, backhand .Li Jin hurried to my great surprise .Yang Yanji lightning in his right hand on the back of a point .Li Jinzhong only right hand a Ma, the man immediately to traverse the three step, catch Rui Yan wrist left hand also can release .
relationresultYang Yan immediatelya step forward ,took Li Jinzhong just location ,grabbed a strict pistil wrist ,pulling her retreat three step ,gently ,the strict pistil to behind him .
At this point Cao Xun and the high earthquake came right and left the station to poplar arthritis .They are experienced a powerful army of men in battle ,three people stand side by side ,natural born momentum ,make Li Jinzhong a group of people for a time also not dare again .
relationresultLi Jincenter and starlings and angry, just four of these suggestions is the confusion between the narrow range, such as photoelectric stone general instant ,Yang Yanji Rui Yan from Li Jinzhong grasp .
Though he is rich men ,but is somewhat true Kung Fu, martial arts has seen Yang Yan in their side of the all .But other people about also is not weak ,really want to fight ,I am afraid not to discuss what cheap to .
He later said: who are you ,beats by dre uk,give me your names . , relationresultXie Yuanqing immediatelyfeet stand out : this is the newly appointed Ma Yu Hou Yang Yan division ,which is now in Ling having a great reputation in the small general yang .
, relationresultLi Jinzhonglisten also taken aback ,heart regret .If I know Yang Yan ,he would never dare to strict pistil .It about to throw them out .This time however some air .His face and eye differs, apparently shilly-shally .
Xie Yuanqing was also secretly complain of suffering ,dr dre beats,he has repeatedly hinted at Li Jinzhong ,but Li Jinzhong did not listen ,http://www.outletmonsterbeatsinuk.com,go to the now almost get out of hand .And lest Li Jinzhong should become shame ,fling caution to the winds that would be too bad .
These two aspects ,the party could not afford to offend your .relationresultAt the same time,behind the screen and a man rushed into, came to Li Jinzhong ,without demur ,first gave Li Jinzhong two slap in the face, said: dare, dare to here .
This change ,all the people present was stunned .relationresultLi Jinstarted to attack ,but also can see to short one cut ,called the voice: big brother . , relationresultThe manin his mid-twenties age ,appearance and Li Jinzhong have five similar ,but is much more mature .
He played Li Jin ,Yang Yan immediately turned on deep application of Yili ,said: Yang Yu Hou ,left just now is my brother Li Jinyuan ,drunk faux pas, collided Yu Hou ,Wang Yu Hou shan .
Said Li Jinzhong ,grabbed the back of the neck, in his hamstring leg kick, Li Jinzhong can legs of a soft ,kneel down .relationresultYang Yansee clearly ,just Li Jinyuan catch ,a play has knowledge greatly ,which contain a superior martial arts .
Li Jinzhong martial arts is not weak ,GK defenseless ,it seems that Li Jinyuan martial arts is strong more than his brother .Li Jinyuan turned back, yelling at each other and said: you are terrified at what ?Not quick to kneel to the Yang Yu Houjing crime .
Other people to listen to all would kneel down .relationresultWhen Yang Yan saw,just to step down ,busy go up on Li Jin : no, no . , relationresultXie Yuanqingsees something had a favourable turn, busy before Lei things : ha ha ,was a mistake ,was a mistake ,is called out of blows friendship grows !You might as well sit down ,listen to the girl sing a strict pistil .
, relationresultLi Jinyuansaid : Yang Yu Hou adults too ,the same level as sb. With my younger brother ,far into the really be indebted forever ,but must go back to tell my father ,must heavy punish him .
We can all friends ,to go out . Then took Li Jinzhong the rest backed out .This storm was finally put down .relationresultRui YanYang Yan : just to thank thanks to adults as Rui Yan rescue .
, relationresultYang Yan smiledand said: it is a small thing, no big deal . , relationresultJusta strict pistil attention has been on Xin Qiji ,she was now serious attention Yang Yan ,this time Yang Yan when it became Lings people focus on the song ,has been many years without such legendary figures appeared, people indulge in elaborating on nature ,and even spread to more and more God ,some people say Yang Yan is the star descends to the world ,also said to be the reincarnation of Yue Fei ,Mo Zhongyi sorrow .
relationresultBut in thestrict pistil seems Yang arthritis is a common way ,if not just clashed with Li Jinzhong ,to the next ,it he was led by a powerful army on the battlefield and general .
It is in vain .relationresultXie Yuanqing is busyand greeted Yang Yan and others to attend .Also called Rui Yan come to all one one .Rui Yan Sang several songs words of Xin Qiji ,including the song just for the partridge day strong years cluster flag hold power and the expedition that first before breaking while drunk in study to see the sword .
This is the passionate words left by her such a delicate woman sing ,is another flavor .This one is finally Jinhuan and scattered liquor .relationresultAfterdinner ,people will say ,one one ,the very next day on their respective office to .
.. . , relationresultNote:at the time of Song Xiaozong ,the three courts are directing ,deputy commanding the military and Yu Hou ,basically became a royal before the army as the bearing .
While the three army officer called ban often use Supervisor :Division business ,competent bodyguard horse army division official and supervisor guards infantry division official titles .
But in the novel is still used are directing ,side are directing and Yu Hou as the executive of the titles of three courts .relationresultFour Yu Yunwen answered Beijing 1 , relationresultMessire ,must not .
Han Yan stood up ,said in a loud voice .relationresultTangSi retreat a track: why not . He served as a Royal Camp old guard that had happened to Jiankang ,the government ,and Yang Yizhong immediately called temporary acting captaincy general Han Yanzhi ,as well as Liu Gong ,Zhang Xiaoxiang ,Fan Chengda ,Yue Lin ,the staff ,and hurried back from Suzhou by Li Xianzhong et al .
The adjutant .relationresultThesong of northern expedition is actually not devoid of harvest ,despite the early from the central plains all to most was the Jin army recaptured ,but little of the ,,Suzhou ,Pizhou ,Xuzhou, but in the song control, and originally isolated to Haizhou in one piece ,the Jianghuai area big song line integral the forward extending nearly two hundred in the range of .
Now the song both in Jianghuai line in six states for the community, to hold each other ,the small size of the conflict to happen ceaselessly .The Song Dynasty sent envoys to peace ,conflict began to calm down .
relationresultWho knowsthe soup back to Jiankang think government is from Jiankang too far ,inconvenience for command will ,competing ordered men ,of Suzhou ,Pizhou ,Xuzhou ,Haizhou ,most of the Royal troops ,retreated to Howe ,East ,Xuyi army ,Chuzhou .
As a result, six state defense will be greatly weakened, relying on the local garrison and some recruited to the army is hard to hold .relationresultAllresolutions against Tang Situi very unhappy ,Han Yanzhi could not help but spoke out against : Messire ,if the Royal troops ,so Ying ,Shou ,persistent ,PI ,Xu ,six sea will be fielding empty ,but if the Jin army attack ,how to guard ,six state, but a fall, the JAC will be unstable ,it will shake my song is .
, relationresultSoupthinking back disdain : six states and gold army too close, my army where easy to let the Golden Army stationed in conflict ,even missed and event .Besides Jin to call ,and must be conceded six ,now the court is to sent envoys with Jin and is determined to give up six ,natural state .
So I ordered all troops ,and offering to the army disbanded ,the defensive fortifications and a rate of removal ,otherwise but cut back to people ,not to help people repaired ? , relationresultLiu Gongand patience ,anti track: Messire as Royal Camp Su Wei ,general JAC ,can do so .
And do not say now that monk is not successful ,even and success ,but also to prevent the Jin Ying ,Su Shou ,repeated ,PI ,Xu ,six sea state is the barrier ,how can you give up ,whom Related articles:

