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Almost 87% of the overall body protein of the mammals is comprised of collagen which happens to be a natural skeletal protein. The skeletal and the connective tissues draw their main structural support from it.

The skin, muscle, tendon and the bone all have fibers of collagen woven together to constitute a frame-work thereby making provisions for the growth of new cells.

Since the body loses collagen at the rate of 1.5% per year after the age of 25, a proper collagen balance is required to maintain the body structure apart from the texture of the skin. Although it is not just ageing that ravages your youthful looks, but sun damage as well.

Basically collagen was developed to help maintain joint mobility and pure col capsules are a natural way to maintain your joints from the inside out.

Being the principle structural component of every connective tissue, collagen also contains glucosamine and chondrotin,beats by dre pro. These elements may aid in the recovery of pain, tenderness and swelling.

The body requires the replenishment of the existing collagen and pure col can achieve it through the stimulation of the body's collagen production. The pure col capsule mingles with the blood stream pretty quickly and effectively.

It has been observed that the damage and trauma to cartilage resulting from life-long wear and tear of the joints causes pain. The ultimate formulation of the pure col capsules is highly effective and revitalizing. The ingredients of the capsule are natural, non-irradiated and non-generically modified.

Considered by some, they are classified as a natural food supplement. Wheat, glutten, yeast, salt, sugar, lactose, preservatives, artificial color's and flavorings do not form a part of it.

Body degeneration gets manifested through wrinkles on skin and unexplained rate of increase in joint pains. Physical therapy and steroids provide temporary relief and synthetic collagen cannot be effectivly utilized by the body.

But pure col meets all the requirements and replenishes the natural loss naturally as established by numerous recent studies. To enable the maximum absorption of collagen into the body, an intake of 1 to 2 litres of water everyday is advisable.

Vitamin C can be complemented with it to enhance the results since it interacts with the amino acids of the collagen cells by providing the essential hydrogen and oxygen to increase the rate of collagen production.

Then Glucosamine if supplemented with collagen also enhances its effectiveness though it does not have any direct impact on the production or maintenance of collagen. Related articles:

