
http://feeds.feedburner.com/CUZM y repeatedly heat to

The knowledge is still few, oneself of the strength is also not big, but he has confidence to attain his own purpose.

The landing barge violent quiver gets up.Lin Qi Yu manipulated to once drive machine A warship, he knew that this was the landing barge to get into atmosphere.

About after the hour, half's landing barge tremor several next pipe down, immediately after the hatch opens, an algidity of iciness from outside inherit.

The man that claims to be big Ye is from the cabin room in come out, deeply absorbed tone, say:"Or the air here is comfortable, the flavor in the passenger compartment is really his Niang of smelly ……"

Outside flow out into 78 people from the hatch, the everyone wears big skin Ao and take in one among those hands two Chinese foot halfs grow of whip son, say to that big fellow:"Just, gold's the goods this time how?Didn't exhaust?"

The gold Ning just wore an eyebrows way:"Wang Ban Tou, big Ye this time in good humor, have no an effort to torment these rabbit Dai son, goods but big manager answer in person this time of ……to, in addition to he, the others entirely send to degenerative center to go, the sale will soon be about to start."He by hand points Lin Qi Yu.

Wang Ban Tou head up of connect a dress hat to bring about, surprised way:"Is this small guy the person whom the big manager wants?Be getting more strange, he has what special place, worth big manager attention?"

He stared at Lin Qi Yu to see one eye, to after death of the person wave hand way:"Pass by, take these people all, he leaves."

Lin Qi Yu F through can affirm this is that one is dangerous ground of, unexpectedly and publicly traffic in human beings here, and still has a super evolution among them.He more wants to more feel scared.

Is very quick, the persons who sit in cabin room are all taken, leaves him alone and helpless[one] person.

The gold just opened a fixed support, made an effort one Lin Qi Yu's shoulders of clapping and said:"Get up, pick up your person to come."

Lin Qi Yu is beaten by his slap hurt to the marrow, he doesn't dare to use Cu to resist and bite a tooth station to start and slowly come out hatch.

The outside is unexpectedly a world of ice snow, the sky in gray floats to spread heavy snow and sees the landscape of not pure distance on an expanse of white earth and stand on snow ground a brigade take the armed personnel of kinetic energy gun and be dressed in metal on the body heavy A.

Not there are three high-speed snow ground cars in distance, an among those the person who carry to come down in times before drove away, and two car tails spray repeatedly heat to flow and see appearance personal through start.

What to wear is the soil of the list layer on the body of Lin Qi Yu fur-lined jacket dragon, if not ability Cu ability the cloth is on the fur-lined jacket, can not resist at all strict cold.

He beat a cold Ca, the unbearable Se Se shivered.The another cause idea hides own Cu ability, it is a super evolution to hope to conceal oneself.

By dint of intuition responds, he knows as a common evolution, will reduce here a lot of troubles even are dangerous.

Wang Ban Tou after death still has two people, an among those throw a furriery coat to Lin Qi Yu and say:"Put on, don't evolve an above person of 6 F be frozen stiff."

Lin Qi Yu quickly binds a coat on the body, his in the mind is secretly satisfied, sees come from F to disguise very successfully, they regarded as their they the common run of people.

Indeed as expected, those people's vigilance to Lin Qi Yu hearts relaxed a lot, a common evolution is here is have no what become Zhe dint.

Snow ground car inside remains very cold, Lin Qi Yu doesn't dare to make use of Cu to keep warm and have to bind skin coat to arrive one strict cold.

The temperature here estimates or so in Celsius 50 degrees below freezing point, truely is drop water to become glacial star.

Go all the way, Lin Qi Yu looking at the landscape out of the window, the regrettable heavy snow floats to fly, can see ten tread or so, again far of misty one in the place, only have unclearly invite invite of some outline shadow.

Wang Ban Tou takes two under charges to send away under guard in person, he still becomes more polite to Lin Qi Yu and has never opened mouth to scold to begin a dozen.He has been curiously conjecturing Lin Qi Yu, guess why deprave center greatly to always appreciate rightness so the child is interested in.

The noodles of Lin Qi Yu has no facial expression ground to looking at an outside, brain inside as if the windmill sort turn.He conceived numerous kinds possibility, also prepared numerous projects, finally decided that protecting first is small life other of slowly schemes again.

There is the physical endowment of super evolution, he had from save of capital.

Contemplate in, the high-speed snow ground car gets into a huge hole in the door, the inside is the tunnel that more than 100 rices grow.The tunnel is unexpectedly a lot of low short houses, the Windows of house is very narrow and small, inside deeply the point order shining.

Under the overlay of white snow, the low short house is like a convex since of snow heap, closely of hustle in the boulevard both sides, seem to be very simple and crude.

Not distance, a huge arch form building appears at at present.

The front door of arch form building slowly opens, snow ground car nowise stops over ground to drive to go into.Along with the close of front door, Lin Qi Yu's in the mind feels one ice-cold and is like the weather here, he puts out strength to clench fist to secretly encourage that he invigorates.

This arch form building is very well-known in the degenerative star, named degenerative center.

The degenerative star is originally a garbage recall field, free star area all mankind live of the star produce of garbage, all entirely deliver to here, the degenerative star is original of the name is garbage star, here Be still responsible for recalling all space garbages.

Degenerative star whole yearses snowing, is a very cold star, however the degenerative star contains a great deal of active volcano, the subterranean heat resources is very abundant, there are some special plants and wild beast survival in the neighborhood of volcanic crater.By dint of the underground enriches of thermal energy, here build to have a large garbage recall a field.

At the same time, the degenerative star is also to banish ground, the free star area is all criminals, or is the person who gave offense to power expensive influence, be all banished here.

Multiply greatly after the difficulties existence of a few people, deprave star of population F attain several 100,000.

The resources here is a garbage, people after making the garbage rebirth use to exchange and exist need of food and product.In order to there being subterranean heat resources, the energy can right on the spot solve.

The degenerative star contains a soil emperor, he is the person who controled degenerative star's biggest garbage recall right, and the person calls a degenerative king and is hostile to his person to call that he is a garbage a king.

The this person and cruel hand is hot, in the degenerative star, no one dares to set against with him, the his words is a law in the degenerative star, can decide the person's life and death.He lives in the degenerative center.

Snow ground car stops in the wayside, Wang Ban Tou escorts Lin Qi Yu to come out.

Wang Ban Tou's age Lin Qi Yu cans not guess, this person has a liking for to is a middle age, but give his felling should still have to be a little bit larger, he estimates this guy at least is also evolve an or so superior of 10 F.

Wang Ban Tou is the captain of field work brigade, the class head of his Xing Wang Ming, usually someone mistakes him for a small leader of class, in fact he is much bigger than the leader of class.

Degenerative the center is a space for closing, construct structure very peculiar, be like a push open of umbrella, just the umbrella handle is very short, umbrella cover of the edge completely fall on the ground.

Positive center in the degenerative center is also an umbrella handle part, that is the high building in a black, in fact only more than ten floors, have a liking for go to but very Gao Da Dun.

This high building is very well-known in the degenerative star, because it features bottom building the big loft is small, present a triangle shape, called black pyramid, bloody garbage heap, and someone calls it black triangle.

Snow ground car stops in the wayside of black triangle doorway, Lin Qi Yu hurried saw for a while on all sides of environment, haven't seen clear and then wased pushed by Wang banned Tou a ,http://feeds.feedburner.com/CUZM, listens to him impatiently say:"Leave, quickly go in, today for the sake of your these people, held up me how much affair."

One speech of Lin Qi Yu not hair to in walk to, the in the mind constantly reminds that oneself wants to calm down.

He binds a tight skin coat to follow hallway to in walk to, not and in a short while arrive at an elevator, the doorway stands two guards, an among those drink a way:"Stop!What person?"

Wang Ban Tou comes forward a way:"It is me."He takes out a piece of personal status card thing, the machine by the side of the wall up a row.Listens to "Du" of a , the indicator flash across of the machine together green light.

That guard lets go of an upraised kinetic energy gun, waving hand to signal hint can pass.

The elevator had been rising till a crest layer, the doorway stands bewitchingly beautiful beauty of a foppery, she swept public eye to say:"Is captain king?"

Wang Ban Tou comes out elevator cautious, he nods to admire a waist way:"I BE, the person brought."Say to push Lin Qi Yu to come forward.

That chemisette vision is very cold, she don't see Lin Qi Yu at all and say:"Like, you wait here, you!Follow me."Finish saying to turn round and then walk.

Wang Ban Tou pushed Lin Qi Yu a , small track:"You if don't want to seek the words of dead, follow to walk at once."

Lin Qi Yu follows woman to in walk.

He notices, this woman unexpectedly is also

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Other ethnic high of more than 30% soldiers ,and their war blood return is not talent ,while fighting back to the blood speed much faster than other warrior .This guy is wiped out more than 500 output should never fear ,still tightly against the rock giant Seth ,was tough .
Xiao Yu looked down at the Tauren warrior the Tauren warriors who are all purple dress ,equipment excellent ,see the Tauren warriors left a large shield ,Xiao Yu spirit ,the shield form a unique, scattered with golden light of not much, if any ,http://feeds.feedburner.com/yQUu,should be a legendary items .
relationresultTauren warriorcard card is wonderful, few are blocking the rock giant Seth way, was blocked in the rock giant body before .relationresultHe should be the main shield warrior .
Xiao Yu looked at the cattle headman soldier thought, the main shield warrior is a team spirit ,all production of the melee Defense Department equipment to give priority to meet the main shield warrior ,the main shield warrior left out of equipment is the other man ,his level of equipment a team representing the level of strength .
Can be equipped with such a shield warrior ,the three team strength is good .relationresultXiao Yu wasthe first to watch the team BOSS war ,with interest to watch them fight .relationresultThegame player who played BOSS must be inextricably involved ,Xiao Yu had a look at the rock giant Seth output, rock giant Seth and more than ten thousand HP ,later, it will not hold out .
relationresultBrothers ,killed, that BOSS hasn killed !Robbed of their treasure ! Jungle jumble opposite came shouting voice .. , relationresultThe first eight one chapters of Yu Longfeng , relationresultThere are approximately sixty or seventyAngel alliance game player from the opposite side of the jungle to kill ,they in the first time to the unholy alliance rear treatment occupation phalanx .
There are five or six thieves in the dark witch .relationresultFortunatelythe dark witch have inserted the eyes ,when Daguai ,dark witch in order to guarantee not to be rogue sneak attack ,must be on the ground to plug into the eye ,the five or six thieves appear and did not make the dark witch who feel panic ,they quickly evacuated to ice law side, dark witch ice method combined ,the thieves have strong restraint effect .
relationresultThe five or sixrogue sneak attack failed ,but cooperate with each other in battle, or killed a dark witch .relationresultThethieves kill the dark witch ,once again into the stealth .
relationresultHey ,this should be fun . Xiao Yuxing mild Schadenfreude ,for fear of the world into chaos ,the chaotic scenes, the more can fish in troubled waters .relationresultXiao Yuslowly into the stealth ,the chaos of the battlefield to have touched the past ,Xiao Yu did not expect both can play what ,he just want to kill some angel alliance game player ,fishing equipment .
,the unholy alliance game player who should be glad of Xiao Yu .Of course ,if evil alliance game player is dead ,equipment falls on the ground, Xiao Yu is not polite ,if be angel alliance game player picked up ,enhances the strength of the opponent ,that is not so good .
relationresultScene of chaos,rock giant Seth also took the opportunity to wind, from the encirclement ran out ,people cut it ,so a big guy ,rush in the two union , relationresultThe first eight two chapters of five Hunter ( outbreak of twelve thousand characters seeking monthly ) , relationresultWe go ! Inferno soldier glanced at the remaining two ,firmly decided they said ,again with the hunter pestering there wouldn ,is likely to be his account for cheap ,three a was with the hunter can ,Inferno warrior was a bit .
relationresultThree peopleescape duolu .relationresultIshidabee wings at several Inferno game player ran after him ,amazing speed ,catch up with ice ,the ice body and sting .relationresultWant to run ,not so easy .
Hunter appeared right hand slowly shape ,bow ,arrow toward the ice shot past .relationresultXiaoYuzai situ hesitated for a moment ,entered the stealth hunter ,the strength is very strong, but Xiao Yu was he on the equipment seduced ,this guy full epic ,if not stripped down a ,Shaw royal heart really is not good .
relationresultBloodarrow shot out with wind ,ice arrow after the speed is reduced greatly, the hunters and archers unique slow poison .relationresultIce lawby the hunter while, Inferno soldiers had to turn a collision ,hit Ishida bee ,thieves are prowling in the hunter to ,they can not leave the ice ,so only the best .
relationresult,actually came back ,a suckers ,a that don run . The hunter smiled grimly ,bow and arrow shot out a few .relationresultIt is going tobe a hunter to kill ,ice with a bottle of low-level instantaneous recovery agent ,output moment reply here, puff ,two arrows shot into his body ,blood spatter, ice head up two more than 90 damage numerical ,lethal toxin also plays a role, ice and moment will hang it ,unless he has time to sit down and back to health .
relationresultYu Long bee gave me ,you hurry back blood . Inferno soldier said anxiously ,Hand Axe toward Ishida bee swept past .Constantly persecuted Ishida bee .relationresultXiaoYu waiting patiently ,if his guess is right, the rogue dead in the vicinity, he almost the hunter hands-on ,once he started ,will undoubtedly give Xiao imperial attack on creating opportunities .
relationresultAs expected.A dagger to the light into the head straight to .relationresultYou have for a long time . The hunter had prepared .Sideways flash rogue dead to attack .Take a slow poison with small dagger in the rogue dead body touched .
Open a few steps .The right hand a bow .Shot an arrow in the phantom thief .A more than 80 damage. The numerical values from the rogue dead head flying .While the thief moving speed greatly reduced .
Hunter quickly and rogue dead distance .relationresultXiaoYuzai place quietly waiting for .See the hunter shot himself near .Mouth smiled .Praying mantis .The wolf has a winning game when the shepherds quarrel.
, relationresultSneak attack!relationresultXiao Yuhand knife at the hunter to head straight to .relationresultFeelchilly behind .The hunter thought a hysteresis .There a thief? Hunter spent a second less than .
Sideways to dodge the Xiao Yudi attack .How could Xiao Yu let him go .Dagger in the air took a turn to the hunter head .relationresultPoof,blood spatter .Hunter was Xiao Yu stun .relationresultXiao Yudisuddenly appeared to make hell clan warrior ,rogue dead and others stayed on the spot, they think they are one of the three will be the hunter to play dead, press a root to also did not think of, things would change .
relationresultIf notbetter, in consideration of the ghost hunter by rogue when all of a sudden attack, Xiao Yuye to ensure their attack will succeed ,the hunter not simple .relationresultSee the hunterattacked, Ishida bee to get out of the hell clan warriors ,rescue the master .
How could hell tribe warrior open Ishida bee .Soon rain dragon bee will want to be rid of him ,hell clan warrior in desperation ,a crash hit the past ,binge drinking a loud ,crazy knife cut !relationresultJianwangstorm flash ,Inferno warriors feel body strength with a knife cut vent out ,this cut, carefree dripping wet ,a wonderful feeling he keep firmly in mind .
relationresultSystem:crazy knife cut skills completed 100% ,play a critical effect chance .Deals 200% damage .With a deterrent effect ,lasts 2 seconds .relationresultSeethe system prompts and froze in situ Ishida bee .
Inferno warriors froze half god ,he didn could play such a strong attack .This is crazy knife cut could cause such a strong effect .relationresultInfernosoldiers effectively blocking Ishida bee ,gave Xiao Yu plenty of time .

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Much damage ,walking a few steps ,with lying on the ground ,not up .relationresultXiaoYuzai ghost head body touching moment ,picked up a ring .relationresultDeepdark ring: grade ,green .
The power of +5 ,agile +10 ,moving speed of +2 ,demand level ,level 20 .relationresultIfnot ,the twenty stage ghost leader if only a green ,Xiao Yufei slammed it corpse can not, but now ,the case is rather difficult ,because of the deep dark ring is one of the current green suit ,it is difficult to determine the value .
relationresultOnly one . Judging from the current situation ,meditation and set the last component of the pendant .You probably in front of a monster who,http://feeds.feedburner.com/CUZM, once complete ,Xiao Yu is in full possession of the suit .
relationresultThe fivepieces of equipment have been added nine points moving speed ,if the rest of the assembly is also coupled with two moving speed, even if there is no set attributes ,Xiao Yuye decision will be on the blue and equipment for down ,put on the green suit ,moving speed plus 11 points ,plus the Xiao Yu base speed ,moving faster than the usual open wind walk faster ,higher than level twenty monsters don want to catch up with her ,if drink wind medicament and open the gale step ,if we encounter darkness Kau python that move extremely fast monster ,Xiao Yuye can easily escape .
relationresultButfor this set of green ,health ,attack ,defense and so on will decline, but to the wind speed ,the expense of these attributes is worth .relationresult~ ~evening there is a chapter on ,ask the ticket ticket .
.. , relationresultThe first three seven chapters of branch line mission (a ticket ) , relationresultIn the openremains in the shuttle, after a while ,the gray sky was played under the light rain ,cold rain in his royal face ,cold cold .
relationresultThe weather can change . Xiao Yu glanced up at the dark sky ,the sky can not see a ray of light ,a desolate atmosphere in the sky slowly wanders ,Xiao Yuzai rain shuttle, suddenly stopped ,turned to the side of an altar ,after thousands of years of wind and rain erosion ,the altar was fragmented ,the central display of an altar a gold container ,there were a few bones .
relationresultXiao Yulooked down at those bones ,gold container central stocked with a small head ,the deceased should just about * * years old children .relationresultThis guy without human help .
Xiao Yu is outraged, they should regard the such young children on the altar ,the savage man-eating race !relationresultAkind of inexplicable sadness in her royal ,rain ticking sound ,playing in the Xiao Yu heart ,a heart ,Xiao Yuzhao look from afar ,in this land ,what really happened to many extremely brutal story ?relationresultXiaoYutan breath, kill the behind the scenes of the so-called God ,is probably the best comfort to the dead .
relationresultXiao Yu Moranto bow their heads ,to move on .relationresultJust then,Xiao Yu fear ,drizzle lightly ,just came a whimpering. Not much, if any ,floating ,seems more real .relationresultThis uninhabitedwilderness who cry ,is a ghost cry? , relationresultXiao Yuwas lifted up ,down crying sounds to pursue slowly past ,the sound is from the altar came ,follow the voice ,Xiao Yurao was behind the altar ,the altar ,a lanky boy was sitting in the corner of the altar ,holding knees cry ,the rain in his body, to his figure more thin .
relationresultThe boy is aghost !Xiao Yu first time make out ,but watching him helpless, Xiao Yuyou relented ,ascertained in the absence of the little ghost will pose a threat to him before ,he was never on the little ghost out .
relationresultLook athis appearance .Xiao Yu thought of his own childhood .A picture in his mind Yudi .For the little ghost .Xiao Yu was full of sympathy .The little ghost is killed when still a child .
Xiao Yu remembered the altar that little head .relationresultXiao Yuhesitated .Maybe this little boy with ordinary ghost monster is not the same as .Xiao Yuzhao the little boy walked past .
relationresultThe boy looked up.Some watched in horror as the Xiao yu .relationresultHello.Xiao Yuxiang greeted him and asked .In order not to disturb him .Xiao Yu dagger away .In the distance the little boy digital place to sit down .
relationresultDon afraid of me ? Xiao Yu sat down to see .The little boy is not afraid of .Some asked curiously .relationresultXiao Yuyaoshook his head .Smiled and asked : what is your name ? , relationresultMy name is Moss e.
. The little boy said ,a pair of blue water of the big eyes looking at Xiao yu .relationresultXiao Yu looked atthe boy ,his eyes clear like a sapphire, but instead ,the sapphire eyes flash a red ,Xiao Yu felt a no history of fear .
relationresultXiao Yudingpulled herself together ,look at the little boy eyes, the red seems to have never appeared, just may only own illusion .relationresultYour name is so strange . Xiao Yu said ,although the little boy is a ghost ,but the boy Xiao Yu and feel no hostility .
relationresultMy mother said ,my name is flying ,flying in the sky fly, like a bird . The little boy happily said ,looking into the sky ,gray sky ,let alone the birds ,even a living creatures are not, the little boy can not help a little dim .
relationresultXiao Yusmile ,the little boy naive expressions dilute sorrow here ,Xiao Yu asked : how old are you? , relationresultThe boyshook his head ,some vaguely said: said a year older ,I don know how old I am .
, relationresultXiao Yucan ,if so be the age, the little boy is really a bit afraid .relationresultthere are many aunts and uncles here ,you are the first one not afraid of me . The little boy looked at Xiao Yu and said seriously .
relationresultThe little boymind although naive ,but knows a lot ,he even knows the difference between human and ghost .relationresultSincethe little boy know the difference between human and ghost ,inevitable, of mankind will have some hostility .
relationresultYou are very terrible ? Xiao Yu can smile ,even become a ghost ,the little boy mind is only a child ,yet let Xiao Yuhao strange is ,in this piece of wilderness ghost skeleton ,mostly without thinking ,but the boy can speak, to communicate with others .
relationresultThose aunties and uncles are all afraid of me, for a great many years ago, there were two uncle came here, they kept after me, want to kill me ... the boy said .relationresultHearthe boy ,Xiao Yu surprise ,the little boy mouth is the two uncle ,was the thief tutor XXX and his brother ?Xiao Yuren not asked : then ? , relationresultI kept running, then falls ,then don .
The boy staggered small head ,seems to recall something, but I can .relationresultXiao Yu wasburied under a variety of doubt ,look at the little boy ,Xiao Yu is certain ,the boy must be a copy of this task in a very critical NPC task ,but with what relevance ,Xiao Yuye cannot be identified .
relationresultWhy are you crying here alone ? Xiao Yu asked the boy ,perhaps can get some clue .relationresultI think my father and my mother . Hear Xiao Royal inquiry ,the little boy and misty up .

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Straight by Sunfire pressing play, but why the situation suddenly reversed ?Concede defeat ,He Fei reluctantly accepted the fact ,glanced at Shaw Royal ,Xiao Yu is tried ,or have reservations ?This became a mystery .
Not over two effective go-getters successive defeat ,He Fei also lost look .relationresultHepaid the money Xiongfei ,wind field to be part of a plan to Zhao Lanxin .relationresultBrother you too ~ .
relationresultRain around the Royal Arms of the neck, in his royal face kissed ,then go back to Zhao Lanxin :with sister-in-law not jealous . , relationresultXiao Yugives Zhao Lanxin a look ,http://feeds.feedburner.com/links2rss/LZqc,pink like a peach ,let a person cannot help wanting to bite .
relationresultXiao Yusuddenly thought of what the wind field ,asked : do you know that small LAN home what ? The relationship between Zhao Lanxin and close to some ,Xiao Yu follow the wind wild et al changed , relationresultThis ,it is a bit complicated ,LAN is a general, in Air Force headquarters office space ,master the regiment of the Sixth Army and the seventh army ,and some special forces ,the specific circumstances are unclear ,it is a military secret .
Funo said .relationresultXiao Yu is surprised.He guessed Lan Xin background may not be simple .Just didn Zhao Lanxin father in the military service .Space Corps strength than the armed forces combined .
A total of seven army .Zhao Lanxin father had mastered the two army .But also the most prominent land forces .Absolute power !relationresultXiao Yufrowns .Zhao Lanxin agreed with her together ?relationresultTo Xiao Yudi.
Wind wild soon guessed Shaw Yuzai want what .relationresultYou don worry too much .Small LAN from childhood and mother living together .My mother when she was seventeen years old when she left .
During his father hasn around .Father and daughter are very strange .Zhao Bofu always felt indebted to small lan .That small Lan .He will not hesitate to do .If the small LAN love you .
Between the two of you without hindrance .But you must be careful .If you only for small lan .Zhao Bofu temper .You will head you . Wind wild a faint smile on one looked to the Xiao yu .
relationresultXiao Yuwas sweating .Said : Xiao Yu .To get a true feelings is not so easy .He will definitely cherish .The original Zhao Lanxin had always been a person in life .No wonder she is so independent .
A person is not easy .Xiao Yu looked to Lanxin when zhao .More than a little pity .relationresultguy what family ? Xiao Yu Zhao Lanxin once said .The family moved to Nova .relationresultThere is an aunt and uncle ,but go nova ,small LAN seemed reluctant to go nova ,stayed .
Funo said .relationresultXiaoYudian nod, he what forces are not interested in, as long as a stable life can be, know oneself and between Zhao Lanxin nothing prevents the heart ,the big stone also fell .
relationresultGet thesweepstakes ,wind field and Fei greetings for a while ,and then leave .relationresultSunfirewas revived .relationresultToput on a long face wind ,Sun said : how could you also hangs .
, relationresultSunfirewas ,just that the battle ,said up quite wrong ,if not their beginning, act recklessly and care for nobody to attack, until the end of the mana cost is clean ,maybe it is not the same ,looks like Xiao Imperial is missed by Sunfire ,but think ,if two people to play a game ,mostly he lose myself and Xiao Yu ,what difference in where, even he does not know .
relationresultSunfireshook her head and said : was not found . , relationresultHe Xiongfeican look next to the sun ,very unexpected Sunfire had said ,as a spectator ,his experience is far from the real Sunburst ,he only saw Xiao Yu accidentally reversed the disadvantages ,he thought it was Sunfire to errors caused by the sun ,heard this word, He Fei to fight the results had a deeper consideration .
relationresultSunfiresaw Xiao imperial back, as if thinking of sth. said: must have hidden strength out ! Sun recalled Xiao Imperial battle ,make the judgment .relationresultAlthoughwonder what it is that the sun to judge ,but he had no doubt the words sun fei .
relationresultForlooking at Shaw Yuhe Zhao Lanxin back, heart Barilla Chen miscellaneous ,chagrin ,jealousy ,resentment have both at the same time ,however, he had to admit ,he more than Xiao yu .
relationresultXiaoYuyi pedestrians from He Xiongfei out there .relationresultYou ought to do the transfer task .? Wind wild asked .relationresultYes ,tomorrow will be the transfer task .
, relationresultWindwild nodded ,said : the level to level ten ,relationresultAfterthe transfer task and the ten loop task ,as we go to upgrade .Words ,your grade will be falling down .
, relationresultWell . Xiao Yuying Road ,wind field words are not false ,he a person to upgrade again how soon is likely to be worse than the upper hand wild et al team with group to attack a magic brush strange ,after the thirty law occupation has a group to attack skills ,upgrading speed up ,if he continue to a person to brush strange ,grade will certainly cannot follow, so Xiao Yu did not refuse .
relationresults it,the evening can be estimated to make a smoke bomb ,I let the guild to people in your post to the past .There is a very effective corrosion materials ,I send you mail .
, relationresultIf you make a very effective corrosion ,tomorrow morning I give you the parcel . Xiao Yu said ,the smoke bomb and highly efficient corrosion but good stuff ,kill and rob to essential goods .
relationresult,we contact . , relationresultGood . , relationresultThe windfield and the night away ,leaving only the Xiao Yu, Zhao LAN ~ and rain three .relationresultOh ,I forget, my homework is :finished yet .
The rain suddenly surprised voice said ,and hurriedly prepared offline .relationresultCome back . Xiao Yue said .relationresultWhat.Rain said timidly ,watery eyes to look innocent when Shaw .
relationresultDead girl ,even work to write ,to die ? Xiao Yu grabs the rain ears ,pretending to be said harshly .relationresultOh ,brother ,screwed me ,I was wrong ,admit it is not enough ,her help ,he murdered her sister brother .
Drizzle the exaggerated sounds even Xiao Guan Yu to doubt whether she really screwed sore spot .relationresultGo back and write .relationresultXiao Yu will shrink back, he dare not screw too heavy ,it is his baby ,in my hands if broken, with the fear of the mouth ,how willing to see the light rain ,the ancient spirit demon appearance, he knew he was rain cheated, spoiled ,the rain head .
relationresultYes . Rain Slinky eyes look at the Shaw Yuhe Zhao Lanxin ,romance ,most likely to escape ,it gave Xiao Yu a wink ,see Shaw Royal still face stupefied look ,gas was stamped her feet ,forget it ,no matter the .
Her homework was done, but to find an excuse to sneak out to Xiao Yuhe Zhao Lanxin created the solitude .relationresultLooking at theShaw Yuhe rain slapstick, Zhao Lanxin mouth smile, from Xiao Yuhe rain body, she felt the family taste ,the feeling is very sweet .
relationresultI made . Rain on the Xiao Yu grimaced ,shadow fading away ,off the assembly line .relationresultThe ghost girl ,more and more not obedient . Xiao Yu said with a smile .relationresultNot you give the pet .
Zhao Lanxin give a pleasant smile of a woman ,look to Xiao Yu .relationresultUh, Xiao Yu touched his head ,awkwardly smiles ,it was really his spoiled ,but rain is obedient very sensible .
relationresultTwo peopleon the peninsula ,quietly move forward ,comfort and calm ,Xiao Yu reached out for Zhao Lanxin ,feeling intoxicated, so take a long time, Zhao Lanxin says something ,Xiao Yuze listened quietly ,from time to time to say a few words .

Facebook Fu sky also have n

Two chapter souls fly marsh

Aureate pit's representing him is the captain of E Mu.

Lin Qi Yu is digging and thinking:"The energy doing not blame him is thus strong, in the E Mu of strong."

The fairy Ling comes over one way of seeing to see, in astonishment calling:"The Yi is the gold color hero pit!"She sees the silver pit of her own neck, not from must sigh a way:"What I got is a silvery pit ……"

Lin Qi Yu digs an aureate pit and starts to pass a way to the fairy Ling:"Like and then send to you."He feels to let young girl for the sake of these just a little trifle suffered, consequently and without thinking pass pass by.

Fairy Ling tiny tiny one Zheng, this is a kind of symbol of personal status, even if at clean Fu sky, also have no how much person own an aureate pit.

But she arrives to can not hold up against temptation like this and still keeps stretching hand to answer to come over and wants to think, takes off to hang in the silver pit on the neck and says:"My send to you."

Lin Qi Yu also has no to think more, after connecting to come over with hang on the neck.

Sea the virtuous eyebrows is tiny wrinkly, desire speech again, lower the head not to know is just thinking what.

The fee Gu sun says:"This star doomed, our killing off two E mus would definitely incense a star person who hang up the thou, here not is stay a long while of ground, walk!"He throws an edge of knife monster and takes Lin Qi Yu to rush toward the direction of marsh.

Fairy Ling until ride fire Fen the bird still hold a gold color pit, she likes this beautiful gold pit very much, the veins checking to up form naturally in multiple layers folds and seem to numerous gold color spider's webs to fold to add together, the Shan wears mysterious golden light.

The pit of E Mu contains a very big function, be store life energy, ample the time in the life energy, the energy storage of surplus at in, once life energy exhaustion, can withdraw inside in advance saving of energy, gold pit of capacity this silver pit want big 100%.

Xian Ling feels that Lin Qi Yu acts like a friend, the so precious thing would like to also send to oneself.

4 people spends more than a hour to arrive to a marsh side, along the marsh soon find out a Zuo space Sen a group of persons.

;,000 plentiful have already waited over there, O.K. hang up an ancient star of the person be drawn on to leave, if they search to come over, here can not hide.

This marsh is very well-known in the Kingdom of Heaven, no one dares to take a life here, it is said that as long as closing to marsh to live, a year inside necessarily die.

Dead the person by the side of the marsh is almost and all all over an eyelet, person's being like is sucked dry, so this marsh make the soul fly marsh again.

The marsh side is placed in original status due to regularly disappearing signs of human becompletely ing, the weed is nearly one person high, its robust root-stock's being different from is a herbs and pour is like also a xylophyta.The underground is the thickest corrupt layer, run about here, as long as the Fu mire that shakes up black brown, will send forth a flavor of foul smell.

There are numerous mosquitos in the grass cluster and absorb blood horseleech, also go many not well-known insect reptiles, the Ding bites all pass by they of living creature, the common run of people basically can not at in run about, unless be dressed in modern protection light A, so as to resist these without the place not at of small insect.

Zuo space Sen they flatten weed and developed a cake of not big empty field by the side of the marsh.All be dressed in protection light AN at them so much, those mosquito horseleech still the harassment don't arrive them.

The east breeze and seven tubes but some can not stand, although their skins are to change gene behind specially evolve, have some to absorb the blood a horseleech still a meeting Ding to attach on the body, though could not absorb blood, but let two of him extremely its Rao, 2 people always and uneasily instigate wing.

The world of outside to two of him of strong pound at one by one, 2 people feel don't adapt to very much and become more and more silent.

The Zuo space Sen, cold diagram and Yan have been being inspecting geography behind and look for the road that can go through.

The Yan has a detailed electronics diagram behind, that made from the federal of original electronics file, as long as find out underground strong and tough rock part, can avoid sinking into marsh ground.

3 people discussed for a long time and at last and indeed settled down a route that can run about.

Want to walk this road have to along the edge of marsh looks for the huge rock of a cake of sign and only sets out from this point so as to walk according to the route having been certain.

According to the proportion calculation of map, walk to need a day to there.

Zuo space Sen again and fee Gu sun the company measured in a short while, then issue order that letting is public along marsh edge headway.

Lin Qi Yu runs to;,000 plentiful nearby, he resists Jian to that very curious.After was understand what is resisted to drove, resist Dou, he is very interested in these innate intelligences tricks that are urged by life energy.

;,000 plentiful outward appearances are very charming, talk a gentleness generous, but connected Lin Qi Yu to see to also feel frightened once beginning to kill, he hesitate for a while just decided to ask in the past.

;,000 plentiful know that Lin Qi Yu doesn't understand anything and then and patiently explains to him.

She takes out the baby blue that a per Chinese foot grows to carve and says with smile:"This is a kind of to resist Jian, this kind of resisting the scope that the Jian can probe is about 10 kilometers and mainly see the strong or weak of the operation life energy.If the life energy is strong, canning also adopt Cha must be more far, resisting the picture of ground arrived by Jian will come out in your in the mind reflection."

Lin Qi Yu envies a way:"This is tantamount to a no man to probe a machine, can also along with take ……"

;,000 plentiful say with smile:"Resist Jian to have a lot of kinds, use the star of hanging up the thou person refining of resist Jian not calculate very good, can be been used to probe to used for attack also not ability concealed body, don't be regarded as best to resist Jian, at most just win first grade."

She lays up that to resist Jian, again way:"Unfortunately receiving this time is a , also have a……was accidentally lost by me to smash, ha ha, that guy runs too quickly."She describes with a delicate touch ground to say and seems to be very inattentive.

Although Lin Qi Yu once killed to hang up an ancient star person and once killed the wild beast and various living creature as well and even still once killed people,was like ;,000 plentiful like this totally unconcerned he still cans not does it.

After ever since that time owning life energy, in his eyes, the whole living creatures equal energy and have already seen oneself how to make use of, he knows one day there will by himself/herself will also with;,000 plentiful similar, calm fact of energy for facing to loot living creature.

;,000 plentiful seem to even like with virtuous sea together, not and in a short while she finds out sea virtuous, 2 people have already said to smile and chat very a speculation.

The fairy Ling then curiously flees around in the crowd and ever and anon plays joke on the inferiority of the Sen of Zuo space, there is no a person dare to her impoliteness, they all know this bond maid it's very severe.

Lin Qi Yu takes out fee Gu the sun send to his glasses and again read the information of inside.

The advantage of this glasses, lies in reading at the same time, not the influence walks, he wants to look for creation to resist to drive,http://feeds.feedburner.com/AHvj, resist Dou and resist the method of Jian.

Along the marsh edge runs about very not easy, the curving marsh edge is all trap everywhere, they have to a little bit leave a distance to run about.

Basically have no road here, completely is depend manpower strong line of step of a thoroughfare, equip at Zuo space the under charge of the Sen so much quite good, meet dangerous again have a superior to rescue.

The visual field is covered by thick weed and small tree, what also can't see, public attends to be devoted to headway.According to the parlance of Zuo space Sen, the line arrives the place of getting into the marsh quickly, everyone just calculates a real safety.

Marsh to everyone although is very dangerous,climb out towards hanging up an ancient star person also similar, as long as sinking into a marsh inside and violently hang up an ancient star person also impossibly on the hoof, particularly the advantage that hanged up an ancient star person to occupy a number now, the marsh ground is that they bestly cover a place.

An under charge of Zuo space Sen suddenly shouts loudly a , listens to a burst of intensive"Ding Ding" voice, that person falls to climb ground to hereafter step back from the marsh edge.

The sea is virtuous to listen attentively, the noodles exposes a happy expression way:"Concealed needle!Kid sister!Is quick!"Said and then fled to go out.

The attention of the fairy Ling just on a snake, don't realize sea virtuous say what.

That snake is very beautiful, embellish a piece of piece of silver spot on the You blue wood grain, there is still on the head of triangle the Cape in red.She likes very much from one detection, have been staring continuously ground to stare at to see.

The clean female kid of Fu sky is different from the common run of people, always Be not afraid of these rare have strange living creature, is different because of, any living creature is in the their eyes, is useful and useless 2 kindses.

In addition, a generally and the rise fondness for of female kid, all like beautiful living creature, in the nature, more is the living creature that owns beautiful and beautiful outward appearance, usually more dangerous.

Lin Qi Yu listens to sea virtuous to once say concealed needle, can use to create to resist Dou, he quickly lays up glasses, close behind run past.

The guy that is assaulted by the concealed needle still calculates good luck and enough resists the attack of concealed needle on the energy of protection AN of body.

Sees this guy repeatedly


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Send maimed soldier.

The complete don't care of degenerative king assigns to he or she what task, as long as can keep real strenght good, treat at suspend fort upper level always compare safe in the gun carriage, chariot get many.

This activity of the commanding officer is the Lu Bing Kun colonel, he is responsible for the whole spot conductor.

The Wei Sen leads special kind soldier fore the noodles opens a new road and totally gathered 2,000 people and was divided into four teams, the forward troops contains more than 600 persons and suspends fort betwixt, the both sides contain more than 200 well-known scholars soldier's escort,http://feeds.feedburner.com/links2rss/LZqc, two wing each the soldier who has more than 400 well-known scholars, also have more than 400s spare soldier to close on the heels of afterward.

Lin Qi Yu arrives at to suspend on the above of the fort, sees China eagle blare with China and dance Ya alone a station at part, they would not like to associate with the degenerative king or the soldier, degenerative Wang Ji Ci strikes up a conversation to all can not get a response on his/her own initiative and has to and the oneself person stand at another part.See Lin Qi Yu come up, the degenerative king and China eagle soared to face to come over together.

Degenerative king compete first way:", You came, our tasks were to guard the platform on the fort ……"

He depresses an orotund way:"Viewpoint son protection the oneself person's safety, other of don't take care of …… go out this time very dangerous, once circumstance not to, we have to solidify to go, you see ……" he twists a head to see station beside of China eagle soar and peep out a shape for worrying on the very fat round face.

Lin Qi Yu knows it in heart, although the hand of China house is little, the real strenght of the single violent pole, the degenerative king is afraid that he or she sinks at in not, so specially remind that he wants to solidify unanimously.Lin Qi Yu says with smile:"Trust good, we have to solidify now, ha ha, my brother-in-law isn't a selfish person."

China eagle soars to lightly say:"As long as you aren't to become heart to seek dead, can't have a problem."

Depraving the king's nose to almost annoy is slanting, which talk so.However he can endure patiently very much now and still keep amiable mannerly saying:"Like, this agrees verbally, each other looks after each other!

"H'm, there is also 1:00, if the troops defeat and dispersed, we what don't also take care of, immediately withdraw to the base, I don't think to be silly of drive be the gun make, I know ……you all have a kind of special flight method, in case of withdraw ……please definitely take to ascend us."He is very soft in speaking, even a little bit entreat of meaning.

Lin Qi Yu very clear degenerative king the mood at this time, also understand this guy in the mind is just thinking what.The degenerative king will never be wretchedness, but be fighting for biggest benefits for oneself, in the his hand if the in command of power that controled troops in no case will so and tolerantly talk to the person.

Along with knowledge of growth, the Lin Qi Yu's intelligence quick maturity gets up, he says with smile:"H'm, are we to already negotiate?"

The degenerative king peeps out a satisfied smile and point at fort of on carrying, say:"You guard this side, is there been responsible for by us, wait for a second to still have ten several soldier allotments to come over, everybody takes two soldiers, you take some people more, some affairs can order soldier stem."He turns round to leave after soaring nod to signal hint to China eagle.

Suspend fort totally 3 F, the physical volume is very huge, the shape of flat circle has a liking for to go to very peculiar.This is the fort of a thermodynamic power support type, fort two sides have two big power grain sons to tie cannon, the power is biggest the allocation weapon on the space warship, there are moreover also four full-automatic attack by surprise type Laser blast-offs cannon.

Two sides of fort have more than ten large storms to flow, usually is use to defendoof flight of hang up an ancient star person, can use to defendoof a monster here.

Fort the area of set about has more than 100 square meters, on barren metal platform what also have no, the platform head then has a pimping entrance, the passage is an enough a the stairs that person runs about, behind the entrance carrying then greatly get much, can make several individuals come in and go out at the same time.

A few soldiers lift 4 six take care of high-speed organization cannon to come up, the soldier who follow lifts a metal caisson.Lin Qi Yu quickly comes forward and says:"Install organization cannon here, I to operate."

These soldiers have already received an order, listen to the platform top these people's conductor.The place that they immediately specify at Lin Qi Yu since the organization cannon, and rise organization cannon at other each mounting of directionses.

A group of soldiers from carried a stairs to come up behind, asunder opened under a conductor of small military officer.

Each superior all nearby went together with two soldiers, Lin Qi Yu was no exception, the allotment gives him two soldiers of the conductor two still a short.Divide the soldier of fort platform, all belong to fighting strength compare weaker, their main tasks are to listen to conductor, be responsible for porterage wound member and ammunition, be monster close to fort, also want to picked up weapon to fight.

Lin Qi Yu receives toward 2 people a , each other communicate a short moment, understand short small thin and feeble is a row soldier Ao Pu, just enlist soon, the shape is robust to is a yellow private first class coin, nickname call coin.

The coin shaved a bare-headed and was dressed in to rebind protection AN on the body and opened a head cover and peeped out a Mao light tile bright bare-headed, he and the Ao Pu rules rules torch ground heel at Lin Qi Yu is after death.

Though Lin Qi Yu is very friendly to them, 2 people still according to the troops' rules torch, everything listens to the order of growing the temple.

Lin Qi Yu says:"Coin, you are responsible for transporting to play a chain box, Ao Pu, you are responsible for packing to play, another affair first don't tube, trust good, have me at ……you can't in danger."He walks to six tube organizations before the cannon, the shelf of organization cannon is welded on metal deck, and he back and forth rocked a cannon tube and felt not bad.

For this activity, Lin Qi Yu's in the mind contains the uneasy feeling of a kind of mightiness, therefore he specially values a weapon material.He early discovers, and all over the place of the monster put together Dou, a person's strength is too infinitesimal, in case of sink into monsters, can not use how long meeting the exhaustion is all life energies.

There is a weapon that being getting more different in the hand, in the ammunition before using up, don't need to put together Dou with the life energy.

The base is rounded by the monster on all sides strict actually solid, according to adopting to measure a result, only have west the monster of the noodles less, but from west the noodles rush out to go, arrive the destination still need to round a big turn son.

The cloth cool major general didn't orderany troops direct pound at, he organized a more than 500 well-known scholars' soldier first toward the east noodles impact and put a want from east the noodles rush out of pose, draw on the attention of monster, diversion-this is an easy military tactics.

The base east immediately ring out connect string of explosion gunning voice, although just the easy military tactics make use of, the monsters are still a great deal of to east the noodles flow out.In the explosion voice of Long Long, suspend fort to cross a base to protect a wall to westward fly to, a suspends gun carriage and chariot close behind outwardly hurtle.

China eagle soars to say:"Everyone notices, absolutely forbids to across a platform and remembers ……the safety is the most important, I would not like to have who stay in the monsters, once having a monster into platform scope, using quickest speed to kill in fighting!We is divided into two sets of, 1 set fights to kill, a set of gunning, by turn carry on, light rain, you like to use organization cannon, use organization cannon to support us at any time."

Lin Qi Yu starts to hold organization cannon, checked to play a chain for a while and said with smile:"The your tube defense up flies of monster, leak the monster of dozen with me, as long as canning quickly replace to play a chain, ha ha, have no how much monster can hurtle to the deck to come up, trust good."

West the monster of the noodles the big part flow out to east noodles, the monster of the surplus shortage 10,000, is exactly strength the weakest of, drive high-speed the chariot dashing away insert and quickly defeat and dispersed to open.Lin Qi Yu a cannon didn't deliver on the platform, because the monster can not close to suspend fort at all.The Cape wing that in the sky flies just closed to and then was flowed by the storm of fort two sides to tore into fragment.

Although everythings are all very smooth,Lin Qi Yu's in the mind is getting more uneasy.

China eagle soars also and realizes not to, he arrives at the small track of Lin Qi Yu:"Is strange, I how mind not and rather ……you feel where not rightness?"He knows that Lin Qi Yu also has where is the wrong place to live on, want to try and ask exactly the ghostly energy.

The wry smile way of Lin Qi Yu:"Yes, I also feel very uneasy, but don't know why."

2 people are helpless ground of to see one eye, Lin Qi Yu again way:"This route of travel …… brother-in-law, once discovering not to, we ……"

China eagle soars very tacit understanding ground to immediately after say:"Immediately withdraw to the base.Light rain, my guess ……if ever the problem is also a ghostly energy to arouse of, but I can not figure out, what kind of will the ghostly energy make two of us all feel uneasy?The generally ghostly energy threat doesn't arrive us two, oddness!What trick is that meeting ?Light rain ……I on the contrary and a little bit expect."

Lin Qi Yu shakes head a way:"I

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The facial expression after Yan is tiny to change, she knows to refuse Zuo space Sen, but still has a little way of being unwilling, and then asking:"Can we refuse?"

The Zuo space Sen still keeps being full of smiles, he takes off sunglasses and says:"Not ability."

The Yan suddenly says with smile behind:"Since not ability that leaves, is up move fort, still keep going to your airship?"She is a totally unconcerned shape.

Zuo space Sen not from get a great way:"Not the Yan eldest sister-in-law Kui is a woman of great capability, can take to put nextly, such, please!"

A small scaled landing barge never the distance fly and stop at public nearby.

Lin Qi Yu says:"Cold eldest brother, we is this kidnap on the whole?"Being full of in his tone is helpless.

After was sold a degenerative star, Lin Qi Yu's discovering he or she has been body not from F, although learned many technical abilities,finally still kept losing a freedom.

The cold diagram says with smile:"Real strenght not equal to person, also have no difficult see of, leave, seeing will take place what affair isn't also very interesting?We these people's easts rush west to walk and shuttle a cosmos and have no be for the sake of evolution, for the sake of long living, light rain, learn calm face everything."

Listenned to the words of cold diagram, if Lin Qi Yu has Wu, he not only needs to study to engage in fisticuffs technical ability, but also needs to study how to be a person to deal with affairs now.

The cold diagram is like his to enlighten play currency and often teach him some is the truth that the person deals with affairs, Lin Qi Yu's intelligence quickly grows up, he becomes more and more cool-headed, completely not as 18-year-old and young people as one.

The Zuo space Sen shows the appearance of very heavy degree and has never accepted to pay their weapons, this lets Lin Qi Yu very is admire.

The landing barge quickly gets off the ground.

Outwardly see go from the porthole, the surprised way of Lin Qi Yu:"Seem, big fleet!"

Accumulating 11 airships in the space is all battleship for once refitting.

Lin Qi Yu is since the childhood interested in battleship, he distinguishes a way:"This is the medium-sized escort warship, H'm, refitted a warship head ……that is ……heavy type conveyance warship, Yi, added two giant cabin rooms, ?There is also heavy type destroyer, impending ……unexpectedly is tiger type heavy A destroyer, should be in command of warship ……"

The Zuo space Sen satisfiedly says with smile:"Is quite good, this is my flagship, angel, welcome everyone to come."

After the Yan from the nose in hum a , however she didn't deliver a violent wind, the air seems a bit uneasy and melancholy.

The cold diagram rubs a nose, the way of Du Rang:"Angel?I see call devil more fitting."Zuo space Sen's being don't hear, thick face really different ordinary mortal.

Lin Qi Yu's sunlight has been staying around an airship up, he knows that that is an interstellar communication contact warship, the in the mind secretly ponders:If can go to that warship to ascend like, affirmation can connect the up free net.

The landing barge path flies directly to into passenger compartment angel, public be pleased to get to large reception area inside.

The Zuo space Sen milli- Don't mention it and in the middle sits down and comes straight to the point ground to say:"Yan eldest sister-in-law, cold elder brother, please sit down …… invite Yan eldest sister-in-law this time, is want to ask Yan eldest sister-in-law to help me once ……"

If the Yan interrupts him behind and say:"I know that you want what, tell you …… because of this matter, I am disgraced to see Bo Nong ……quite good, I am also to know that the coordinates jumping up that space knows the coordinates of that star, but ……with your real strenght go there ……hum!Be seek dead,http://www.feedage.com/feeds/22517288/beats-by-dre-cheap!"

The project that chapter 8 annihilates

Zuo space once the Sen wave hand, a square base the center from the reception area rise, that is one set stereoscopic image instrument.

He says:"Let everyone see a stereoscopic image, ha ha, is the celestial spirits project that more than 500 year agos federal practices, everyone sees first, I go out for a while."

Possibility from put time long-last, the stereoscopic image seems to be very thin, however the picture returns calculate clear, don't know a Zuo space from where the Sen sought data.This stereoscopic film announced to public the cause and implementation process of Yao absolute being project completely.

More than 500 year agos, federal troops at with greatly hurt Kui to lose in the Alien's war, haven't discovered to evolve an original liquid at that time, the mankind's body was very weak, basically wasn't suitable for in the cosmos to exist.For the sake of investigate profound mystery that study mankind's evolution, the federal government initiate a celestial spirits project, and then called natural evolution project.

From put and avert from public view, the implementation of the celestial spirits project has to be keeping off a permafrost place to carry on.

The space canned find out at that time jumped up a point to combine not much and fished for from jumped up to order for the space counting not much, the personnel selected by examinations a not too stable of insect hole, finally make sure at a carries out a celestial spirits project with the star of the Earth environment likeness, that star is named after a celestial spirits star.

The celestial spirits project is to see not get light, because this experiment is to use the deserter and a great deal of chess system person of criminal, troops carries on and plans to put these people into that faraway star, let it is in the harsh environment natural evolution, then obtained the most perfect gene sequence from their body, used to the gene of repairing the mankind.

This planned to take place after the evolution invented change, among them, one part of persons is injected an evolution, while evolution and federal widespreadly use of the evolution is different, they use of evolution equal violent in action, the insecurity factor is a lot of, in the process of evolving in take place of variation, make federal the scientist is tremble with fear.

More than 100 year agos, in a trouble of accident, an airship took place to explode while jumping up in the space, that space jumps up a point to from now on disappear, celestial spirits project as a result run aground, and be listed as federal of cut off most airtight project, the related data also all destroy.

When film projected be over, Zuo space Sen from the outside came in, he said:"On the whole circumstance be so, does everyone return any questions?"

Lin Qi Yu cannots help but asking a way:"We go there dry what?"

The Zuo space Sen says:"I need the data of celestial spirits project ……according to our intelligence report and calculate, the person of celestial spirits star evolves quicker than us, and also strong get many, the way that they evolve is different from us ……this inferences although isn't necessarily accurate, I need their evolution data."

Lin Qi Yu's in the mind is one earthquake, he understand Zuo space the meaning of the Sen, if the celestial spirits plans success, there is these evolution data, he can develop on criticizing the warrior of brave invincibility, this with at that time the viewpoint of federal government look exactly alike.

The Yan says behind:"Not, I don't go."Her facial expression is very cold.

The Zuo space Sen simple and directly says:"Would not° until what kind of condition be willing to go?"He knows the Yan's empress is unwilling to the failure heart in last time, so the Gan frailty makes her put forward the condition of cooperation.

He immediately after says:"Yan eldest sister-in-law, if can not reach a pact, the younger brother can hardly do, so please must think it over."He this is the completely naked threat.

The taste of Yan empress once sweeps cold diagram and asked a way:"Do you see how to do?"

The cold diagram smiles happily ground to say:"Certainly is to go together behind with Yan, if we didn't go, the Zuo eldest brother still didn't live to shell me and admired."

Yan the behind has no facial expression ground consideration for a long time, say:"Promise me a condition, I go, otherwise the dead don't go as well."

The Zuo space Sen roars with laughter a way:"Like, say, what condition?As long as I can accomplish of and all promise you ……and go this time, you can also collect some data of demands, I can't obstruct and go in each later with skill."He wants to lure Yan with an unreal target after.

The Yan lightly says behind:"I want to get into a free net."

The Zuo space Sen after being one Zheng, knowing the Yan wants to contact Yan Bo Nong.He hesitates a way:"Yan eldest sister-in-law, still want Bo Nong Xiong to join?"

The Yan shakes head a way behind:"I not am to make Bo Nong join, just tell him, I was kidnap by you, how?Don't dare?"

They these superior's although Er worry my Zha, have some advantage, be think greatly of prestige very much, the once said words absolutely count.

The Zuo space Sen cachinnation way:"Like, the Yan eldest sister-in-law is severe, one of my request is to can not reveal the destination of this activity, as for kidnap, I don't calculate as well with Bo Nong Xiong's gratitude and grudge Be getting less, much an also doesn't matter, again say, I didn't intend to the Yan eldest sister-in-law how, he hereafter see you will understand everything naturally."

The Yan orders behind and says:"Is very good, there is also a condition, have to be safe to send us back."

The Zuo space Sen generously says:"Is all right, after waiting affair be over, I send you to heaven star, you again you take airship to return to free star."He is a totally unconcerned shape.

The in the mind is inwardly funny after the Yan, she still has an important news don't tell the Zuo space the Sen, that is that she at the beginning goes to the time of celestial spirits star and constitute to°from eight large airships of the fleet is how to reply something to put out.

Lin Qi Yu

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Cannot help but asking a way:"Can I ascend a free net?"Once the words export him to regret, oneself sank not to live to annoy too much.

Indeed as expected, the Zuo space Sen swept his one eye and lightly said:"Can not, this time task after completing, you can literally ascend a free net."

Lin Qi Yu has no weight in the his eyes, he the request for making, the Zuo space Sen certainly can't realize, besides this activity have to sternly keep secret.

The cold diagram is lightly used shoulder arch arch Lin Qi Yu, small track:"Light rain, goes to a celestial spirits star ……do not you feel very interesting?"

In fact and in spite of is who, hear the person of celestial spirits star an evolution than outside of the person still have to be successful, all impossibly unmoved.Here in the world, the mankind's an important task is an evolution, the evolution of oneself is endless, particularly is a super evolution, pay attention to the evolution of oneself more.

Lin Qi raindrop head way:"It is very interesting yes."

After the Yan and cold diagram's staying in the command module, Lin Qi Yu and ash magma be named to sweep a set, the rules on the warship doesn't keep loiterer.Anne works properly bacterium and card Sen is a super evolution, so be arranged turning on duty room.

Sweeping the set is a the most tired set of, want to wipe to wash cabin room every day and lead way.

Lin Qi Yu returns doesn't matter to this, ash magma in the mind but a little bit defy spirit, he depressed and not talking muchly follows Lin Qi Yu to check in and blame and scold a way in:"Light rain, you why not the one who say that you is a super evolution, they also despised a person too much."

Lin Qi Yu says with smile:"Ash head, their inattention we had better,http://feeds.feedburner.com/yQUu, with our skills, will be light loose at sweeping a set of, not letter, we play by ear."

Follow the front leads the way of seaman, 2 people arrive at to sweep cabin, that is a bottom cabin that puts the kinetic energy cabin room underneath.

Walk into cabin room, sees an inside dusk Ang, a group of persons seat on the floor, and the inferior tobacco flavor of a Qiang nose rushes toward noodles since then.The member of leading the way calls a way:"Peng from hurtle, old Peng, come to two under charges for you."Finish saying to turn round and then walk, seem to disdain to put to treat more here.

"Make what affair be sent to me to come here?Mama of, I am a garbage heap here, you also need not run so quickly ……"a lame person a turned ground to walk to come over.

Someone turns on fluorescent lamp, immediately, the whole cabin room one is bright.

Of doze, have of lower the head stunned, and the individual takes poker under the dusk light.The fluorescent lamp shines, these people all the title see.

Lin Zi, tall and big in stature and strong, know on seeing to isn't the person who asks for, particularly Lin Qi Yu's taste, imitated Buddha knife to generally once sweep public, he wants to sign Wei heart.

His in the mind is very clear, here if pretending ignorance to sell is lovely, suffering a los can be oneself.The person who more has no skill usually becomes more cruelty to small and weak, this is he early understand of truth.

The Peng reads person's innumerable from the Zhong, he saw one eye know the must not be offended of these 2 people, but can not ignore, either, otherwise under charge these people were also hard to fight down.

According to the rules here, the new comer has to obey and show filial obedience everyone.

He up and down conjectures 2 people and says:"Is the Yi newly arrived?How have I never seen you on the warship?"

Lin Qi Yu lightly says:"BE, we is lately ascend warship, once saw each elder generation."He the cordial but independent ground say.

Peng from blunt feel that Lin Qi Yu talks to return calculate pleasing to listener, he nods a way:"Like, oneself seeks a corner to live bottom, Sun Xiao San, take two bed mattings ……get two pillows again, feed, are you two to call what name?Some daily necessities want to purchase with the star point, if have no star to order, there is the reputation of free point or federal ordering all right ……"

Lin Qi Yu says:"I am a wood, everyone can call my light rain, this is the ash magma, call an ash head again."The public side has no facial expression ground to looking at 2 people, a refuse person's a long distance of expression.

One is thin to smallly be like starts to flee from the ground, the way of Rang Rang:"Do not rob, is I small 3 classeses ……" he lacked a Ge Pu, a sleeves Chuai is on the belt and smiling all overly faced to come up.

Public in the minds all feel strange, this time Peng from blunt how can and greatly deliver mercy?General New appointee arrival will dismount Wei for one first, let public pain flat, then blackmail money, after waiting everyone to once venting satisfaction, just can join to come in.Who know Peng from blunt unexpectedly didn't make it lively for 2 people this time, the place immediately had already given them arrangement to stop for the night, but don't arrange 2 people have to drily live.

Lin Qi Yu but secretly admire Peng from hurtle, this person's taste is true.If he dares to challenge, Lin Qi Yu is prepare to get into nasty fight, have never thought Peng from hurtled to don't make it lively for them at 1:00.

Lin Qi Yu says:"I have a free point and how use?"It is public to immediately discuss in succession.All of these people are miserable wretches, on hearing rich, unbearable eager for action.

Sun Xiao San flurried beckons with the hand a way:"I take you to go."

This is a low etc. seaman to particularly sell a small store, is turning Cape place, a man with bushy beards all over the face, sit at an open widely a sofa the top beat to shout.

Sun Xiao San puts out strength to push him to shout loudly a way:"Lu bushy beard, the business came and got up."Face ascend full is the color of excitement.

Lin Qi Yu also doesn't know, as long as taking person to buy thing, Lu bushy beard the meeting give him 2% to take out a head according to the rules.Sun Xiao San is the second-time stem is this matter, he took out to more than 20 stars to order last time and chased this boy happy Be getting worse, the star ordered although can is some extra income on the whole not much.

The Lu bushy beard whole body fat meat, he after being pushed come to very and not and greatly says:"BE which rabbit Zai son ……mama, big Ye I am still very sleepy ……shout."

The horselaugh way of Sun Xiao San:"Bushy beard, money came!"

The Lu bushy beard fiercely raises head, long thin eyes Zheng must consumedly of, say:"Oh ……all right, buy what?"On hearing money word, he is immediately getting more awake.

Lin Qi Yu asks a way:"Can the free point be used?"

Lu big Zong son way:"The heaven astral star orders, the free point of the free star, and the federal reputation orders, entirely can use here, here can also wait precious product with the precious stone to exchange, stop worrying, what can use."He takes out a set to row a card machine and says:"See have no, all-powerful row card of machine!Keep a free net, directly exchange money of demand, ha ha, want to buy a point what?"

Lin Qi Yu has been keeping the personal status card of the honored guest who gets in the free star, he asks a way:"What do you have here?"

Lu bushy beard not from get spirit to greatly flap, a listen to Lin Qi Yu's tone is a rich lord.He eagerly says:"I have everything here, as long as you want of and all have!"

Once Lin Qi Yu's in the mind move and ask a way:"Does the virtual helmet have?"

The Lu bushy beard is one Zheng, say:"Feed, whether you don't understand rules?On the warship in addition to the minority are an officer of, who dare to own virtual helmet?If sneak into to a spy, we all have no life ……that trick not calculate, have me also not dare to sell to you, change to order another thing."

After buying a lot of home articles, Lin Qi Yu bought ten upscale cigarette and 7, 8 boxes of soil wine again and had some a hideous mess food.

The time that rows card, he hides honored guest's card in the center of palm and holds up the view of Lu bushy beard, in rowing card machine lightly on using, then press the finger in the fingerprint to explore to gather a machine up.

Bought these things to totally use 30,000 to much and freely order, the thing here wasn't generally expensive.

The Lu bushy beard is happy eyes all could not opened, so rich of lord he still keeps meeting for the first time, must extremely feel so much to Lin Qi Yu's attitude Lin Qi Yu how see how easy on the eyes.

Sun Xiao's midnight is happy Be getting more dizzy, he sees deduct of free point unexpectedly at 30,000 of many, cautiously calculated for a while, he can get more than 700 points and incredibly delivered a small wealth.

Sun Xiao San is pleased to perseveringly say:"I look for person to help."Finish saying to run.

The ash magma in the mind secretly admires, he knows that what Lin Qi Yu uses is money offensive, as long as see the thing buying know, cigarette and inferior soil none of wine are him favorite of.

Lu bushy beard from his a box of box in the storeroom outwardly transport thing, the very quick passage is getting fuller for the heap.Not and in a short while, Sun Xiao San takes Peng from hurtle and a group of persons come over.

After thing lifts to return to, Lin Qi Yu says:"Peng eldest brother, you come to assign, the home articles puts in the part, other of divided for the brotherses, was regarded as us to the gift of meeting of everyone."Immediately one in the cabin room joys Teng.

These persons overwhelming majority that sweep a set are disabled star thieves, have no position most on the warship, also the most impecunious and a group of persons, because of the harassment distressed, they specially like soil wine and cigarette, particularly soil wine, get drunk

http://feeds.feedburner.com/CUZM s all feel surprised

The freedom here orders what all stem not, can see free thing.

Have some reputation to order on his federal credit card, but can not use here, have to exchange to exclusive Qian Dian, but have to acquire the personal status card of free star number before exchanging.

This personal status card can at will fill in and never so fill in, this is the only personal status proof in the free star area, it involves later of economic benefits, consequently not the ability at will change.

Once getting into a free star area, anyone equals the opportunity of acquiring a rebirth, whether you were what person before or not.

Lin Qi Yu strolled 1 turn and mostly understood the circumstance of free net, he discovered here and federal the virtual net contains very heavy dissimilarity, rely on two kind things and then can travel everywhere without restriction in the free star area, on being a little bit free, one is an arrogant force.

Almost have everything here, all what things dare to sell, even purchase population.

Lin Qi Yu even sees in the weapon area the interstellar destroyer sell, that is a wolf class light destroyer, he almost exclaims on the spot.As for is various to greatly win small scaled weapon, more complete with everything, there is also various weapon for once refitting, see Lin Qi Yu loudly appeal to the public to satisfy.

Become a turn of to return to a start to order, Lin Qi Yu wanted to go the specialty area of super evolution very much, he considered a short moment and withdrew a free net and took off helmet and started to outwardly run.He wants to seek two helps of elder brother, Lin Qi Meng, .

Lin Qi Meng has got into the row or column of super evolution since last year, F through have certain experience, he knows that what Cu ability is at least and how make use of Cu ability.He is all generally training to toughen in cabin room, at ordinary times then at own cabin room in quiet fix, that is to produce Cu ability and usage Cu ability of only way.

Lin Qi Yu arrives at Lin Qi Meng's cabin room and walks into hatch and see Lin Qi Meng is wearing virtual helmet, originally he also entered a free net.

Lin Qi Yu without extra trouble presses the button of moving the helmet on the side, then sits to the first-class sofa to treat.After several minutes, Lin Qi Meng withdraws a free net, he saw one eye Lin Qi Yu, ask a way:"Light rain occupies?"

Lin Qi Meng always little speech few language, deeply drunk at evolve of world in after, talk is also in brief clear, will speak a few lines more to the family.

Lin Qi Yu smiles happily ground to say:"Two elder brothers, you have concerning super evolution of data, I has none of a lot of things to understand and just thinks into a store of free net, using the Cu can come to certificate

Clearly, I how don't know to use, the result enters not to go ……two elder brothers, tell me, how make use of Cu ability?"

Lin Qi Meng cannots help but saying with smile:"Light rain, you too hasty, just evolution still not ability independence control Cu ability, wait a period of time, steady settle down to just go."

Lin Qi Yu disappointedly says:", I …… I am happy too early ……" he wanted to think still deathless heart, and then said:"Two elder brothers, introduction for a while, I a nod a clue all have no."

Lin Jia Si the brotherhood is very in peace and harmony, particularly is to Lin Qi Yu, everyone likes this clever naughty younger brother younger brother very much.

Lin Qi Meng starts to open drawer and takes out a beautiful metal box, after opening, the inside is a book of word paper.

He says:"This is the old daddy to send mine and lend to let you see empress the row or column that I get into a super evolution, finishing seeing can return to me."

Lin Qi Yu marvels a way:", This is the very rare paper book, two uncles are really willing to give up to spend money to buy."

He an once embraced metal box, turn around and then run, runs while saying:"Two elder brothers trust, I finish seeing and then return to you and thank."

Lin Qi Meng looking at his figures and in distress situationly shakes.

Return to cabin room,http://feeds.feedburner.com/CUZM, the first Lin Qi Yu affair is a contents to scan down and move to the personal space of imitating net oneself inside in a book.This is the proper airship emulation space, the other people can not get into.

After putting good metal box, he puts on helmet to again get into a virtual net.

This time, he is to arrive the contents that his own space reads a scanning book.

This is the book of introduction super evolution, in have simple of quiet fix a method.

The super evolution wants to understand the variety of body and Cu first can of after creation and awakening some basic steps, after arriving a certain stage, oneself also needs to investigate the road of evolution, mainly is how more more definitely the real estate living Cu ability, how let the body be getting stronger, how make body and Cu ability perfect combine.

Still introduced special metal that the super evolution uses in the book, was called gold black Zhe.

It is very rare natural metal, the way for refining is very special, and the super evolution can be used Cu to refine in the mineral stone.Because this metal ability and Cu Be crystal to combine together, so again call Cu gold.Moreover there being also a kind of Cu stoning that canning store a Cu ability is existed to some will make use of a Cu ability outside star animal is inside the body.

Lin Qi Yu is all very unfamiliar with these, he in a row see several time, in the mind just had basic concept.

Know ° from in the book depiction, the super evolution is very severe clan.

Is young people to have to the strengths a kind of born of the thirst beg and see here, he is excited to cannot help but wanting to yell several voices.

Is quiet to fix is produce Cu ability of only way, Lin Qi Yu immediately according to in the book write, in the personal space started calming down to fix for the first time.

This is very in brief quiet to fix, as long as realize the variety in the body quietly.He shuts eyes to diligently realize and fully waits for ten minutes, some felling also has no.

His spirit jump, turned to read a to think, suddenly understood, the of course not went in the virtual space.

Withdraw a personal space, Lin Qi Yu crosses legs to sit on the bed and in a serious manner calms down to fix.

Finally there is reaction this time.After he completely relaxs spirit, on his body send out light white only, very weak, have a liking for to is like a skin white some.

The first time Lin Qi Yu felt some varieties in the body and imitated a Buddha to have many small ants be climbing, whole body more and more Yang, he tried very hard to endurance.

Those small ants seem to have already organized, a set of set ground follows arms and legs to to body climb to, that kind of the Yang be absolutely about to go deep into marrow.He is really unbearable to a little bit move for a while, immediately, the strange Yang became acute pain, he almost bellows to make a noise.

However, the acute pain after the strange Yang, on the contrary making him feel can bear with, he forces he to relax all over.

Close behind, the felling of small ant re- appears again, and more and more, the white on the body light also bright get up.

The in the mind a trace of fear of Lin Qi Yu, the variety of body makes him a little bit frighten into inaction and have several times him almost want to give up, finally is still the desire to the strength, make him insist down.

He is recessive three color the sky spoil, beginning's coming to a later incarnation body can have a strong need to the Cu, three kinds of not the Cu of congeniality can produce in one personal body at the same time, originally is a very difficult affair.

Lin Qi Yu feels the small ants all meet together in the chest and belly department and change into a gradually in fine threads and fresh and cool integrate into a body, immediately after, numb very crisp a little bit hot extend to the body from the arms and legs.

The white on his body only converts red, hot the point also flow out toward the chest and belly department and change into a the heat flow to integrate into a body.

While waiting until light blue glory to start to be suffused with the F of Lin Qi Yu through exactly sat for six days.In the interval, the clock Bei Mei was waited person to once see him and discovered him at quiet fix, the owners all feel surprised.By this time start to be quiet fixing to a little bit come from anticipating of everyone, after all he just just awoke.

The silver leopard airship F through approach a free star.Lin Jun Bao makes Chen Bai help into a free net, the costliness purchases a free star area diagram, and then spent big price to purchase four coordinateses that the spaces jump up, purchased a position that anchors airship in the free star sky harbor, and leased a small scaled warehouse.

When Lin Qi Yu waked up, room inside only Ke Zhen Feng at, he very fat round face up show unintentionally to envy of facial expression.

See Lin Qi Yu open an eye, he pickeds up one dish Hungshau Nyourou way:"Light rain, this is especially grandmother to mean the beef that you prepare, eat quickly, we are soon about to stop to depend freely empty harbor, I still want to see the landscape of getting empty the harbor."He is saying and tearing off a heat preservation film and put a plate on Lin Qi Yu's bed.

Lin Qi Yu still sinks to immerse in the middle of being quiet and fixing wonderfully and calm down to fix of initial stage he expects after almost canning not away with, but arriving, that is absolutely 1 kind to enjoy, whole body comfortable pole.

Condensed three lights to order inside his body, front the sum place is a light blue to only order, the chest is white to only order, the lower abdomen pubic region is red to only order, although is still very weak, he can clearly feel, and can initial confidence.

He smiles happily ground to stretch out a hand, a little white simply starting to be suffused with in the center of palm of hand immediately after, a turn of light blue aureole rounds white to order, what to be suffused with is finally a red light, and those are three kinds of Cus to produce

http://feeds.feedburner.com/links2rss/LZqc olor send forth gree

The energy unexpectedly and enough and back and forth uses, if the on the way contains the star to add energy, the continuous sail ability can also attain more far.

The blurred shadow star area contains the star of the most dangerous twoses, one is a planet, named the Bo Luo's star, also have 1 is to don't far be apart from the Bo Luo's star, in the same galaxy the satellite of moreover a planet magpies demon star, named magpies demon No.3 satellite, the most dangerous is this magpies demon No.3 satellite.

Lin Qi Yu directly links a cockpit from the virtual space and registers each data to inside in the automatic pilot.He hopes earnestly to own very much to ownly resist to drive and resist Dou to lend this to build up oneself's real strenght and influence.After produced feelings with fairy Ling, he understands all these very important for him.

The fairy rain exploration airship starts accelerating and flies to the first to jump up a point and about takes more than 40 days for this period of time.

The space navigation is very lonesome and boring, general seaman in addition to work, all think that the way amuses oneself from the joy as far as possible, but still someone collapses because of canning not away with a lifeless life like this, more people are then suffer from suppressing a Yu disease etc. spirit disease.

After had virtual space, the circumstance just has to present new look, especially in canning contact the star area of virtual network, the emotion of the crewmen worry anxiously can get to alleviate very greatly.

Lin Qi Yu has already been used to the life of airship, he the pimping time live on the airship and all really acquaint with to everythings of airship.He can have no time to steep in the virtual space, in addition to accompanying the fairy Ling to play in a short while a game, he almost at deposit the cabin room of Yun jade in, because he wants Yun jade the classification collect.

Exactly spend 4 to choose a Yun jade original stone, tired get he is dizzy.A piece of Yun jades all want to examine with the life energy each time, the outward appearance of jade is unimportant, only stir up a test with the life energy, inspect the motion of Yun jade, so as to find out the best Yun jade, and still need to remove to attach in the rock of Yun jade.

Even if Lin Qi Yu works properly Bao have been already sproutlaced, the life energy is ample, own to still want violent body than the super evolution, requiring attention continuously for four days consume dint, also make him feeling fordone.

Totally get more than 700 pieces top-class Yun jade, the biggest a piece of top-class Yun jade, the diameter unexpectedly attains 70 cms, the other size is different, the heavy part is the globosity Yun of the fist size jade, there are moreover also a lot of Yun with general qualities jade, be all saved by Lin Qi Yu's.

Immediately after be clean to scoop out machine, in the process of cleaning up in, Lin Qi Yu discovers a piece of card's Yun jade in the collections box, the hand hasn't come in contact with, and he feels to have a burst of and very and soft motion and feels very comfortable.Once Lin Qi Yu's in the mind move, this Yun jade and other Yun jades have very different, he made an effort to separate to dig out in column from metal.

This is the Yun jade of a piece of cylinder type, there is thick thin ping-pong, a carry is a circular, on carrying 3 to diverge, the shape is very peculiar, the color is also different from the common Yun jade.

The Yun jade is all basically a green, quality the more good color is more deep, Lin Qi Yu just chose of time discover, the Yun jade quality of the deep dark yellowish green color is best.

But this Yun jade is navy-blue, a built-up blue deeply disappears bottom, and then imitates a Buddha to look upwards in the bottom of sea, the surface starts to concuss numerous blues of wave light, seem to be abnormality mysterious.

Lin Qi Yu doesn't already marvel, he knew Tao to the baby.Shut a double eyes, this Yun jade sends forth of motion, immediately show at brain in.

This kind of motion is what he has never seen, be like water that the innumerable splashes to order to from above and evenly spread to drop down, quickly combine with own life energy, in a flash, he feels inside the body of worked properly bud to imitate a Buddha to get a sprinkling of fairy dew to infuse, shining thriving source of vitality.

The energy of this Yun jade is thus abundant, most geezer BE, it sends forth of the energy is very and soft,http://feeds.feedburner.com/links2rss/LZqc, to the person's felling moderate comfort, inside the body of work properly bud to seem to be really to like energy like this.

Lin Qi Yu's surprise hands over to gather, he inwardly rejoices and luckily thoughts of to clean up to scoop out machine, if carelessly lost this Yun jade, loss can Be getting more heavy.

This kind of Yun jade is very rare, at clean Fu sky, the Yun jade like this has a name to be called the star of Yun and be so called rain wave Yun jade, is the best Yun that nourishes life to work properly bud jade, at whole clean Fu sky only the Yin disease religion own a cake of.

There was still a cake of to once appear once, the appeared to arouse clean Fu sky of the disorder was this death and harm many superiors, afterwards that Yun jade didn't know that is eventually.

Lin Qi Yu doesn't know this Yun jade to mean what, but he knows this Yun jade it's very precious, pondered a short moment, thoughted of a good idea.

He arrives at a cabin room of next door and has him the most stylish precious stone for purchasing to incise instrument and jewelry to design an instrument there.

After mankind got into a cosmos, the jewelry industry became the public's profession, as long as canning find out raw material and own appropriate tool, the everyones can design the jewelry jewelry that oneself uses.Because the everyone appreciates beauty horizontal difference, the jewelry creates equally a height do not.

The precious stone incises instrument and jewelry to design an instrument, Lin Qi Yu also uses for the first time, he doesn't dare first time test with the star of Yun, then took a cake of top-class Yun jade, put to go into the machine hand of incising the instrument.

He starts to wear the virtual helmet of appropriation.

According to the shape of Yun jade, in the moment continue the jewelry of appearing various style, there is the jewelry style to incise into small piece to design behind among them, also have the whole piece of dozen forms after whetting of style, see Lin Qi Yu dazzling.For jewelry he has no concept, the feeling gives each virtual style of all good-looking in instrument.

Lin Qi Yu is lazy to choose, his choice slices Yun jade minutes to, create into 4 to inset a bracelet, three clausal chains hang to fall to, some small grains leaving did two rings.

In consideration of the factor that is hard, he uses the corpus material that the super metal alloy does jewelry, this material that is cheapest to also fructify most , canning promise to inset a thing can't shed off.Make sure well after, he took off helmet.

Once being certain, all work prefaces are automatically handled by the instrument from incising a dozen to whet a beginning, arrived super metal alloy to melt to model, all need not again worry, as long as waited finisheding product to come out, and need not cost very long-term, about also tenth, around hour.

After Lin Qi Yu finishes doing all these, wants to immediately sit down to a Yun health the life works properly bud, he holds the star of Yun to slowly sit to in the ground.

The life in the body's working properly bud has already drawn out three slices of tender shoot, the astral energy of Yun slowly integrates into Lin Qi Yu's life energy inside, originally some curls of tender shoot gradually unfold to open, three Cus can only order be rapidly compressed, a little ground to work properly bud to meet together.Beyond expression comfortable feeling is full of a heart, Lin Qi Yu almost the moan make a noise, too comfortable.

For body inside why will have already worked properly bud, Lin Qi Yu really thinks impassability, that is very true existence, although can not touch, he is really very clear, have this trick inside the body.

He is unique can guess, be work properly the bud constitutes to°from the energy, and owns strong vitality, can and the own life perfectly combine together.

Because the star energy of Yun sends forth, the gradual deeply drunk of Lin Qi Yu is among them.Time quietly passes away and waits while opening eyes, his designing good jewelry has already automatically processed to complete.Picked up a string of bracelet, Lin Qi Yu not from must marvel instrument to process of fine, the jewelry coming out than the conjecture is much beautiful.

Wear nine Yun jades of little finger head sizes on Zhui of bracelet, each Yun jade arranges according to the depth in color, from the light green until dark yellowish green color send forth green under the shining in glory of light.The color of super metal alloy can dispense, the color of this bracelet is silver white to mix up with several silk golds line, seem to be a stylish abnormality.

The ring is easy, this is the ring of two per rightness, the shape simple Jing does, two dolphins for visiting start to stir a whirlpool, the whirlpool Qian wears the Yun jades of deep green and design very simple and direct clearly quick.

Lin Qi Yu discovers an important problem, as long as being the person who owns life energy, can realize an oneself the star of Yun in the body, it sends forth of energy who can examine closely.

He knows it in heart, this trick is very precious, can not make people easily discover.Considered for a long time, he started to wear virtual helmet and put the star of Yun into an instrument inside.

His plan the star penny of this Yun is two, make into a rightness of arms Chuan.

Want to look for metal that can shield the star of Yun to outwardly send forth motion first, let the motion change direction inner part to send forth, in order to absorb energy at oneself.

He seeks some materials that have been already known first to carry on a test and all eliminates as a result, having no a kind of material can cover the astral motions of Yun.

Immediately after tested some few materials of usages again, soon and thoroughly disappoint at him


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